My Atypical Wolf

Chapter 157 - Werewolves And Vampires

Warren was highly skeptical when Caleb opened the door to their own room. Caleb said he wasn't aware of everything, and Warren himself had zero idea. Was he being tricked? He wondered. The opened door revealed two more people, whom he knew beforehand. 

"So...they know"? Warren couldn't help but ask.

"Yeah". Caleb shrugged. "Well, she does. " He pointed at Karolyn. 

Before he could take another step towards Karolyn, he could smell a weird smell coming off from her. It wasn't unpleasant, but it wasn't very expected either. It somehow triggered his emotions in a way he couldn't quite explain. 

"What is wrong with me"? He asked.

"Based on how you appear… I have to admit, you are a…" She hesitated. She looked around at Caleb and Ashton who themselves looked anxious. Their gazes were doubtful, but they were encouraging nonetheless. "A Vampire" she declared.

"What"? Warren blurted. It was evident Warren wasn't convinced. Karolyn sighed, expecting this reaction from him. The refusal to accept the existence of supernatural beings was one of the few things that helped them conceal their identities from humans. "Okay, now you are just pranking me" he scoffed.

"Why on earth would we do that?" Karolyn argued.

"Why not"? Warren argued back. "I am clearly having a bad day as it is, I don't need all of this".

Karolyn sighed. "Tell me something" she tried a different approach. "Does blood bother you"?

"No" Warren declared without skipping a beat. "I am a science student, I love bio. I don't think me seeing blood is something you have to be worried about"

"Good" She smirked. Taking a pocket knife out of her pocket she cut her skin deep enough to injure a tendon. 

While her face maintained its neutral gaze Warren's eyes widened. "Are f***ing crazy"? He shouted. "This is absurd" He mumbled. His gaze flickered quite a few times to the blood dripping of her forearm. Each time, his gaze lingered longer than the last time, as if it was hard to look away. 

He wanted to look at the blood, and possibly wanted something more. He couldn't decipher why he felt what he did, and the dry itchy feeling in his throat did not help him focus. "Let me drink this first" He took the bottle next to him and chugged down the almost ice cold water down his throat. His dryness of throat subsided for a while, but the itchy feeling remained as it was.

"No, this can't be it" Warren mumbled once he found himself actually considering Karolyn's words. She came closer to him, making him agitated further. "Stay away from me" He snarled at her. He was surprised by his own sudden outburst. He was generally a laid back guy, but somehow he felt… agitated.

"You still don't believe me"? She challenged him. He opened his mouth to protest but he couldn't think of a proper argument.

"Karolyn, calm down" Caleb instructed from the back. "He is overwhelmed as it is, maybe try a nicer approach" He suggested.

"Shut up"! She snapped back at Caleb before looking back at Warren. "He is a vampire whether he accepts it or not. This might be a lot for him, but this is how it is" She declared. Her voice seemed to quiver at the end, making Caleb suspicious of Karolyn's behaviour. 

Karolyn never liked Vampires as much, but now that her mate was one now, that too he turned into one after meeting her was making her crazy. If only she didn't wait long enough to disclose everything to Warren. She was frustrated with the way things turned out, but even more furious that she wasn't able to do anything. On some level, she believed that she was to be blamed as well.

"Why should I trust you?" Warren snapped. "I don't even know who you are," He declared.

"I am his friend" Karolyn pointed at Caleb, "I am also a werewolf. And I am someone who is supposed to not like vampires" She declared.

Both Caleb and Ashton's eyes widened at her abrupt revelation. Sure they were expecting this, but not in the way it was happening. Things were getting much more chaotic by the minute. "Now you are a werewolf?" Warren scoffed. "What kind of idiot do you take me for Miss 'Caleb's friend'" He asked her sarcastically.

