My Atypical Wolf

Chapter 239 - Later That Night

"Please tell me your next plan does not involve anything this demanding" Sebastian asked whilst groaning 

"We are just going to eat" Christian mumbled flatly.

"Good, I need some nutrition after all the injuries" Sebastian sighed as he looked outside the window. Christian remained quiet as he drove in silence while he drove quietly to the restaurant. He couldn't believe how badly he screwed up. For some reason he assumed skating will be fun without considering Sebastian's preference. 

Christian had known Sebastian for a decade now. Yes, they had their differences, but they always managed to find a mutual ground. To think that he badly screwed up their first ever date… it was driving him crazy. 

The ride to the restaurant was around 20 mins, and so they were there soon enough, before Sebastian could realize that there was some kind of turmoil going on inside of Christian. At the restaurant they both ordered the dishes they like after which, Sebastian spoke up. "Chris, you okay?" 

"Yeah," Christian nodded, although he couldn't exactly sell it.

"Look, I am sorry for getting angry. You know me… I can get frustrated real quick" sighed Sebastian. "It doesn't mean anything".

"I wish I never chose skating," Sighed Christian. 

"Hey, skating is one of the top 10 stuff to do on a date. It's not our fault I'm terrible at it" Sebastian sighed. "I mean, I am usually good at a lot of stuff. I can ride a horse, I even know how to sword fight" Sebastian gloated. He noticed the curious gaze of Christian, so he explained. "I played the role of a knight once, in a period drama. That was at the beginning of my career, I had a recurring role."

"The Land of Miracles?" Christian raised an eyebrow. 

Sebastian's eyes widened before he explained, "Yess!!" He let out a snort. "I was in my early twenties back then. How did you know? I don't think we had met back then?"

"Well, I started watching that show when I was in high school. I think around season 4 or 5 you came along" Christian mumbled. "I don't binge shows these days, but that's one of the last ones I saw" Christian shrugged. "I finished the series," Christian nodded. 

"Whoa" Sebastian was clearly impressed. "So you knew about me even before we met"? He chuckled. 

Christian shrugged. "As an actor. Like Riley, I had no idea you were a werewolf as well, until you showed up here of course" Christian chuckled. Sebastian was momentarily displeased at the mention of Riley, but he hid it well.

"Still," Sebastian smiled. "That's a heck of a coincidence" he chuckled. "Wait, don't tell me you liked me since then"? Sebastian asked coyly.

"No" Christian shook his head. "Back then I remember being annoyed by your character. He was… well for a lack of a better word, An Ass"

"Well, it's not like I am my character." Sebastian shrugged while clearing his throat. "Your opinion changed after you met me, right"?

"Nope. If only I am amazed at how similar you are to your very first character" Christian nodded.

The big anticipatory smile on Sebastian's face turned into a frown. "Wait what"? 

"Yeah," Christian nodded.

"And here I thought you liked me." Sebastian tilted his head "I am confused."

"It's not that hard" Christian shook his head, "You are an ass, most of the times, but I like you… anyways"

"I don't know whether to be flattered or offended," Sebastian shook his head. "Speaking of TV shows, I will be leaving tomorrow"

"Wait what?" Christian froze. "Didn't you just get here"

"Nooo" Sebastian frowned. "I have been here for almost a month now". Christian seemed to be calculating on his head for a double check so Sebastian added, "I came here for your 'wedding', remember"?

"Yeah, can't believe it's been a month," Christian scoffed. "Do you have to leave?" Christian asked.

"I actually do." Sebastian sighed. "I won't be gone for long though. You see, this part that I am supposed to appear for is a cameo. I'll be there for like a week and then come back".

"It's a cameo, do you need to do it"? Christian asked.

" Hey, I take each and every role of mine seriously. Do you want me to be jobless?" Sebastian glared.

"That's not what I meant," Christian groaned. "I mean, you can't postpone it or anything"?

"It's a cameo. Why would they halt their production for just a cameo?" Sebastian sighed. Christian shrugged as he realised what Sebastian was indicating. "Anyways, the production actually took my request for the delay" Christian tilted his head in confusion. "Apparently ever since my fans found out that I will be appearing in that show, it has generated quite a buzz. Since the war started I told them I won't be able to make it"

"And they just let you"? Christian was surprised.

"I told I had mono, they were more than happy to let me take a leave" Sebastian sighed, earning a sudden burst of laughter from Christian.

Sebastian was confused so Christian elaborated, "I am sorry, it's just.. Do wolves even get monos?"

"I dunno," Sebastian simply shrugged. "I do know that it would get me a day off, so I sold it".

Christian continued to laugh, "You do realise Mono takes time to heal, like weeks. Will they really let you join this early"?

"Actually, I already told them I'll be there by tomorrow. I said the doctor made a mistake, and I am all good" Sebastian pressed his lips together, "Sorry, I know how much you want me to stay. In fact I want to stay too"

"You gotta do what you gotta do, I gotta do what I gotta do" Christian shrugged and forced a smile. "You will be back in a week I guess. I will see you then" Christian offered. 

"Yeah, definitely," Sebastian smiled. "Or…." he trailed off earning a head told from Christian, "What if you come with me"?

"Excuse me" Christian did not expect him to say that.

"Yeah! You said you would get to know more about me, this seems like a good idea. Come with me and see what my acting life's like" Sebastian offered.

"That sounds great, but…" Christian sighed. "I can't go. I have to take care of everything here. If I leave, then who is gonna take care of everything."

"Your Dad? He is still the Alpha, not to mention very capable. Also, with Ashton back on the team, Caleb is doing much better than before." Sebastian reminded him.

"But still…" Christian trailed off.

"You honestly don't believe that the pack will crumble if you leave, do you"? The lack of any verbal answer, coupled with Christian avoiding his gaze confirmed that Sebastian's assumption was right on point. "Wow, you really do worry a lot about this pack"

"It's my pack. My home" Christian shrugged.

"Look, remember that time when we were tracking worenzine? It was a time of crisis, and even then the pack was fine with you away. One week will not be a problem, and we live in the era of phones, if there is any problem the pack members can always call" Sebastian reminded him.

"I suppose that's true," Sighed Christian. 

"Despite this horrible permanent scar that you left me with, I think we had fun. That was the first time we ever got along. Who knows, maybe this trip will be good for us" Sebastian shrugged.

"Maybe" Christian nodded. They were silent for a while as Christian took his moment to consider. After weighing the pros and cons of being away from the pack for a week, he sighed. "Alright, I guess I am in" Christian declared.

A smile appeared on Sebastian's lips. "It's gonna be fun".

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