My attributes have no limit

Chapter 703 Discussing countermeasures 2

Beidou Martial Arts School

Wang Qi, hovering over the martial arts school, looked at the already slightly crowded places.

His thoughts became more and more firm.

Conference hall.

Wang Qi sat in the main seat, and Ma Jie and others also arrived one after another.

When everyone was seated.

Wang Qi spoke first: "I'll make it short for everyone to come here today!"

"First, all the staff of the martial arts school are in emergency combat readiness! Be ready to fight at any time!"


While speaking, Wang Qi paused for a moment, stretched out his hand and tapped the conference round table in front of him several times.

A virtual projection appeared in front of everyone.

The screen simply marked the general situation of the area of ​​dozens of miles around Beidou Martial Arts School.

Although the road was flat, the dense and flashing red dots on the screen indicated that more and more monsters had gathered around Beidou Martial Arts School.

Then Wang Qi stretched out his hand and marked a place not far from the martial arts school on the screen.

"I hope to expand the scope of the martial arts school to here in the shortest possible time."

"Before the expansion, all the monsters nearby must be cleared!"

"Our martial arts school will be the first line of defense against monster attacks in the near future!"

And the location Wang Qi pointed out was exactly the location of the secret realm.

Although everyone had doubts in their hearts, they did not ask much. The expansion of the martial arts school was imperative, but no matter which direction, Wang Qi could point it out in person, which must be his idea.

"Unlimited supply of various elixirs, various weapons and equipment!"

"Even advance payment is no problem!"

"Also, notify everyone if they want to withdraw, then do it as soon as possible!"

"If you run away again when the war starts, it will affect the overall situation, and you will be dealt with seriously at that time!"

After speaking, Wang Qi looked around at everyone sitting there.

"I hope to improve the combat effectiveness of the martial arts school as quickly as possible, so that we can guarantee the maximum manpower under the next wave of monsters!"

"Please teach me everything you know!"

Although these people's strength has not yet returned to the peak, Wang Qi believes that these people have more knowledge in their minds than others.

Ma Jie and others heard Wang Qi's request.

They also nodded quickly.

At such a critical moment, even if Wang Qi didn't say it, they would do their best to improve their own combat effectiveness with those in the martial arts school.

Every human race is a force against monsters.

"Don't worry, principal!"

"Hunting monsters is already commonplace!"

"I will never embarrass you!"

"This time, Beidou Martial Arts School will become the most dazzling in Yongfeng Town!"

The recent period of getting along has made Wang Qi understand a lot about these subordinates who have been following his mother.

They cooperate with each other even more handy.

The other party's experience, broad vision, and rich experience all make Wang Qi admire.

The martial arts school really saves a lot of things with their help.

"The time is too tight this time, but I hope everyone will not worry!"

"We still have a chance. There is a secret realm that I accidentally discovered at the place I marked!"

"The time flow is slow, which can provide us with enough time!"

"So I hope that the expansion speed will be as fast as possible!"

As soon as these words came out, Ma Jie and others looked at Wang Qi with some incredible eyes.

Secret realm?

It actually appeared in such a remote place.

And more importantly, it actually encountered a secret realm with some differences in time flow.

Even if there are no resources in this secret realm, the time difference between the inside and the outside is enough to crush many secret realms.

"Principal, are you sure?"

"The value of this secret realm is already inestimable! If you rely on this secret realm, you can completely create an extremely powerful force!"

Wang Qi nodded.

"To be precise, this secret realm was discovered by Liang Yue,"

"We both tested the speed of time flow in it, and the difference is about 30 times, one month in the secret realm, one day in the outside world!"

"But the specific situation is still unclear. At that time, the two of us only entered the secret realm and explored a very small area!"

"It is more than enough to accommodate the people in the martial arts school now!"

After Wang Qi finished speaking, everyone present looked at each other for a while.

With mixed feelings in their hearts, this secret realm would be of great help whether facing the next monster beast or restoring their own strength.

But what touched them even more was that Wang Qi actually told them such an important thing.

This heavy trust brought them closer.

In a trance, Wang Qi's face seemed to have turned into another very familiar face.

At the same time, Wang Qi also began to communicate with the monster he controlled in the depths of his mind.

If the specific time of the monster beast's attack could be obtained, then there would be more adequate preparation for dealing with it.

"What's the situation?"

"Are there any unusual movements in the demon beast army?"

At this moment, a demon beast flashed by on a towering tree far away in the demon domain.


"Reporting to the master, the demon beast army is almost assembled, but has not received the order to march!"

"I don't know what's going on!"

Wang Qi's heart sank slightly. This situation is actually a bit bad.

There was no way to predict the movement of the monster, so he couldn't take any countermeasures here.

"Continue to monitor, and report to me as soon as there is any movement!"

Wang Qi cut off the connection with the monster, and then quickly deduced the countermeasures in his mind.


"Everyone, notify all martial arts school students in the next period of time, and all go out to clear the monsters around the martial arts school!"

"All resource rewards will be doubled!"

"In addition, while the martial arts school is expanding, increase the construction of fortifications!"

"Be sure to clear the surrounding monsters after expanding to the secret realm!"

"The position here cannot be lost. This is our first level to deal with monsters!"

After Wang Qi's order was issued, everyone quickly left to execute it.

In order to stimulate everyone's enthusiasm for practicing and hunting monsters, doubling the reward resources is not too difficult for Wang Qi.

Wang Qi has also thought about taking all the students to the secret realm now to improve their strength as quickly as possible.

But if this is the case, the newly established martial arts school will be quickly destroyed by the monsters gathered nearby.

In this way, in the subsequent battles, there is no way to play the important role of rest and supply.

Pulling the battle line directly to Yongfeng Town will bring greater losses.

Moreover, the existence of the secret realm is not accessible to ordinary students.

This time, if it is not a last resort, Wang Qi will not let them have the opportunity to approach, let alone enter it to practice.

Only when their strength reaches a certain level and they are absolutely loyal to Beidou Martial Arts School, they will have the opportunity to get in touch with the secret realm.

"Now we have to go to the secret realm first!"

Nearly 100,000 people, although they only need to practice, the space required is not small.

If everything in the secret realm is not prepared in advance, I am afraid there will be a lot of trouble in the end. .

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