My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 502 I will come with you. (Please subscribe!)

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!How can people's words be as believable as possible?

Trust, or engage in a certain "confusion".

This way of confusing may come from psychology, or perhaps, drugs.

Chen Heping picked up the wine glass in front of Zhou Quan, smelled it, and showed a little disgust on his face:

"Old Zhou, if it weren't for this thing, our class wouldn't be the only one left with us."

"Yes, if we hadn't been curious about the technology and formula in that village, it wouldn't be enough."

Now that the two have exchanged information, they naturally know what happened in the first place, and then look at Zhou Quan’s "Cultivation World APP", which can further prove the existence of a mysterious world——

"Lao Zhang, you can no longer prepare this medicine. This medicine is hallucinogenic! It is illegal."

"Military officer, you can't talk nonsense, we are not the kind from outside, we are the divine treasure made by ancient methods, and it won't be useful without matching techniques."

"Divine treasure?"

"Yes, it's a magical treasure. We all use ordinary herbs to reconcile and neutralize the divine nature. The magical treasure is really not the kind of harmful thing outside in entertainment venues!"

"In that case, let's take your thing first, and take it back for testing."

"Yes, yes, take away, take it back to the laboratory, and explain it with science. We are definitely great people."


"Lao Zhang, the experts have analyzed it, your medicine really does not have any harmful ingredients."

"That is, our village is old. No matter how the dynasties outside change, it will not have any impact on us. We are blessed by the ancient gods. No, no, we cannot say that it is ancient now. God, it should be said that there is... the ancestor's blessing."

"..., we don’t need to be so serious when we talk privately. Mr. Zhang, I heard from the experts, this medicine...oh, oh, you god treasure, when I listen to the experts in small talks , This can that."

"That is! Of course it can be that! The ancient gods bless us! The first thing we must bless is that we can continue to reproduce. If there is reproduction, then there will be life, right?"


"Lao Zhang, ask you a question, can you sell me some of your divine treasure?"

"Why do you want this?... Hehe, I understand, I understand. Then, give it to you, give it to you now, use it well, choose the right time, you can definitely get pregnant, it is not guaranteed whether it is a man or a woman. ."

"I understand, this is definitely not guaranteed, believe in science!"


"Lao Zhang, have you ever considered to develop your sacred treasure into an industry? Your village is now so dilapidated and needs development."

"Military officer, our god treasure cannot be mass-produced. This is a gift from the ancient gods of our village. It is not the kind of medicine that can be mass-produced... Don't be so disbelief. If you don't believe me, I will take you there. Take a look."

"No way, it's the secret of your village. I'm not an outsider to watch."

"Go, go, this is not what I meant by myself. Our ancient gods said that the people in our village have no spirituality and are attracted by the money and things outside. Only you. It seems that there is nothing too much. If you care about money, you can craft."


"It's necessary, take a look."


"Where did the blood come from!!! You, you committed a crime. How can you laugh so happily!"

"Of course, of course I am happy. The ancient gods have inheritors. Of course they are happy. The ancient gods can finally go out. I, we, are very happy, very happy."

"Hey! What are you doing, put the knife down, say it well, say it well, put the knife down."

"How can I let it go? The ancient god's power is on my body now. He needs to leave... I'm here!"


"Hey, hello! Hold on, hold on, the hospital is in front, Mr. Zhang, hold on." Zhongyuan Book Bar

"Doctor, is he still saved?"

"Are you looking for us holding a skeleton? Are you making us happy?"



"Squad leader, where have you been during this time? I haven't seen you for a few days. We are looking for you all over the mountains. Why did you come to the hospital all by one while holding a skeleton?"

"I, am I missing?"

"Yeah, you are missing. You didn't come back on time. We went to find you, but there was no way to find you. Did you encounter something? We did not find you based on your traces of mountain patrols. By the way, don't tell me the matter first, go talk to the political commissar."


"Squad leader, what did you say to the political commissar, why do we have to guard this place at night?"

"This is a secret."

"Is it confidential or top secret?"

"This is not clear, don't inquire, just complete the task and obey the order."



"So, why did the'pants' go in at the beginning, and why are you all stuck behind?"

"I don't know, you ask me now, I am still the same as I said back then, I really didn't know why I went in."

Zhou Minglong took a sip of the wine that was about to overflow, and the redness of his cheeks seemed to be deeper: "I only know that since then, I have changed. Brothers can't rest in peace. They are all in my legs. According to Xiaoquan’s app, it should have been sealed."

Chen Heping glanced at Zhou Quan, then at Zhou Minglong, and said with a weird look: "You seem to be a strange person to Xiao Quan, and there seems to be no surprise."

"Of course not." Zhou Minglong picked up the bottle and slammed it heavily on the ground.

The wine bottle shattered...

"what are you doing!"

Chen Heping pulled Zhou Quan who had fallen asleep, stood in front of Zhou Minglong, and shouted:

"Your mother, drinking crazy!"

"I'm not crazy." Zhou Minglong limped to the front of Chen Heping, his eyes were bloodshot, staring at him, "You know? Back then, I was not the one chosen by that ancient god. ."


"It was him who was chosen."

Zhou Minglong looked at Zhou Quan with complicated eyes and trembling voice:

"The ancient god said that when my child reaches adulthood, he will become his carrier. I, I thought what he said was false. I didn't expect it to be true. Old Chen, do you know? When I saw my child, I was betting that he would not become the carrier of those ancient gods when he became an adult.

If he does not change, however, I will investigate the cause of death of our brothers, find the real murderer, and seek justice for the brothers.

Do you know how happy I was when he had his birthday and there was no change? The knife I used to cut the cake that day was a real knife!

However, he has changed!

Old Chen, you let go!You get out, I want to avenge my brothers."

Chen Heping's expression was in a trance, Zhou Minglong pushed him away.

Zhou Minglong's hands are shaking, but...very steady. He has been mentally building for many years and many years...

"I, will come to accompany you, blame me and father."

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