My Atypical Wolf

Chapter 22 - Loophole

Caleb was discharged after two days he woke up. With his absence record the teacher was worried if he could even graduate this year if that continues on. While he tried to use that fact into leveraging his father into convincing him to let him attend school, his father wouldn't budge at all. 

The principal of the school was a werewolf himself and thus he was in good terms with his father. Which is why in turn his father convinced him that nothing would change. He tried to look for loopholes in his father's orders but he found none.

At this point Caleb really didn't care for school, he just wanted to get out of  his house and it's suffocating environment despite living in a huge apartment 

That evening, Matt decided to visit him ever since the first day he brought him here. Caleb found it odd that his best friend is visiting after a week, or a few days after he woke up. Whereas Matt found himself in a guilty position for letting that happen by allowing him to play the other day.

"Hey buddy" Matt said a bit awkwardly when he got to his room,  "I heard your dad won't let you go to the school. Is that true"? 

"Uh-huh" Caleb replied with frustration, "what is wrong with you"? Caleb asked his friend skeptically. 

"What do you mean"? Matt asked him instead. 

"Usually whenever you come here you hop on to my bed, with no regards for privacy, just because my bed is softer and more comfortable". Caleb rolled his eyes. "Look at you, standing at the door like an awkward stranger".

"Hey, I was going to do that once I was done catching up with you. After all that's the only reason I came here". Matt mocked Caleb and they both ended up laughing. 

After that Matt made his way to the bed and lied there comfortably and they chatted a bit. Matt mentioned how frustrated he was the whole week since he had to deal with idiots ( his team) all by himself. 

Matt also mentioned how Ashton was looking for him in the beginning and tried to tease him about it only to be brushed off by Caleb.

After a little while there was a knock in their room, followed by his brother's entry after Caleb said, "come in". 

"Guess what"? Christian asked him with a proud smirk. 

Caleb scrunched his eyebrows at his brother's expression before replying to him, "What"?

And thus he began to narrate his side of the story. 

(An hour ago)

On his way to patrolling, Christian ran into Matt who was here to see Caleb. They had a tiny chat, and that's how Matt got to know Caleb was grounded, sort of. While it gave Christian a very great idea. 

Instead of going for patrolling he made his way to the office building. Although it was a separate building it was still in the same premises as their mansion.

"Can I come in"? He knocked on the door. They way The Alpha was formal with his kids showed how distant he was with them. While The Alpha wasn't particularly fond of their dynamic, he believed that it was for the best.

"What do you need, shouldn't you be out there patrolling"? His father asked him in a stern voice. 

"I needed to ask you something". Christian paused before he continued, "I think you should let Caleb go to the school".

His father who was writing something with utmost attention stopped abruptly and looked at Christian suspiciously, "I thought you liked him". 

"I do, he is my baby brother, but-". Christian was cut off in the middle. 

"Why am I the only one who is concerned for his safety"? He asked in a louder and much intimidating voice that even made Christian flinch.

"Hear me out first". Christian asserted. "What if he doesn't travel alone"? Christian proposed. 

"Who is going to drop him off everyday"? His father raised an eyebrow. "You think he will be okay with someone dropping him off? You know how he is, always pretending to be tougher for no apparent reason". 

"He is tough" Christian defended. "But I was talking about Matt". 

"What"? His father asked him.

"Imagine what if Caleb and Matt go to school together. They are best friends so that shouldn't be too weird for him.  I am sure even Matt's parents will be thrilled because I am pretty sure even they are worried for their son's safety. As for Matt, he loves to ride the Porsche so I doubt he will mind". Christian laid out everything. 

"What about Caleb"? He raised his eyebrows. "You think he will be okay with this? He hates people getting in his car in case he goes into heat so that he could make it back. Pushing them together will only risk his identity".

"Well, if Caleb doesn't mind then I suppose it's okay right"? Christian asked, hoping for a yes.

His father thought for a moment before nodding, "I suppose so". Christian bowed and took his leave and rushed to Caleb's room quite proud of himself. 


"Wait, are you saying I can go back"? Caleb jumped with excitement as soon as he heard everything. (Well not everything, Christian had to omit out the identity part since Matt was present there.)

"Only if you agree to this". Christian smirked. 

Caleb looked at Matt and raised his eyebrows as if asking for his opinion. Matt already felt guilty as it is and with a chance of riding the Porsche everyday he agreed just like that. "I would love that Porsche ride everyday". He smirked. 

Caleb rolled his eyes before he said with excitement, "I am in". For some reason he was much more eager and excited to return this time.

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