My Atypical Wolf

Chapter 245 - Try

Ashton finally woke up around midday, spotting two unusual things. One, was the breakfast next to his bed, and second was the concerned expression on Caleb's face. Recalling their early morning conversation, Ashton asked carefully, "Did you do it? Did you get to… talk to my wolf form"?

"I did," Caleb affirmed. After a sigh and a moment of consideration he told Ashton everything he was told. By the end of it, even Ashton appeared petrified of everything. "This whole time.. I thought… I was fighting him, but he was protecting me"?

This was the first time Ashton referred to his wolf as 'he' and not , something which Caleb wondered, Ashton realised it or not. "You okay"? Caleb asked his mate gently.

"I honestly don't know," Ashton whispered. "This is driving me crazy…"

"Hey, it's alright. I would too, if I were you". Caleb mumbled softly.

"Now it makes so much sense, why am I so different... I was born different" Ashton sighed. "I don't fit anywhere" he scoffed. "An abomination."

"Hey"! Caleb called him out, "You can be half breed, quarter breed, or whatever the hell that one can be, but you are not an abomination." He scolded. "Do not belittle yourself"!

"No, I'm not…" Ashton blurted, taken aback by Caleb's sudden outburst. "I was just… figuring out why they might have called me an abomination"

"Oh" Caleb blinked. "Good"

Ashton tilted his head before continuing, "It's hard to believe my own father shared this fact with my wolf but never with me."

"He was trying to protect you, just like your wolf," Caleb assured him.

"Don't you think it would have been better if I knew"? Ashton pressed.

"Maybe he would have revealed it when you were old enough to take it," Caleb shrugged. "But he just didn't get the chance." 

"That… actually makes sense," Ashton nodded. "Wish I could communicate with my wolf like you did. Unfortunately one of us blacks out when the other is in control"

"That's not true," Caleb prompted. "Your wolf remembers what you do. Maybe you don't know what your wolf does because you shun away that part of yourself". He suggested.

"Yeah right, as if my wolf is very keen on sharing with me" Ashton rolled his eyes.

"My point is, you two lack communication. More importantly, you make efforts for communication" Caleb sighed. 

"That sounds like some relationship advice on a banner" Ashton rolled his eyes. 

"Yeah, well it is a relationship between you and your alter ego" Caleb rolled his eyes back at Ashton. "I would suggest you try to bond with your wolf self yourself." Ashton opened his mouth to say something, but he was cut off by Caleb. "I know it is easier said than done. Heck, I even dunno how to do it. I am no expert. All I am saying is… try. Maybe something will come around. If you want I'll actively help you" Caleb offered.

"I appreciate the help. I really do, but no thanks." Ashton sighed. "I'll give it a try, see what pops up. Meanwhile, we still have a wedding to plan"

Caleb chuckled, "You are really obsessed with this wedding aren't you" Caleb scoffed.

"No, more like, I am obsessed with you" Ashton smirked.

Caleb blinked, "What did I say about warnings"! Caleb scolded and got up from the bed and walked right into Ashton's bathroom. He freshened up as he had a huge day ahead of himself, and decided to wear some of his mate's clothes on his way.

On his way out he ran into two newest additions of the pack members, "Hey… what are you doing here? You don't have school"? He asked the girls.

The older one of them, Carmen answered. "The transfer of the details is taking time. Without any official guardian, they are reluctant to let us in" She mumbled.

"That's… preposterous," Caleb scoffed. "You know what, come with me, I'll get you registered today"! He declared. "Official guardian. What a bulshit! People need education"! He huffed and walked to his car. After walking for a few steps he noticed the girls didn't follow him, so he turned around and asked, "What's wrong"?

"You have already done enough for us, you don't have to get in trouble for us. Your son is in school too right? What if it impacts him badly"? Carmen mumbled.

"I'm the brother of the head of the pack." Caleb declared, "Not to mention, but I am also the sheriff. I won't threaten them or anything or anything. I'll make sure you get in properly, that's all." Caleb assured them. "Another thing, from the moment you guys joined our pack you have inherently become our responsibilities. 

Never worry about reaching out to us, or at least to me. I promise I'll try to help you properly." Caleb mumbled. "Now go get the stuff you might need, and we will head off" He mumbled. Paging his subordinates that he would be late at work today, yet again, he brought out his car.

The girls got their school bags and from a request to Melanie, she mailed the documents from their earlier school. He tried to go to the middle school first, to get Carmen transferred, after which he would head out to the elementary school, picking up his son as well. He was lucky that he shifted into the night shift, so even though he said he would be late, he was glad that he wouldn't be too late. On their way, after a long quiet time, Carmen spoke up."You are getting married"? She asked. "Sorry, I don't wanna be so intrusive".

"You don't have to be on your toes around me," Caleb sighed. "I know your mum was tough on you, but we're not like that. Such casual things are okay to ask. So is asking for help regarding important stuff, or any stuff for that matter."

"Thank you Mr. Wrisberg" She mumbled, "This is just… it's a lot harder to adjust than I thought" She whispered.

"Of course it is. You are in a completely new surroundings with no guardian to guide you. If I were in your place, I'd be terrified." Caleb sighed. "You are very brave Carmen, never forget that. I'm sure over time it'll get easier, but for the time being, feel free to rely on me" He smiled at her.

"Thanks" She smiled before sharing that smile with her little sister. 

"Oh, also, to answer your question. Yes, I'm getting married. And you two are welcome to attend" he chuckled. Soon they reached the school and Caleb mumbled, "it is time to set things up properly."

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