My Atypical Wolf

Chapter 156 - Misery

Pain, anger and regret. They were one of the many emotions Warren experienced at this given moment. All Warren wanted at this very moment, was to die. At every other moment he only wished one thing, that he didn't leave for Los Angeles. 

He needed to buy a few things, and even if he could have them delivered to his doorstep, he thought it would be better to go out and get some fresh air. One of the very few terrible decisions he made in this life. 

He was sitting outside a local convenient store and munching on his noodles until this woman came and asked him for directions. When that woman failed to understand, he volunteered to help her. He was headed on the same way, so it was beneficial to both of them.

A little while later she stopped following his instructions and took some surprising turns on the way. At first Warren was confused. The moment it hit him he was being abducted he tried to reason with the person. "What's going on? Where are you taking me?" He asked, raising his volume ten folds. 

He received nothing but silence as his answer, so he tried to scream his lungs out. Unfortunately they were at an empty road making it hard for his voice to make any difference. He was even willing to jump out of this running car if the car wasn't going at the speed of 90miles per hour. How was it even allowed on this road? Where were the cops when you needed them the most?

He realised he was doomed, but he tried to figure out the exact intentions of this lady. His very first guess was that she wanted to rob him. That was ridiculous in one aspect, given he didn't carry a lot of money, however there was no way this woman could have known it.

She finally stopped flying away her car, but the area was completely unknown to him. In the last one year he has been to the city, never had he ever been to this part of it. He didn't wait for her to say something, he unlocked the door and made a run for it.

He was away by a few yards when he came face to face with another person. From a distance, he thought he finally found some help, but when he was close enough he realized it was the same woman. 'Is she ghost'? Warren found himself wondering. 

He tried to run the other way, but like a gust of wind some movement happened next to him and soon she stood in front of him once more. The flashback of each and every horror movie he has watched till the day flashed in his mind. He enjoyed watching them, in fact, with the lights off. Never did he ever imagine those things could happen in reality. 

He was half assured that this was a part of some elaborate nightmare and had the urge to pinch himself. Somehow he failed to move his hands as he stared at the woman taking each step towards him. It was like he was paralyzed and the closer she got the harder it got to break free.

The infliction of pain to distinguish nightmare from reality graced him in a slightly different manner. Instead of a pinch he felt a sharp pricking pain in his pain to ensure that it was indeed a nightmare. And this nightmare was as real as he gets. 

He wanted to scream, or at least to wince in pain as he felt two large sharp things piercing the skin on his neck. Alas he simply stood still while the torture bestowed upon him. 

The pain was soon replaced by numbness followed by dizziness. He wasn't sure what was happening anymore and before he knew it everything turned dark. The last thing he heard was some sirens before he was engulfed into the darkness of a void. 

After a long time Warren finally found the ability to feel something, and that something was pain. It coupled nicely with his anger and regret as he failed to comprehend everything that was happening to him. 

How much of it was real? How much of it was fake? He couldn't tell. What he could tell however that there was a sharp excruciating pain spreading through every inch of his entire body. He struggled to move but even that hurt. 

When he finally opened his eyes, he saw nothing but darkness around him. How long was he out? He had no idea. He was simply in a dark area with nothing visible. He felt a sharp pain in his eyes and thus Warren closed his eyes instinctively. 

When finally the pain subsided a little bit he opened them. His vision felt blurry, but it was hard to tell amidst this darkness. Somehow after blinking more than twice he felt his vision become clearer. He noticed his surroundings and somehow he felt that he could visualize things much better. 

He seemed to be in some sort of weird Cabin, but the lack of coordinated movements from his body due the pain kept him restricted to his position while he was left wondering of his current status. With all the bodily pain, the feeling which overwhelmed him the most right now was misery. He was miserable and it just kept getting worse for him.

He wasn't how long he was here. He heard a few metals clunk together, some whispering noises but that were from a distance. But somehow it was hard to decipher what was real and what wasn't anymore. 

After what seemed like an eternity, it stopped. Everything stopped. The noises that were bothering him, the pain that consumed him even the husky noise of his own breath and the beating of his heart. Nothing happened. Was this it? Was he finally dead?

Before he could think further a sharp light hit his eyes making him snap his eyes shut. "I am sorry for your loss. He is here". He felt the curtain like thing which was above his head removed which until now he didn't realize was there.

He felt a hand on his neck and he jolted his eyes open. He saw an unknown nurse and the known face of his roommate next to her. "Ahhh!" She shrieked at her highest pitch and ran away from the room. Caleb himself stood wide eyed but somehow his response was much calmer. 

Looking around himself he realised he was in a morgue. Did the hospital presume he was dead? He wondered. Then how was he awake now? And if that's indeed a shocker then why was Caleb so calm when that nurse practically ran away? All these questions swarmed inside Warren's head. 

"What's going on"? In a groggy voice Warren asked.

"I...have no idea" Caleb mumbled.

"What are you doing here"? Warren asked him that instead.

"I was called from this hospital. Apparently you got into some kind of accident.  They said they found you in your car." Caleb mumbled. "I highly doubt that's the whole story. I am curious to know your side of the story".

"I don't have any. The accident seems plausible enough". Warren mumbled. 

"Really? You actually remember ramming into a tree"? Caleb asked.

"Sure". Warren mumbled. He was confused as it is and he was not into the mood for explaining himself. 

"Good because they didn't find your car ramming into a tree. There is clearly a different story from you". Caleb insisted. 

"My side of the story.. is way less believable." Warren insisted. 

"Try me"! Caleb challenged. Warren sighed and thus began recounting his tale. He tried to leave out some unbelievable details, but Caleb 7seemed way too persistent to let it go.

When Warren was done, he asked Caleb, "Well? Do you believe my story?" Warren was sure he would get no or some kind of sarcastic remark as an answer which is why despite what it looked like he failed to believe that the casual nod from Caleb was sincere. 

"Why? What do you think happened? Who attacked me"? Warren challenged. Caleb hesitated wondering if he was the right person to disclose everything. Warren deserved to know what happened to him more than anyone else, but unfortunately there was no _right_ way to say it. "Come on! Tell me" Warren insisted once more.

"It's...a little hard to explain." Caleb began.

"Well, I should sure hope so" Warren huffed. "Look, I don't understand what's wrong with me. Something feels very different, but I just don't know what it is" Warren took a deep breath. "I need to know. Please."

"I have a faint idea, what's wrong with you. But… I don't think I am the right person to explain everything." Caleb admitted honestly. 

"Why"? Warren.

"Cause I don't really have all the answers. But I know who might have". Caleb offered. 

"Then why are we here"? Warren's volume took a spike.


"Let's go"! He got down from the bed. He ran towards the door, but surprisingly he was at the door which was almost a 10feet away in a second. He stood there shocked and turned to Caleb who still seemed unbothered. "Is this….supposed to happen"? He asked, unsure.

"I think so. Like I said, I am very unclear about what is going on with you". Caleb answered him.

"Alright, let's get going" Warren mumbled and exited the door.

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