My Atypical Wolf

Chapter 24 - Excuses

Caleb walked back to the gym trying to think of excuses or lies that could get him out for the evening. He failed to come up with anything convincing enough for his Dad. He knew he was barely allowed to spend time with Matt, if they find out they have been spending time with a complete stranger that could set things off even further.

As a kid Caleb had always been rebellious, especially when it came to his parent's protectiveness. They treated like he was some fragile little boy, despite proving countless amounts of times how competent he can be. He probably wouldn't have minded this much if both him and Christian got treated the same way. He didn't have anything against being an omega, but he simply just didn't want to be treated like one.

He was lost in all his thoughts when Matt nudged him. "What are you so worried about"? He asked on their way to History class.

"Just… thinking". Caleb sighed.

"Is everything alright"? Matt asked with concern.

"Yeah, I am invited to this thing this evening, but I am worried I can't go" he admitted honestly.

"Who invited you? I am your only friend here". Matt rolled his eyes.

"Whose fault is that" Caleb shot back at him while Matt visibly gulped. You see growing up they did have other friends too, especially they were close with the beta George, the beta who was VP of the music department. After an incident happened with her sister George and Matt kind decided to go separate ways.

Caleb had to chose between either of them. While as an individual he would have preferred chosing George given how he agreed with his side of the story, but he chose Matt instead after a pep talk from his brother. He knew that being close to him would make it easier to keep an eye on him. Matt's hot headedness was way more back when they turned recently, and they were worried if he could get them in trouble.

"But seriously, who is this new friend of yours"? Matt asked trying to dismiss old memories.

"Ashton. It's his birthday". Caleb told him honestly.

"Whoa! So you are close with him you sneaky liar. I believe less and less that he is not your mate. Even if he isn't, at this point, I am pretty sure you have a thing for him" Matt insisted.

"Unlike you I am capable being nice without having an ulterior mmotive" Caleb rolled his eyes.

"It's not just being nice, you are way closer to him than that" Matt snorted. "You know I won't judge you for having an interest on him right? I know I can be a jerk, but I am not homophobic"!

"I know " Caleb sighed in frustration. At this point he recalled the deal he made with Ashton. It was better to just give up and admit to this 'relationship' right? "You know what? Yes he is my mate".

"I knew it"!! Matt exclaimed at the revelation "Wait! So you going to meet his family"? Matt asked him as if it was such a big deal.

"I have met them before. His mother even visited me in the hospital". Caleb shrugged.

"Wow" Matt gave a big smile before a deadpanned expression took over his face, "How"?! Caleb gave him a weird confused look at his question. "I didn't know humans are allowed in our hospital" Matt looked around before saying that in a hushed voice.

"They are not" Caleb nodded his head agreeing to his statement. After a long curious stare from Matt, Caleb sighed and admitted "His mother is not human, she is a wolf"

"What! I thought Ashton was...a human" Matt whisper yelled at him.

"He is. He was adopted into that family, that's all". Caleb clarified. Apart from the human part, he wasn't really lying.

"So, does he are a wolf"? Matt asked in a very low voice.

Caleb contemplated for a moment wondering whether or not to lie. "No he doesn't" he chose to keep it a secret. "I mean, I did run into him in my wolf form, but I doubt he knew it was me" that part wasn't a lie. It happened when Ashton had just arrived and Caleb still had no idea if Ashton knew it was him or not.

"Why don't you tell him then, you know you will have to tell eventually". Matt suggested.

"I can ask you the same about Sara" Caleb retorted.

"I'm not that serious about her. Besides she doesn't know anything about wolves" Matt shrugged. "Don't try to dodge the question"!

"Look, as much as I appreciate your concern, I got this. I don't need any advice for now" Caleb sighed. "I do need help though" Caleb smirked as an idea hit him.

"What"? Matt asked him.

"I'll tell my father I am going to your place for a project. He would let me"! Caleb said with enthusiasm. "I just need you to lie if he calls to check up on me".

"Dude, what if my mom picks up! I am not lying to the Alpha"! Matt deadpanned.

"You are right, I should probably go home. Tell him all kinds of 'activities' that you do here" Caleb shrugged nonchalantly.

"What"!? Matt deadpanned. "This is blackmail"! Caleb simply shrugged at him, well aware of the fact that he had the upper hand right now. Frustrated he sighed before giving into his request, "Fine, I will do it".

Caleb smirked. He loved being their friends, but he enjoyed having this kind of power over them from time to time.

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