My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 503 When happiness comes... hit the door. (4k today, please subscribe!)

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Although it is very impolite, immoral and illegal to enter directly without knocking on the door and with the permission of the "host's".

Even if this "host's house" is a box...

However, it is urgent to follow the authority, and there must be some...excuses.

Jiang Shouzheng turned around and glanced, his mana clone had already stopped the bottle that was about to be pierced down.

Because the distance between the two is very close, it is not very difficult to think synchronously.

Judging from the face of this person, it is a bit similar to Zhou Quan, combined with the information Jiang Shouhui gave herself...

So, Zhou Quan's father not only had a problem with his legs, but also... a brain disease?!

Under Jiang Shouzheng's perception, Zhou Quan's father's legs were completely abolished. Like the legs on the corpse, there was no activity at all, but what supported him to continue walking was the ghosts that filled it.

This is a very wonderful symbiosis state.

Perceive it slightly, the thoughts of these ghosts are very single-

'Squad leader, run!!!'

'Squad leader, live!!!'


This kind of symbiosis will live a long time.

If according to Zhou Quan's statement, regardless of the disregard of the spirit, then his father does not need to go to the hospital to see a doctor. It may be faster to get in a wheelchair directly, so he does not know whether to amputate his limbs...

The thoughts in his mind flashed by, pain and madness flashed in Zhou Minglong's eyes, and his expression became hideous and terrifying, and the entanglement he had just cast had disappeared.

"Hahahaha, are you an ancient god?!"

Zhou Minglong had just pierced him, and he seemed to be pushing hard, and there was a sound of breaking through the air, which made Jiang Shouzheng "feel" Zhou Quan's life in danger!

However, he still kept his hand.

As an excellent veteran, he can control himself and take him back when he does not endanger his son's life.

Although it will cause great pain to the body of his son, it is only temporary. As long as he seeks medical treatment in time, there is a chance, and a great opportunity, to let his son survive.

This is training day after day, and he has confidence in himself after ten years of training.

When things get the worst, there is always a little hope in people's hearts.

But the turquoise figure that appeared in front of him was transparent. At first glance, it was not a serious, normal, and noble-looking humanoid. It was in line with my many years of fantasy of "ancient gods"!

In their own fantasy, the ancient gods are like this, mysterious, seeming noble, with a certain deceptiveness and deceptiveness, making people willingly sacrifice their lives!

...Really, my son was really given as a carrier by that ancient god.

Can't stay.

This is no longer his own son.

Now, maybe part of it is still, but sooner or later it will not!

Zhou Minglong and the ancient god faced each other once, and they didn't even see each other's face. Only the constant pressure and fear made him kneel down!

Zhou Minglong's eyes widened, he was prepared for this situation, or in other words, always prepared!

At the moment when the bottle was blocked, he let go without hesitation, and took out a spray can from his pocket!

This was designed by a manufacturer, and he pressed it hard.

First, there was a thick yellow mist with a strong smell of urine;

Then a light red mist sprayed out, a bloody breath;

Then, white mist appeared again, with a pungent sensation that made people cry;

Finally, another light red mist sprayed out, still a strong smell of blood!

"Boy urine, black dog blood, onion water, cockscomb blood, there is always one suitable for you!"

Unfortunately, the idea is beautiful, the reality is cruel.17 novels

These mists, as they approached the cyan-like figure, were all isolated, and then gathered into four groups of liquid.

A flame without a root and a source burns in the air--


"Uncle, I think there may be some misunderstanding between us."

Jiang Shouzheng's mana clone opened his mouth, and his voice contained a sense of peace and obedience.

Zhou Minglong's fist that was originally shook forward was stopped abruptly, and then, click...

"Old Chen, run!"

Zhou Minglong's complexion turned blue all of a sudden, he held his waist and greeted Chen Heping.

At this moment, Chen Heping looked at the turquoise figure, how he looked, how familiar, plus some mysterious and mysterious guidance——




Outside the box, Chen Yuan leaned seriously, his brain was completely empty now, and all his consciousness was concentrated on his stomach.

'It's so full, not only I don't need to eat tomorrow, but probably the day after tomorrow, it's too much.'

When he thought of this, Chen Yuan looked at Jiang Shouzheng, who was still steadily picking up chopsticks and meat, then raised his head slightly and looked at Jiang Shouzheng's abdomen with no bulge. He was really convinced...

'Let Jiang Shouzheng take the video of the big stomach king. There is absolutely no need to edit, there is no waste of food, and it looks like a thief!Then... Be your own agent?'

Now Chen Yuan hasn't done one thing. What he will consider is...whether or not to make money, how to make money, how much money to make, whether or not to make money, and whether to make money.

I heard that a lot of money-making work has been written into the "Criminal Law". When Jiang Shouzheng and the others formally attend class, they still have to ask for advice.

But as Jiang Shouzheng's agent, there is no such risk at all!

Even if you don't engage in eating and broadcasting, you don't need to deliberately guide, Jiang Shouzheng himself has his own traffic.

Gao Yan, Xueba, just these two people set up, surely can eat many people!

The national college entrance examination champion, this name is perfect.

Plus the identity of a Taoist priest, wow, absolutely forbid that!

The orphans do that again, it's almost!

As an Internet celebrity, Jiang Shouzheng met the initial take-off conditions.

Even though Chen Yuan, who loves money, does not have specific figures on how big the dividends of the Internet celebrity economy is, there are still concepts.

In the later period, don't care about him, first make money and make a wave!

The more he thought about it, the more excited Chen Yuan felt, and he felt that his great future was already beckoning him. As long as he digging deep into Jiang Shouzheng and getting Jiang Shouzheng to cooperate and agree, he promised that he would never sell Jiang Shouzheng's news in the future.

Still have to teach others?How tired!

"Chen Yuan, why are you smiling so cheaply?" Lin Qingxian tapped the bowl with his chopsticks, attracting Chen Yuan's attention!

Stacks of money as high as a high school desk disappeared one by one in front of me...

"I just feel that you are spending money today. I am happily eating. Thanks to the boss, the boss is generous!" Chen Yuan arched his hands at Lin Qingxian, opened his eyes... said.



Lin Qingxian got up, filled the bowl that Chen Yuan had just eaten clean, and filled it with diced chicken: "You're welcome, even if you eat it, you don't have enough to serve it again. Anything will do. I don't need money.

"...I have a bad stomach." Chen Yuan didn't say this.

After looking stiff for a while, he picked up his chopsticks.

These chopsticks are so important.

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