My attributes have no limit

Chapter 702 Discuss countermeasures


As soon as Wang Qi finished speaking, everyone exclaimed.

"I used my spiritual power to control a monster, and now I am monitoring the monster's every move in the monster domain behind the transmission channel!"

"And the number of these first batch of monsters has reached tens of millions!"

Everyone is no longer surprised by Wang Qi's various mysterious methods.

And seeing Wang Qi's serious expression, he doesn't seem to be joking.

The people who were originally a little skeptical of what Wang Qi said finally realized the seriousness of the problem at this moment.

"Tens of millions of monsters, I don't know what the strongest monster is!"

"Although Yongfeng Town is constantly receiving survivors evacuated from various regions, according to incomplete statistics, there are only six or seven million!"

"And the strength is uneven!"

"I don't know if it can withstand it!"

He Xia had a bitter face, and the situation he was facing now made him feel powerless.

A good cook can't cook without rice. Yongfeng Town has a small number of people and low strength. Next, they will face a large number of monsters.

It's simply as difficult as ascending to heaven.

Even if he had fought with monsters all day in a certain war zone before, it was based on the situation that the number and strength of the two sides were similar.

Otherwise, it would not be a battle, but a suicide.

But the current situation does not allow them to have other choices. Many living areas around have been destroyed, and the remaining survivors have gathered together.

Even if they want to evacuate, He Xia can no longer imagine which direction to evacuate.

"According to my understanding, the strongest monster among them is only the general level!"

"But the number is probably hundreds of thousands!"

"The other levels of monsters are countless!"

"As for those monsters who want to assassinate me, leave them all to me! No problem!"

Wang Qi thought about it and said.

At this moment, with his current strength, he has no pressure to deal with those so-called monster geniuses.

And what he is most worried about is the large number of ordinary monsters.

Now everyone present can not say that they will definitely survive, at least they have a certain ability to protect themselves.

But the other practitioners are not so lucky.

If it is not handled properly, the millions of people in Yongfeng Town may all be killed by the monsters.

"There is another problem. Although the survivors evacuated from other living areas have increased the population of Yongfeng Town!"

"But at the same time, when they evacuated, the monsters in the original living areas lost their targets!"

"Now they are gradually approaching Yongfeng Town!"

"We need to face more than just the transmission channel at the old site of Yongfeng Town!"

He Xia glanced at everyone and threw out a piece of news that was somewhat difficult to accept.

In the past few days, it has been obvious that there are more and more monsters wandering in the wilderness area near Yongfeng Town, and many of them appear as a whole tribe.

This is completely adding insult to injury.

However, at the same time, the harvest of monsters hunted by many practitioners has also increased exponentially.

Similarly, the number of deaths caused by hunting monsters has also skyrocketed.

If there is really a period of recuperation, with the help of Wang Qi, it is not impossible for Yongfeng Town to resist so many monsters.

But the problem now is that the monsters will not give them too much time.

"At most one week, if we don't speed up the speed of clearing and hunting monsters, Yongfeng Town will be surrounded by the remaining monsters in other living areas!"

"Attacked from both sides, Yongfeng Town can't resist at all!"

"Everyone, I don't think we should waste time here now!"

"And we need to study how to deal with those monsters as soon as possible!"

He Xia's tone was heavy. Even though he had participated in large-scale wars, he was just one of many human beings at that time.

Just follow military orders to fight.

But now they can be said to be the leaders of all humans in Yongfeng Town.

Need to carry firewood for everyone and steer the rudder for everyone.

But this kind of pressure made him a little breathless.


"I agree too!"

"Now we can only unite and concentrate all the forces we can use to have a chance to resist the brutal steps of the monsters!"

"Otherwise, a pile of scattered sand will fall without attack!"

Everyone also looked serious, and everyone knew the serious problems that Yongfeng Town was facing now.

Before leaving, He Xia told Wang Qi:

"I will go find Lao Yu first and contact the leaders of various forces in Yongfeng Town. Brother Wang Qi, gather at the Martial Arts Association in half an hour!"

"You must come!"

He Xia looked at Wang Qi with hopeful eyes.

After patting Wang Qi on the shoulder, he quickly turned around and left.

Looking at the people who were scattered, Wang Qi also felt an inexplicable sense of urgency in his heart.

Yongfeng Town cannot afford to lose!

It is not clear how the Beidou Chamber of Commerce and Beidou Martial Arts School are developing.

The system screen flashed with a thought.

"Ding, the number of monsters killed by the weapons belonging to the system has reached the standard!"

"Ding, the number of pills consumed has reached the standard!"

"Turn on the pill feedback function!"

"The upper limit of the reward critical hit has been increased! The maximum multiple of the current reward critical hit for all functions is 40 times!"

Not only that, the Beidou Martial Arts School now has nearly 100,000 registered students.

Looking at the curve of the number of registered students, there was a sudden blowout growth at a certain time today.

And this time was the time after Wang Qi fought with the dark bone Jin Yan in Yongfeng Town.

It seems that the situation at that time also inadvertently made a huge publicity for Beidou Martial Arts School.

The strong are always sought after.

The strength that Wang Qi burst out at that time, and the efforts to move the battle site to the outside world in order to protect many practitioners, such a move made many practitioners in Yongfeng Town feel even more moved.

In addition, after the aftermath of the battle, Ma Jie and others tried their best to rescue.

It also left a very good impression on Beidou Martial Arts School among many practitioners.

If it weren't for the fact that the address of the martial arts school was in the wilderness area, many people were a little worried about their own safety and it was difficult to decide whether to join for a while.

Otherwise, there would be more registered students in Beidou Martial Arts School.

Not only that, the progress of Beidou Chamber of Commerce was also rapid.

In a short period of time, more than a dozen branches were added again.

It can be said that the entire Yongfeng Town's elixir market has been monopolized.

After all, no one will not dislike something of good quality and low price.

This also caused the number of elixir consumption to increase rapidly, reaching the number of elixir feedback functions.

From now on, it means that as long as Wang Qi has any kind of elixir, he can use it inexhaustibly.

The more he uses, the more he can supply a large number of practitioners.

Otherwise, even if he has the Tianxing Atlas, it will be difficult to bear such a huge supply of elixir in the long run.

If it is just the lowest-level Jingxue Dan, it will be fine, but with the improvement of strength, the elixir required is not just Jingxue Dan.

Everything is moving in a good direction, and what is most lacking now is time!

Thinking of this, Wang Qi couldn't help but cast his eyes in the direction of the wilderness area.

That is the secret realm that Liang Yue and the others accidentally found before!

The slow flow of time in the secret realm is what he needs most.

One hundred thousand students, plus an unlimited supply of elixirs.

If it is not enough, add the power transmission.

It should be possible to create a group of powerful practitioners in a very short time.

Wang Qi's eyes flickered, and a somewhat bold plan emerged in his mind.

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