My Atypical Wolf

Chapter 23 - Invite

The next week when Ashton took a few days off from work to return home early. After he saw his mother that worried, he decided not only to drop his sister's off but to pick them up as well. Usually their classes ended earlier than Ashton's but Ashton had a free period around lunch which gave him a perfect window to sneak out and get his sister's. 

He was new and a few weeks ago due to Caleb he already had absent records. He did not want to make it further worse. It was easier to avoid the teacher's attention, but it was very difficult to avoid the attention of students. For the past week wherever he went he found people gossiping about him. 

Turns out most people initially thought he was a weirdo and a nerd, but after seeing him on the field girls started to notice him even more. His popularity increased to great folds. This is one of the reasons he wanted to stay away from anything sports related. 

He was genuinely surprised when he arrived at the back door without grabbing anyone's attention. This place was usually secluded from rest of the places with bushes and everything around. It was easier to just climb the wall and get out. 

His sisters were in middle school which was nearby so he picked them up from there. Despite his best efforts he failed to attend his geometry class and third time in a row. No wonder he hates a consistent schedule.

He was climbing the wall with all his frustration, but still looked around to see if anyone was nearby or not, primarily because he could smell a wolf. Normally he would wait it out so that he could avoid being suspicious, but he didn't want to miss any further. 

"What are you looking at"? He heard a very familiar voice speak from below him right next to wall on the other side. He found Caleb staring at him with confusion.

He froze when he saw him all healed and active and fought a smile. He was happy that he recovered but he didn't plan on showing it. Instead of answering his question he replied with a "Is it just you or someone else is here"? 

Caleb looked around a bit as well before answering "Just me, why"?. Again Ashton didn't bother to reply to him instead just crossed the wall and jumped down without any difficulty from the eight feet wall. "Don't tell anyone you saw me" Ashton whispered and turned around to leave before Caleb grabbed him by his wrist and stopped him.

Ashton looked at their hand before looking at Caleb's eyes, "What do you want"? He asked, irritated. 

"What is wrong with you? I mean yes you are generally rude but this is too much even for you". Caleb asked him suspiciously. Ashton remained silent once more, but this time not out of choice but because he had no answer. Even he didn't know why he was so irritated. Being a teenager coupled up with daily sneaking around was hard enough, and the sleepless nights due to  nightmares he had for the past couple of days did not help his cause.

"It's nothing". Ashton whispered.

"I know about you more than I should, try sharing" Caleb encouraged. "Is everyone alright in your family"? Caleb guessed. He knew that Ashton's family was important to him, and when he found out what happened to them the other day, he couldn't help but worry.

Ashton sighed before he explained his situation sans the nightmares. Out of courtesy he asked Caleb, "How are you feeling"?

Caleb told him everything that happened without leaving anything out. Unlike Ashton he didn't mind sharing unless he had a good reason not to.

"Is this why you are here"? Ashton asked him skeptically as soon as  something clicked. 

"What do you mean"? Caleb asked instead with confusion. 

"Since you are kind of grounded, are you trying to sneak out too"? Ashton explained himself. 

"NOOO"! Caleb said louder than necessary which made Ashton look at him suspiciously. Ashton raised an eyebrow at him so Caleb sighed and gave up, "Okay fine! I am sick of not leaving the house. Usually I barely stay there, which is why it's very suffocating". He groaned with frustration. 

"This is not your house. You are at your school" Ashton pointed out the obvious fact to the frustrated boy.

"Let me finish, kid. Even here I am under teacher's scrutiny. My father didn't tell me but I know he asked the wolf teachers to report everything about me". He sighed with frustration. 

"You sure you aren't being too suspicious"? Ashton asked him.

"Trust me, I can tell the difference when someone treats me differently. This morning Mrs Wilkins asked me if she should escort me to my next class". Caleb rolled his eyes. "I am basically being treated like a toddler when I am clearly an adult". He cringed.

Ashton ended up chucking at that and laughed softly, "You are the youngest in your family right? I can't believe being babied is surprising for you. I ain't stopping babying my sisters even if they are ninety" Ashton snorted while Caleb rolled his eyes. "Where are you sneaking off to? You know you can still be attacked right" Ashton expressed his concerns.

"Honestly? Even I don't know. I am just so suffocated" Caleb replied with distaste.

"Want to come over at my place"? Ashton asked reluctantly after a moment of silence. 

"Now"? Caleb asked taken aback by the fact that Ashton even bothered to invite him. Even if they knew each other's biggest secrets they were still not that close. Last time it was a favor, but this time it seemed like he was wanted for real.

"After school. We are having a small party. Just family". Ashton shrugged.

"Wow, what's the occasion"? Caleb asked him instead. 

"You don't have to if you don't want to" Ashton tried to brush it off regretting his bold step.

"No no I want to". Caleb said in a hurry to clarify the situation. "I do have to find a way though, without spooking my father". He sighed while looking at a distance. "But seriously, what is the occasion"? Caleb pressed again looking back at Ashton. 

"My Seventeenth Birthday" Ashton said flatly. 

"Wait"! Caleb's eyes widened. "Today is your birthday"! Caleb smiled with excitement. Ashton simply nodded at him. "That is great! Happy Birthday"! Caleb wished him with great enthusiasm. 

"Thank you" Ashton replied with awkwardness. 

"Its your birthday!! Stop sulking so much"! Caleb rolled his eyes at him. Before they could continue their conversation any further they heard the bell rang. While Caleb didn't have any class, Ashton had bio class so he ran away without even sparing any glance while Caleb stood their musing at their interaction.

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