My attributes have no limit

Chapter 764: A visitor from the military 4

Looking at Xia Yixin's profile, the feeling of familiarity became more and more obvious.

He still clearly remembered that when Teacher Xia Yiyue was teaching him, most of the time he saw the other person's profile.

So the memory is very deep.

The group of people marched toward Yongfeng Town in a mighty manner, but still did not see any monsters wherever they passed.

This situation made everyone couldn't help but murmur secretly.

Is it possible that there are no monsters to kill this time?

The team moved extremely quickly, and the living area of ​​Yongfeng Town gradually appeared in everyone's sight.

"You are quite fast!"

Xia Yixin was hanging in the air, looking down at the situation in Yongfeng Town.

This monster attack caused great impact and losses throughout the human territory.

Coupled with the expansion of the planet, many living areas are still in dire straits.

She also learned a lot of information in the war zone.

Among the same town-level living areas, there are really few like Yongfeng Town.

At this moment, Yongfeng Town is still expanding outward in addition to the areas that have been put into use.


He Xia reminded the people behind him, and then controlled his body to slowly fall.

Looking at the entrance of Yongfeng Town where people were coming and going not far away, He Xia's face did not hide his proud look.

"Captain Xia, let the other brothers enter Yongfeng Town together. There is still a lot of free space in the newly expanded living area!"

"It can be accommodated completely!"

When everyone stopped, He Xia was the first to speak.

He knew the rules of the military very well. In a situation like this, Xia Yixin would probably have the troops behind him stationed outside the living area.

So as not to disturb the order of the living area.

But in his opinion, it doesn't have to be so harsh.

There are already strict military regulations to restrict these practitioners, so even if they enter the living area, they will not cause any problems.

After spending a long time in the war zone fighting monsters, it is a very good choice to relax in the living area.

From his perspective, he understands these people in the military very well.

As soon as He Xia said this, the entire team immediately looked at him with admiration.

They can't say this kind of thing themselves, otherwise they will be scolded again.

But He Xia is different.

Xia Yixin's face was dull and silent, and her silence made everyone unable to figure out what she was thinking.

Although only for a few seconds.

But Xia Yixin's appearance has frightened many practitioners.

Xia Hang, who was behind her, saw this and whispered: "How about we rest outside the living area, battalion commander!"

According to the strict requirements in the war zone, He Xia's proposal just now is likely to be killed.

Just when everyone had given up hope, Xia Yixin suddenly said:

"Just do what Mayor He said!"

As soon as she said this, the hundreds of thousands of cultivators behind her suddenly turned red with excitement.

But no one made a sound or moved.

Such powerful control is amazing.

"Yes! Battalion Commander!" Xia Hang suddenly gave a military salute.

Then he turned around and looked at the hundred thousand brothers behind him, Dasheng shouted.

"Everyone gave me a bright spot in my eyes. I can't forgive you for losing everyone!"


The roars that shook the sky could not express the joy in the hearts of these cultivators.

"Captain Xia, this is the map of Yongfeng Town!"

"I have marked the area for everyone to rest!"

"You can move in at any time!"

He Xia said.

“During post-disaster reconstruction, many facilities have not been improved in time, so please don’t mind!”

To be honest, He Xia also has a lot of selfish motives in his heart.

With so many cultivators supported by the military, as long as they can stay in Yongfeng Town for a while, it will be extremely important to the development of Yongfeng Town as a whole.

With them, the overall strength of Yongfeng Town can now be regarded as the first town under the county-level living area.

Even though they would leave soon after completing their mission, it was enough for He Xia.

Xia Hang smiled and patted He Xia on the shoulder.

"It's okay, Mayor He!"

Then he secretly glanced at his battalion commander with his peripheral vision, turned his back and stood beside He Xia, stretched out his thumb, and his face was filled with expressions of appreciation.

The two looked at each other and smiled.


That must be!

You still understand, brothers.

Hey hey hey!

It feels a bit like meeting each other too late.

After arranging the next thing, Xia Hang took another captain and followed Xia Yixin's footsteps and entered Yongfeng Town first under the leadership of He Xia.

There is a lively and peaceful atmosphere in Yongfeng Town at this moment.

Many practitioners are celebrating the crisis they have overcome.

The broad streets were bustling with people, and the shops everywhere were overcrowded.

Xia Yixin put away the battle armor she was wearing outside, and she looked eye-catching in her regular clothes.

Looking at the practitioners in Yongfeng Town, her eyes showed a little curiosity.

This is a mere town-level living area, but many practitioners with low levels of strength have impressive backgrounds.

The Qi and blood are strong and the face is radiant.

This is completely unlike what a living area that has just experienced a monster attack would show.

It's not like a state that can be cultivated in a town-level living area.

The group of people flashed and flew slowly at low altitude. Without staying in the living area for long, they soon arrived at the mayor's office under the leadership of He Xia.

Everyone sat down, and He Xia was the first to speak:

"Captain Xia, as you can see, Yongfeng Town has now gained a short-term stability!"

"Next, we are also planning to organize people to move towards the surrounding living areas that have been occupied and recapture the places occupied by the monsters!"

"Clean up the monsters to ensure longer-term safety."

"Now that you are here, we will follow your arrangements in the future actions!!"

He Xia looked at this amazing battalion commander and put himself in a very low position in his words.

Although he is a mayor, his strength and position are far different from Xia Yixin.

A strong man at the peak of the martial arts sect, plus the position of the battalion commander of the military department, even in the county-level living area, he is one of the few people standing at the top.

Xia Yixin nodded. She saw the situation in Yongfeng Town with her own eyes and had no doubts about it.

They came here to maintain the stability and safety of the rear living area.

"You did a good job."

"In addition, I received news that a lot of demon clan geniuses were mobilized within the demon clan, and their target seems to be Yongfeng Town!"

"Hundreds of demon clan geniuses at the peak of martial arts! Their strength is far beyond the reach of ordinary monsters!"

"How many martial arts generals and practitioners above martial arts generals are there in Yongfeng Town now?"

Let's not talk about the threat these demon clan geniuses bring to Yongfeng Town.

Just the massive amount of martial arts generals-level monsters are not something that the town-level living area can resist.

Entering Yongfeng Town, most of the practitioners seen are not very strong.

This made Xia Yixin wonder again, how did Yongfeng Town clean up these monsters.

He Xia heard this, and a trace of embarrassment flashed across his face.

He glanced at Wang Qi beside him, and the strongest player in Yongfeng Town was right next to him.

And those demon clan geniuses at the peak of martial arts generals seemed to have been killed by Wang Qi not long ago.

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