My Atypical Wolf

Chapter 238 - Smooth And Slide

Christian received a text from Sebastian that he was there whilst Christian was getting dressed for the night. He had the whole night planned and wished fervently that it didn't go sideways. As a pack leader, Christian was more accustomed to formal wear, meaning a shirt with pants with occasional tie. However, this time he tried to dress more casual and put on a maroon T-shirt with grey jeans. 

Taking a final glance at his appearance, he decided it was time to get out of the house. Once he was at the gate, he noticed Sebastian was well groomed as well. "You look good" Christian complimented his date casually.

"I know," Sebastian shrugged. Christian rolled his eyes followed by shaking his head as he led both of them to the garage. "FYI, you look good too" Once both of them were seated in Christian's car, Sebastian added. Christian chuckled before driving off to their destination.

"So, where are we going?'' asked Sebastian, once they were on the road for almost fifteen minutes.

"You'll see," mumbled Christian. Sebastian narrowed his gaze at the other but didn't poke him further. It was clear Christian wanted to keep it a surprise, and Sebastian didn't want to ruin it this soon.

Once they reached, the board over the place read, 'Smooth and Slide'. This was a new place for Sebastian as he had never been here for his entire time here. In fact, Sebastian had his doubts whether or not they were still in the city or not. "Are we still in Crescent Point"? Asked Sebastian.

"Nope, but don't worry, we are not that far away from the border" Christian shrugged. 

"Is it… safe to cross the border, given we just had an intense war?" Sebastian asked with apprehension. "I mean, what if there are some shady wolves lurking around the corner"? 

"Then we will fight em" Christian shrugged. "Between you and me, we are pretty good fighters" He declared with confidence.

"That's true" Sebastian trailed off as he took a careful glance at his surroundings. Once Christian was done parking, he arrived next to Sebastian, "Let's go".

At the counter, Christian negotiated something with the receptionist before he met with Sebastian at the gate, "I hope you are good with your balance when it's slippery" Christian chuckled. Sebastian frowned in confusion until Christian held out the pair of skates in his hand. Now, Sebastian was simply filled with dread.

"So… we're.. Skating"? Hesitantly, Sebastian asked.

"Yep"! Christian shrugged. "Don't tell me, you have never skated before''? 

"Well, I..." Sebastian struggled to explain it to Christian. "Actually, I did have a roll of skater once, so I received a mandatory training from my agency for the part," Sebastian informed Christian.

"That's good then. You know how to skate" Christian handed Sebastian his pair and pointed at his feet indicating him to wear it.

"Yeah, well… that mandatory training was a disaster." Sebastian sighed. "They ended up using a stunt double for the entire season," Sebastian admitted. "Eventually they had to write out my character as it was being more hustle than it should be."

"Well, you don't have to be a pro here to skate," Christian declared. "Just the basics is more than enough. Come on, it'll be fun. If you need, I can teach you" Christian offered.

"A professional trainer couldn't teach me, what makes you think you can"? Sebastian offered him a scoff.

"Well, for starters I am aware of your wolf status. I know you more than that trainer did. Not to mention, this is not a compulsory thing. Even if you don't get it by the end of the day, it's fine." Christian shrugged. "I just want us to spend some quality time".

"I really appreciate that," Sebastian prompted. "I do, but skating and I just don't mix" Sebastian sighed. 

There goes Christian's mega plan for their date. Taking a deep breath he mumbled, trying very hard not to sound disappointed, "Okay…" He nodded. "I guess I'll return these then.".

"Wait" Sebastian stopped him, holding him by his forearm to stop him in the tracks. "You clearly wanna do this, why return them"? 

"We were supposed to spend this evening together, remember"? Christian tried to remind him.

"I do," Sebastian nodded. "How about this, you tell me why you chose this place"?

"What do you mean why"? Christian chuckled. "I just thought it would be a great idea." 

"Skating"? Sebastian raised an eyebrow. "Not everyone can do that. Which also surprises me, how can you do it? You have the busiest schedule of all the people I have met, where did you manage to find the time to learn it"?

"My mom taught me and Caleb," Christian admitted. "When we were young, my mother used to own this skating rink, having a passion for it since she was little. When we started to grow up, when her responsibilities as the pack Luna increased, she sold this place" Christian reminisced while gazing at the pale yellowish walls.

"So, it does hold a sentimental value," Sebastian chuckled. 

Christian took a deep breath before he sighed. "I guess. I seldom visit here now that I am about to be an Alpha, but I guess coming back here… brought my memories back." he smiled. "But, if you are not comfortable with this, let's find something else to do. Something we will both enjoy".

"You know what" Sebastian stopped him again, "Let's do this".

"No, it's really okay. We don't have to do this" Christian insisted.

"No, I wanna" Sebastian shook his head. "Yeah. I would like it if I didn't have to hire a stunt double just for skating the next time."

"Wait, are you sure"? Christian asked him again.

"Yep! Let's go before it's too late" Sebastian dragged him in the rink. The place was huge with many people enjoying themselves as they skated. Sebastian could feel his blood pressure rise, but he did his best to appear calm. He did have good acting skills after all.

"You ready"?Christian asked him once he was done putting on his shoes. Making sure his shoes are stuck to his feet firmly, Sebastian nodded. Christian got on the rink and asked Sebastian to join. Very carefully, he dropped one leg at the time, never leaving the barrier, which was smart considering he had a terrible balance.

Christian tried his best to accommodate him, to help him skate, or at least, get him to stand without falling down. Seeing Sebastian collide with the ground twice made him realise that maybe coming back here won't be such a great idea after all.

If Sebastian wasn't a wolf, he probably would need an ice pack in his coccyx to combat the injury, but all he needed was five minutes of rest to feel as good as new. "I am so sorry, this was a mistake" Christian admitted.

"A big one," Sebastian groaned. "But, it was fun. Without the pressure of aiming at perfection… turns out, falling is fun" Sebastian gave him a quick weird smile. Christian wasn't sure whether or not Sebastian was being sarcastic or not, but he didn't push him any further."

"Let's get out of here" Christian cleared his throat. 

"Yeah" Sebastian sighed and followed.

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