My Atypical Wolf

Chapter 158 - Transition Complete

"You don't mean I have to drink blood now do you"? Warren asked carefully. 

"Why? You said blood doesn't bother you"? Karen raised her eyebrow with a tiny smirk. 

"Neither does a truck! Doesn't mean I go ahead and eat it"! Warren cringed. 

"Well, you gotta drink blood". Karolyn shrugged. "Also, Human blood. Any other blood won't do"

"What"?! Warren shouted! "I can't hurt another human being. I… Let's go look for a blood bank"! Warren suggested. 

"Nope" Karolyn said flatly. 

"Why not"?! Warren shrieked.

"Blood banks have frozen blood, you need the warm kind… to take effect". She smirked. 

"But I…" He hesitated. "I can't kill a human".

"You don't have to kill anyone. Just a sip is enough". She shrugged. 

"What about vampire venom then? Doesn't half kill cause them to turn into vampires".

"Okay, first of all, residual venom is not the same as half kill. What happened with you is a bit different. In a hurry that vampire forgot to clean your bite mark. That's why… this happened to you". She informed him. 

"Okay… but I dunno how to properly clean a bite mark", Warren pointed out. 

"Which brings me to my second point." She sighed. "You don't have any venom. You can't have it until you complete your transition". She declared. 

"Oh" Warren jolted. "Okay" He seemed visibly amused and relieved at the same time. 

"Well…" Karolyn cleared her throat. "You are good to go".

"Okay.." Warren mumbled. Both Warren and Karolyn stared at various things while glancing at each other from time to time, meanwhile Ashton and Caleb looked at each other wondering what these two were waiting for. 

"You need something"? Caleb couldn't help but ask. Ashton suppressed a chuckle and cleared his throat instead. 

"Warren, whom do you hate the most"? Ashton asked.

"Wait, I know this one" Caleb prompted, earning amazed glances from the trio. "This professor… who got into your bad side. What was his name…" He tried to think deeply.

"Professor McCain"? Warren recalled.

"Yes"! Caleb exclaimed.

"NO"! Karolyn shouted. "You hate professor McCain? He is the best"!

"I don't hate him. He hates me"! Warren clarified loudly.

"Well, I am not letting you suck his blood" Karolyn argued.

"I wasn't going to. I don't want to give him another reason to lower my grades! I might as well not undergo this transition and die", Warren huffed.

"No"! Karolyn shouted once more, earning a surprised gaze from Warren. "We will find someone. Let's go" She grabbed his shirt and pulled him out of that room.

"These two can't even agree on the simplest thing, how are the gonna date in future"? Caleb mumbled.

"And now you can see why I am not so fond of fated mates stuff." Ashton added.

"You and me both brother" Caleb mumbled.

"Should we follow them"? Ashton asked peeking outside the door.

"I dunno" Caleb shrugged. "I kind of want to ensure his safety, but he is Karolyn's mate… and I… well" He sighed. "I don't wanna watch him feed."

"I feel ya" Ashton added. "But I think we should follow," he added.

"Alright, but if I vomit on you… that's not on me"! Caleb declared and stormed off.

"You can vomit on the floor"! Ashton shouted at Caleb as he caught up with him.

They crept their way outside the campus along with the anxiety of getting spotted. It was past midnight, which meant that there were fewer people out and also past their curfew. That's right, after what happened to those three seniors their university put up a curfew for its student. 

Since it was a city, it wasn't a total blackout, but still quite dark outside. However, with three werewolf eyesight and a developing Vampire eyesight the road was clear as day. 

"I… I am not sure I wanna attack someone" Warren mumbled once they were out of the main door. "I hated what happened to me today, and… I don't think I can do that to someone else"

"So what? You're willing to die"? Karolyn spat. 

"Yes" Warren declared. 

"No!" Karolyn. "We're getting you someone"!

"Why are you so obsessed with whether I die or live"? Warren asked, exasperated and exhausted by her domineering attitude. "It's my life! I get to choose"! He declared. 

"It's because you…" She started to explain but stopped midway. 

"Because I what"? Warren challenged. 

Taking a deep breath she spoke, "It's a whole different story. I wish I could explain but right now this is confusing enough as it is. Please first finish your transition and perhaps, don't die on me". 

"No, I wanna know. Now" Warren argued.

"Shhh" Caleb hushed.

"No, I wanna-" Warren tried to protest but was sushed by Caleb immediately. 

"Do you hear that"? Caleb whispered. Each and everyone of them tried to focus on the noise when they heard some cries. 

"Let me go… please" a faint voice reached their ears. If it were a human he/ she might have missed it.

Approaching the noise they tried to locate the source of it. At the end of an empty subway they found an old lady being threatened by some thug. "I can't let you escape this easily". That guy declared. 

"There is your meal" Karolyn pointed at the thug while nudging Warren. That not only grabbed Warren's attention but also grabbed the thugs as well as the old lady's attention. The thug took a few steps back before he made a run for it. He wasn't going to have a match of four against one. "Don't let him go" Karolyn ordered Warren before she went to talk to the trembling old lady. 

Warren frowned. How was he supposed to catch up with that guy? He was literally out of his sight. His frown vanished when he recalled a tiny incident at the hospital. He remembered covering a few feet in a second. That's right, he was fast now. 

Smirking, Warren tried to run towards the guy. Warren tried to follow the same direction, and was on the right track, but unfortunately he tried way too hard and ended up collapsing on top of that guy.

Warren's weight combined with his speed was an impact that was not easy to take. The guy winced in pain while he tried to reorient himself. "I am sorry". He knew this guy was not an innocent one, but still of felt wrong to hurt him like this.

Warren wasn't sure exactly what to do. He had seen in movies and stuff that the vampires fangs come out, but how to make them come out? He had no idea. "Get off me" the guy shouted.

Warren's eyes widened and he simply bit his skin trying to peirce it. Like an awakening instinct, the skin ruptured immediately as the fangs made its way through it. The guy cried out in pain, but soon no voice came out of his throat as went still in his position. 

Blood gushed into Warren's mouth and as much as the thought of it disgusted him, the taste on his tongue was too addictive to let go. He simply wanted to keep drinking and never stop. He even forgot his own resolve to not kill and drained the guy almost to the point of return.

Before he could realize what was happening with him he found two arms pulling him back by his shoulders and his chest while Warren resisted with all his might. "Calm down"! He heard in the background. It was a masculine voice, but he was in his thirsty daze to realize which one of the duo it was.

When his gaze focused he noticed that Karolyn was checking his pulse trying to make sure that the man was dead or alive. After a moment she turned back to look at him and the other and nodded. She approached Warren who recoiled instinctively. 

She paused for a moment before she put a hand on his chest, "You told me you didn't want to kill anyone. You have to calm down. I know it's hard, but I need you to try". She whispered in a soothing manner. 

Warren blinked and took deep breaths until his breathing became even. He stopped resisting Ashton and Caleb who were pulling him away and turned his face away from the lifeless body of that man. "So… is it done? Is my transition complete"? He whispered after a whole minute.

"Hm" Karolyn assured him. She took a photo of his face which caused him to flinch immediately. The flash from the phone was hard to take, especially when done so suddenly. "Don't ever let anyone put light on your eyes". Karolyn mumbled. 

"Why"? Still wincing, Warren asked.

"See this" she showed him the photo. His iris had bright red appearance as if it had been stained by blood. "In normal light it appears maroon to brown, so you would be good to go. But be careful." She instructed. 

"Alright then". Warren mumbled. "What else do I need to be careful about"? He asked after a whole minute.

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