My Atypical Wolf

Chapter 256 - Caleb's Secret

The awkward lunch after the silent ride was even more unbearable. Feeling dejected, Christian finally decided to speak with Caleb about it. He would feel much comfortable knowing that Caleb was aware and on board with revealing his secret. Unfortunately for him, not only Caleb didn't pick up his phone, but after a few rings his call went directly to voice-mail. "Damn it"! Christian shouted in frustration. 

The rest of the day was a bit of cold between them with Christian growing increasingly frustrated with no response from Caleb, call or text. Finally he decided to call Melanie, to check his brother's whereabouts, only to find out that Caleb had been away for two days.

The one time Christian left Caleb incharge, and he disappeared as well? Now Christian was pissed for a whole different reason. He was really counting on Caleb to look after things, even if he knew that Melanie would probably do just fine. Nevertheless, Caleb had known a lot about the pack politics way longer than Melanie and therefore such absence was really concerning.

The next day early in the morning he received a text from Caleb, {What do you want} it read. Jolting up from bed instantly, he headed out to the terrace of that hotel and called him. 

The moment Caleb picked up Christian snarled. "Where the hell did you disappear"?!

"Calm down. I'm just a town away, not seas away like you are" Caleb rolled his eyes. Not that Christian could see him, but Christian knew.

"Why are out there"? Christian asked properly. 

"I had some legal stuff to take care of. Due to some issues things took longer. I'm on my way back." Caleb explained. "Tell me something, why the hell did you text me and call me so many times"? Caleb asked. 

"I wanted to ask you something," Christian mumbled. He explained the situation he got into and at the end he asked, "Is it okay if I tell him you're an omega"?

Christian's question was met with silence from the other end which could only mean two things. Either there was a network issue, or Caleb disagreed with him. He was about to say 'never mind, I'll find another way' but Caleb asked him instead, "Do you trust him"?

Christian blinked, but replied, "Yes".

"They go ahead and tell him. I know how hard it is to earn your trust, so if you trust him it's good enough for me" Caleb declared. 

"Alright then" Christian smiled, thrilled to be able to dissolve their riff pretty soon. 

Heading downstairs he was stopped by a bellboy before he could enter his room. "Excuse me sir, are you Sebastian Kyle or Christian Wrisberg"?

"I'm Cristian, why do you ask"? Christian tilted his head in suspicion. 

"I was asked to deliver this to you" The Bellboy handed him a card before taking his leave after a final bow. Christian examined the card thoroughly and realised it was an invitation. 

Sebastian and Christian, 

It was a pleasure to meet both of you and I was hoping that we could have a much more informal conversation. After a busy day, let's meet tonight at my place. Dinner is on me.

-Cyrus Viserboldt 

Christian's eyes widened as he read that letter twice. Just what did he want from them? Usually, in such circumstances Christian would love to avoid stuff like this. However, given how powerful Cyrus is, probably the most powerful werewolf in the entire Europe, that he didn't want to risk getting on his bad side. 

Perhaps the wise thing to do was to accept this invitation. All he hoped was that it didn't bring some other kind of disagreement between them. These last few weeks have been really good between Sebastian and him, that Christian would really hate to screw that up.

Entering the room, he noticed Sebastian was still in the shower. Christian was yet to freshen up, so he waited for his turn. When Sebastian came out, he noticed Christian sitting there going through something. Even before he could wipe his wet hair, he decided to talk. "Christian, about yesterday…" he began.

"Yeah, about that I am ready to tell you" Christian declared with a glee.

"You don't really have to. I… you were right. If its not your secret to tell, then you shouldn't tell. People have their own privacy, you shouldn't violate it" Sebastian sighed.

"I know, which is why I asked the concerned person if I can tell you or not" Christian smirked. "He's alright with it".

"He?" Sebastian furrowed his brows.

"Yes, he. It's Caleb" Christian declared. A wave if relief washed over Sebastian and he smiled with relief. Wondering suspiciously what the hell Sebastian assumed earlier, Christian spoke, "Anyways, it's kind of a big secret, the kind he keeps from the entire pack. Only our family knows, no one else".

"Okay…" Sebastian trailed off, unsure what could possibly be such a big secret. 

"He.. he is an omega". Christian declared. 

Sebastian blinked, wondering if he heard him right, "What"? He mumbled.

"Yeah, and um… he doesn't share it with anyone because, well, you know how omegas are treated, especially the male ones" Christian sighed.

"Whoa" Sebastian mumbled, still unable to believe it. "But, he doesn't look like…" Sebastian trailed off.

"Yea, he has bulky features. He prefers it that way, it helps him hide his identity" Christian explained.

"Well, I'm not thrilled by the fact I have been fooled, but… I guess I can understand why he did that." Sebastian mumbled. "His mate, Ashton, he knows right"?

"Yeah, he had known since the beginning," Christian smiled. "They both knew about each other since the beginning" he rolled his eyes.

"What a perfect pair" Sebastian snorted before shaking his head. "Well I better get ready, two more days and I am done with this" Sebastian groaned. He was about to go to the closet when he noticed a card next to Christian. "What's that"? He asked.

"Oh this. It's an invitation for us. From Cyrus" Christian declared. 

"What"? Sebastian deadpanned. Taking it from the bed, he gave it a read, more than once before he sighed exasperated. "Something tells me we shouldn't miss this".

"I agree," Christian nodded.

"Wait, yesterday you were saying that Cyrus figured out something. Was it Caleb's secret"? Sebastian asked.

"Yeah, no one told him… he just figured it out himself," Christian sighed. 

"Wow," Sebastian mumbled. "Then I guess we should be really careful around him".

"I suppose so," Christian affirmed. They both got ready, heading to the shoot looking ahead to an wonderful afternoon, and a pretty terrible evening. They were both apprehensive about why were they invited in the first place, they were both reluctant, but both knew they had to be there.

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