My attributes have no limit

Chapter 765: A visitor from the military 5

But now it seems that the news from Camp Director Xia is lagging behind.

"Now, we can count the martial commander-level cultivators in Yongfeng Town on one hand, and there are still quite a few general-level cultivators, probably tens of thousands of them!"

He Xia thought for a while but did not come up with a very clear number.

"These days, survivors from other living areas are constantly being evacuated to our side."

"There are also cultivators who left Yongfeng Town!"

"So this specific number is still changing."

A somewhat awkward smile appeared on his face, and He Xia was careless about this matter.

"Ten thousand people?"

Xia Yixin's imperceptible eyebrows frowned slightly, a look of suspicion flashed in her eyes, but she quickly suppressed it and looked at He Xia.

Putting down the water glass in her hand, she pretended to be impressed and said:

"It's really rare for you to have so many generals in a town-level living area!"

“It’s no wonder the living quarters were rebuilt in such a short time.”

He Xia sneered. Only they knew the reason for this, and 90% of the general-level practitioners came from the Beidou Martial Arts School.

The rest of the military commander-level practitioners are far from reaching the peak of military commanders.

Including the military commander-level practitioners who were evacuated here from other living areas, their strength and number are less than a fraction of those of Beidou Martial Arts School.

Xia Yixin looked at He Xia's appearance and guessed that Mayor He seemed to be hiding something.

Moreover, the current structure of Yongfeng Town is very unreasonable. How could there be only a few military commanders among tens of thousands of military commanders cultivators.

Such strength is of little use in the face of the monsters coming like a tide.

"in addition..."

He Xia was hesitant to speak. He wanted to tell the commander of the summer camp who came to support him that all the hundreds of demon geniuses who were at the top of their martial arts ranks had died here.

He turned his head and looked at Wang Qi, wanting to ask for Wang Qi's opinion.

If the whole thing is revealed, Wang Qi's secret may be exposed.

He wasn't sure, and he didn't know exactly what Xia Yixin would do when faced with such a thing.

Wang Qi saw He Xia's eyes and understood what he meant. He nodded with a smile and said to He Xia:

"Let me tell you!"

Wang Qi looked in the direction of Xia Yixin: "Captain Xia, I am Wang Qi!"

"If these are the top martial arts geniuses you are worried about, then I can tell you that I have killed them all!"

While speaking, Wang Qi also waved his hand, and the scene of killing the demon clan geniuses not long ago appeared in front of everyone.

Not only that, under the control of Wang Qi's mental power, the genius killing orders of hundreds of demon clans were neatly placed on the table.

Xia Yixin's pupils shrank suddenly and she sat upright.

The monsters in the picture died tragically, with huge corpses scattered on the ground like hills.

That’s right!

From the size of these monsters and their appearance, as well as the armor they wore, and based on her experience, she could basically determine that these were the geniuses of the monster clan.

Coupled with the familiar genius killing order, Xia Yixin was shocked.

No wonder there were so many demon geniuses suddenly dispatched. It turned out to be because of the genius killing order.

This kind of thing often happens in war zones. Once some talented players appear in the human camp, the demon clan will also send out those talented players from the demon clan.

As a whetstone.

And she also had the same experience.

But she only faced a few geniuses from the demon race, and the genius killing orders seized in her hands were only three.

Now there were hundreds of genius killing orders neatly placed in front of her.

Although it is only the lowest level of military commander-level genius killing order.

But even so, this is an incredible achievement.

You must know that judging from the current situation, this young man named Wang Qi seized these by himself!

Facing hundreds of prodigies of the same level, he could still defeat them and kill them all. How powerful is Wang Qi now?

Although the facts were before her eyes, Xia Yixin asked again in disbelief, wanting to confirm again.

"One against a hundred?"

"Kill them all?"

Xia Yixin raised her head and looked at the young man with a resolute face in front of her.

His eyes were fixed on Wang Qi, trying to tell from his face what ability Wang Qi had that allowed him to have such a record.

She wanted to know how strong Wang Qi's talent was, so that the demon clan could directly send hundreds of geniuses.

On the other hand, Wang Qi's face was calm, and you could even see a little disdain and ridicule.

Recall the appearance of those monsters.

Wang Qi shook his head and said:

"The genius of the demon clan? These monsters are so weak that they can be called the genius!"

"You can't even block my blow!"



Is this still human language?

He Xia and He Xia gnashed their teeth and suppressed the anger in their hearts as they looked at Wang Qi.

The genius of the demon clan who is at the peak of martial arts is so powerful. To you, it's like chopping melons and vegetables.

Facing these demon clan geniuses, they can only be killed instantly.

If the teachers at the martial arts school hadn't been resisting, they would all have died long ago.

"It's a pity that there are too few people here. If more people could come, it would be pretty good!"

The only thing that makes Wang Qi regretful is the number of monsters. Now for him, he wants to increase his strength.

Whether it's the reward for killing or the attributes picked up, only those above the Wushuai level can barely see past it, and those at the Wuzong level are even better.

Just like the Xia Yixin in front of him, just one attribute drop has already made Wang Qi's strength soar.

If it hadn't been for the sudden changes in Yongfeng Town recently, I'm afraid I would have gone to a higher-end living area by now.

The strength doesn't stop there.

Such a confident look made Xia Yixin couldn't help but admire her secretly.


"I never expected that a small town like Yongfeng could have a genius like you!"

Not only her, but Xia Hang and another captain beside her also set their sights on Wang Qi.

Keep looking at it.

It's hard to believe how strong the young man in front of him is.

Even if the two of them face the demon genius of the same strength, it would not be a waste if they are one-on-one.

One-on-two is barely enough, but one-on-three has to do its best.

A pair of four had no choice but to escape.

There are so many demon clan prodigies, and if one person wants to kill them all, the previous strength gap between the two will be completely crushing.

And this Wang Qi was actually able to kill all these demon clan geniuses by himself.

It's simply appalling.

"Is there a transmission channel for the demon realm in the old site of Yongfeng Town?"

"How is the situation over there now?"

As she spoke, Xia Yixin turned her head and looked at He Xia.

Xia Yixin's question once again made He Xia and Wang Qi look at each other.

It seems that the other party's message channel is very powerful, and even the transmission channel at the old site of Yongfeng Town is clear.

Wang Qi pondered for a moment, thinking about the current situation.

Camp Commander Xia was well-informed, especially the changes that occurred during the monster attack. He seemed to be very aware of it.

In this way, he needs to find a way to hide the fact that the Demon Realm is in his pocket.

Not only that, as long as the other party is in Yongfeng Town, the situation of the Beidou Martial Arts School and the Beidou Chamber of Commerce will probably be spread to her ears soon.

Before He Xia could speak, Wang Qi took the lead.

"The transmission channel there has been reduced many times, and basically no monsters appear!"

"It's safe!"

If necessary, Wang Qi has already planned to use the core of space to open the entrance to the Demon Realm again.

Then from time to time, some monsters will appear.

Restore the previous situation.

"Then according to what you say, so many of us have nothing to do when we come to Yongfeng Town?"

Xia Yixin chuckled.

Then he glanced at Xia Hang, who was sitting beside him, and gave him a look. Xia Hang quickly controlled his communicator.

Orders were sent out one after another.

Seeing this, He Xia quickly said: "Camp Commander Xia, I have arranged for my brothers to investigate the distribution of monsters in the surrounding living areas!"

"I'll be back soon, and I'll have to rely on you to take action then."

Upon seeing this, Wang Qi secretly controlled his space core and reconstructed the transmission channel before the demon domain at the old site of Yongfeng Town.

It's just that it's several times smaller than before.

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