"The one who thinks he is too smart but actually dumb guy with rigid beliefs" She spat back. She closed her eyes before her face started to morph into a furry thing which had countless dark grey, almost black, hair. Ashton was surprised to see her wolf colour so similar to his. Somehow seeing that made him a little bit jealous and a probable pout appeared on his face.

"Am I… still hallucinating"? Warren wondered out loud. Frustrated, Karolyn released a large grown making Warren stumble and fall back. Before she could transform both Caleb and Ashton held her back by putting their hand on her shoulder each.

"Will you calm down"! Caleb shouted. "You are going way too far".

"Karolyn" Ashton spoke in his Alpha voice, "Back off"! His voice had a commanding undertone that Karolyn found hard to defy. His voice was enough to make her stand back and shift into her original form, 

Caleb crouched down and looked at his roommate, "Look, I get this is confusing for you, and I wish I could help you like you did every time I had my heat. But I can't. This is happening, and you are becoming… you have become almost a vampire".

"Heat"? Both Karolyn and Warren asked him at the same time. Both were confused, but for opposite reasons. Caleb's eyes widened as he realised he accidentally let out his secret.

"Um...I" Caleb looked at Karolyn and Warren back and forth as he hesitated. His gaze shifted to Ashton who nodded at him, encouraging him to go ahead and tell them the truth. 

"Yeah, I have them." He looked at Karolyn, "I am… an omega" He admitted.

"I still don't understand" Warren mumbled, while Karolyn looked at him, agape. She swallowed before focusing her attention on Warren. This tiny revelation had distracted her enough, and now she wasn't sure anymore what to do.

"This is much more complicated," Caleb explained to Warren. "All I can tell you is that I am a werewolf as well, and… so is Ashton" He admitted with an awkward smile. 

"So… you're telling me I have been living with a werewolf for the past year?" He asked carefully. Caleb nodded at him awkwardly. "Wow" he mumbled after a moment. Warren was relieved, confused and scared.

Even if he believed he was a Vampire now, it didn't solve his problem. It gave him more questions than he had before. What did it mean for him now? Would he become a killer? Would he need blood to stay alive? Would the sun burn him? Would he have to cut classes since it's in the daylight? Would he be able to see his family without killing them? Stuff like that.

Seeing the dilemma on his face Caleb offered, "Look, I know it's confusing right now, but we got you. We will help you through it" 

"How"? Warren asked. "You all are werewolves right? If this crazy lady is right.." He pointed at Karolyn earning an eye roll from her "...then we are supposed to hate each other".

"Well..."Caleb chuckled, "I am known for not being the way I am supposed to be" he smirked. Warren raised his eyebrow unsure of what Caleb was implying but Caleb simply shook his head to let this one go.

"So…" Warren trailed off, "What am I supposed to do"? He asked.

"You want to be a vampire?" Karolyn asked. 

"Do I have a choice?" Warren asked. 

Karolyn went quiet for a few seconds before she replied, "No".

"Well, then I guess, I will be a Vampire" Warren shrugged. "Why cry over something that's not under my control. Life is messy enough without making it harder for myself".

Karolyn blinked at his words realising that maybe she was more affected than he was. Sure she was angry, but her anger won't solve anything. No Matter how much she hated the way these events turned out to be, she had no choice. She needed to accept it. But the question still remains, can she be okay with having a mate now who was a vampire? She wondered.

"Well"? Warren asked her when she didn't respond. That's when Karolyn realised that she was staring at him blatantly.

"Well, you need to complete your transition" She declared.

"Right, you mentioned I am almost a Vampire" He glanced at Caleb for a second. "So… I am not a vampire yet"?

"No". Karolyn shook her head, "But you are too far along your transition to revert you back to your human form" She informed.

"And… exactly what triggered my transition?" Warren asked.

"Residual venom. I assume someone was feeding from you, but forgot to ensure you had no venom in your system" Karolyn explained.

"Okay…" He nodded. "And, how will my transition be completed"? Warren questioned further.

Karolyn took a deep breath before declaring, "Feeding"

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