My Atypical Wolf

Chapter 246 - Away From Home

"You ready"? Sebastian asked Christian as he showed up below his apartment. 

"I guess," Christian mumbled. 

"Is this your first time away from home"? Sebastian asked, getting inside the Car.

"I went with you for that worenzine business" Christian reminded him, starting the engine.

"No, I mean for something that is unrelated to the pack" Sebastian rolled his eyes.

"I… I suppose so" Chistian hesitated.

"Wow, and what did your dad say when you said you wanted a break?" Sebastian scoffed.

"He seemed…. Well, like always, unbothered" Christian sighed. "But he agreed to look after the pack while I am gone, so I guess… that's a yes"? He tilted his head.

"Yep," Sebastian nodded. "He didn't stop you, take the benefit of doubt" They had a little chat about their trip on how long this was gonna be. Turns out they were travelling to Europe since it was a british show. Somehow hearing about the distance made Christian a bit worried. If something happens, if they need him back home, he won't be able to make it back in time. "You okay"? Sebastian asked.

"Yeah… just excited about the trip" Christian shrugged.

"That's an odd way to be excited" Sebastian commented but didn't bother him further. After the checkout and everything, Sebastian finally spoke, breaking the distracted silence of Christian, "So.. this flight is gonna be like for half a day. I suggest you get comfy"

"But I am not tired," Christian mumbled. 

"Well, give it time," Sebastian winked at him before moving ahead. Christian noticed some of the passengers took a pill or something. The frequency made him ponder if it was some sort of essential for intercontinental flight or not, so he asked Sebastian. 

"What is that pill?" Christian asked in an incredibly low whisper that no human would be able to hear. Sebastian followed Christian's gaze and ended up chukcling.

"It's sort of a sleeping pill. They are gonna get cozy" Sebastian snorted. Christian gave him a dirty look. "Look, it's a long flight. Too bad those don't work on me, or I'd take one myself" he snorted.

Frankly Sebastian didn't need one though. After a few minutes of takeoff Sebastian dozed off to sleep, covering himself on a warm blanket and snoring from time to time, making Christian wonder if he should pretend to be a stranger to the snoring sloth next to him.

Sebastian woke up to a curious gaze from his travel mate when it was lunch time. He furrowed his brows and asked, "What"?

"What did you take"? Christian wondered. "You were literally snoring"

"This isn't my first time on such a long flight. It's like my fourth home to me"

"Fourth"? Christian frowned.

"Yepp'' Sebastian chuckled. Without any further explanation, Sebastian went ahead and had lunch. As soon as he was done, he went back to sleep once more. How could he sleep so much? Christian wondered. Who knew Sebastian could be this lazy too.

There were times when Sebastian did wake up, but Christian decided not to bother him much, mostly because he was invested in a movie he stumbled upon. 

When Sebastian finally noticed what he was watching, all his sleep went out of the tightly sealed window."Wait, is this..."? 

"Yep," Christian chukled. "From the stars" He laughed. "It is so odd to see you being so cheesy" He laughed. "Not to mention stupid, this is peak comedy" He laughed again.

"Yeah, cause it's a rom-com" Sebastian rolled his eyes.

"I thought you only did Sci-fi," Christian teased.

"Mostly, this was a little while ago. I was looking to shake things up… and well" Sebastian sighed.

"This is great," Christian commented. "You are a good actor. I am convinced you are really stupid"


"From this guy" He pointed at the screen, towards Sebastian.

"Uhh…." Sebastian mumbled. He had to say, no matter how much praise and admiration he had received till date due to his performances, this was one the best. Somehow, the genuineness in his voice made it much more worth it. Not to mention, he was happy that the guy who barely watched movies was not only watching his work, but also seemed to be enjoying it. It was rewarding on a whole other level.

When they finally arrived at their destination, a Car was sent to pick them up. "Mr Kyles, I didn't know you would be bringing company" The guy stammered.

"Yeah, will that be a problem"? Sebastian asked, a hint of agitation clear in his voice.

"We only booked one room, and the hotel is kind of unavailable for prompt booking" He admitted reluctantly. "Do you want me to find another place for your friend"?

"I thought you were giving me a deluxe room? Aren't they big enough for two people"? Sebastian asked.

"It is… I just assumed you would want privacy" He cleared his throat.

"You're right. Apart from my friend here, no one is allowed inside" Sebastian said coldly, "Understood"? That poor guy nodded vigorously, to deliver that yes, he got it.

Christian was impressed by how intimidating Sebastian was, although he felt bad for the poor guy who is just doing his job. Not to mention, Christian was not at all pleased by the guy, or Sebastian referring to himself as a friend. Of course they discussed that they would keep things casual, but still, friend was a little loose term for them… right?

Then again, he couldn't blame Sebastian for taking that road. The stars barely get privacy and most of them prefer keeping their private life… well, private. And knowing Sebastian and his reputation from whatever he has heard, Sebastian was definitely one of those people. 

All his life it has been hard to date people, mainly because of his own work. But given how he was gonna be dating a literal star, it was bound to be tougher. With wolves life was much simpler, but all these crazy things in the human world was not something he cared about. It was thrilling, yet unnerving.

After a while amidst their drive through, Sebastian decided to link Christian, [Hey, is everything alright?] 

[Of course, why wouldn't it be] Christian replied nonchalantly.

[Well, you barely spoke since the airport, and you appear… grumpy. I thought I was supposed to be the grumpy one] Sebastian mused.

[I am sure it's jet lag. I'll be fine] Christian brushed it off.

[Okay...] Sebastian mumbled. He wasn't convinced but he decided not to bother him much. He could feel everything was a bit overwhelming for Christian and if he were to talk about it Sebastian would prefer it out loud instead of a link, so he simply let him be.

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