My Atypical Wolf

Chapter 257 - The Mansion

After the shoot, they drove off to the mansion as directed by Cyrus in his invitation. The shoot took longer than expected, and therefore they could barely have lunch. Both of them would have preferred to change, but it can't be helped at that point.

Christian suggested they change on their way, but they didn't have any change of clothes to begin with. If it were not a foreign country Christian would've simply bought themselves a tux, but unfortunately that was not possible at this moment thanks to different currencies. 

As they drove into the hub of the city they marvelled at the neighborhood and perhaps secretly wished how awesome it would be to live here. At their destination, the car stopped in front of a giant mansion with gray and steel hues making it stand out from its surroundings. Not that it was needed but it blended well with the garden in front.

At the gate, they were picked up by a few butlers. The level of sophistication they emanated, kind of made Christian jealous. Sure theu too had a luxurious lifestyle, but this was different. They were led into the house into the beautiful living room before they were asked to wait. 

"This place is… " Sebastian mumbled, looking around when it was just the two of them, "Magnificent".

"I hate to admit it, but yes it is" Christian agreed. "What are these portraits?" He mumbled. 

Sebastian got up from his seat and looked at them. "Doesn't this, resemble Cyrus"? Sebastian commented.

"If that's what it is, then… is it a familiar portrait"? Christian mumbled.

"Yes it is" A grave voice declared from their back. As it so happens Cyrus walked in at that very moment. He walked to them with a stern expression which made them wonder if getting curious was the right thing to do or not.

As he stood in between them glancing at the picture his silence with a blank expression made them wonder what could be the reason for this. Usually Cyrus' face is laced with a fake smile, but now… that doesn't seem to be the case. "We keep a family portrait, it's a tradition of ours" he smirked. "You see that empty wall up there? Soon there will be a picture of me with my wife and my son," He declared. 

"I cannot help but notice, most of your generation only has one kid" Sebastian commented until he realised that maybe he shouldn't have.

"Yes, that's the norm. We maintain a line of pureblooded Alphas, which means we must not tempt fate further. We prefer one child each generation, unless of course, twins or triplets or something like that are born". Cyrus explained flatly.

For someone who lived in the modern world, Cyrus sure came from very traditional values. It also seemed like Cyrus agreed with those traditional values. Maintaining a line of pureblooded Alphas, it seemed like everything here was too calculated, as if they were writing on a notepad and not living a life.

It also explained how they gained such a power. It was a generations of dominance and suppression sustained by a line of purebreds. Christian wondered if that's why Cyrus was interested in their pack business, because they harbored one. 

Suddenly, Christian was not jealous anymore. Sure his upbringing was a little less lavish, and there was some tension between his parents but he loved growing up in Crescentile with a little brother to boss over and train.

"If you don't mind me asking, is there any particular reason as to why we were invited"? Christian asked.

"Well, I don't see why not? Your pack gave me such a warm welcome, I figured it's only fair I do the same. I never not repay my favors, no matter how long it has been" and there it was. That fake smile on his face was back once more. "That's enough about me. Have you tried the local cuisine yet"? Cyrus asked.

Christian and Sebastian shared a glance before both of them shook their heads, "Well, the best chef made today's meal, so I hope you will enjoy them". He smiled and let them to the dining hall. Soon they were joined by a young teenage boy in a lavish school uniform and a vivacious young lady, with vibrant aura around her.

"This is my wife, Celestia, and my Son, Caledon" Cyrus introduced them.

"Just Call me Cal" His son interjected until he was shut up by his father's glare.

"And these are some of my friends. Sebastian Kyle, and Christian Wrisberg." Cyrus continued

"Nice to meet you" Sebastian greeted them awkwardly.

"Americans. They are rare" Celestia looked at her husband. 

"They are our guests. Treat them well" Cyrus offered her the same fake smile he had offered them all along. Christian and Sebastian both looked at each other mimicking their awkward expression as they both hoped to be anywhere else apart from this dinner table. 

Christian linked with Sebastian and spoke, [Tell me this doesn't weird you out?]

[I dunno man, and I thought your family was a cold one. What is with pack Alphas and their families?] Sebastian asked.

If Christian could, he would roll his eyes at Sebastian, but he wouldn't want to give away in front of Cyrus so he simply shot Sebastian a glare before he started to eat. Christian was a bit apprehensive about the food but since they were being served from the same place, and everyone else ate it easily, he hoped the chances of having something mixed is less.

"So, tell me about your pack?" Cyrus asked after a few bites. "Everything good"?

"Yeah," Christian nodded.

"I heard that you guys faced a recent war?" Cyrus mentioned. "Word travels fast," he smirked. 

"I suppose so" Chirstian smiled as well, bringing back his professional smile. "But we dealt with it thus restoring the peace we all aim for" Christian declared. 

"That's good to hear, but it makes me wonder, how can a peaceful pack like you get into a war"? Cyrus tilted his head in suspicion. 

"The world is not peaceful just because we are" Christian declared sternly. "Sometimes you just get dragged into a mess you didn't ask for" He shrugged. 

"Understandable," Cyrus nodded. "Still, to attack a pack like you, they must have been stupid" he scoffed. 

"They were eager, they tried their luck" Christian shrugged. "Luck… didn't last for them" he answered smugly. Sebastian looked back and forth from Christian to Cyrus. Cyrus was determined to extract information, and the more he dug the more cryptic and vague Christian got.

It was as if Sebastian was watching a game of words to see who would win. The dinner went by with remarks like that from both of them from time to time and honestly everyone was glad when it was over. After the dinner Cyrus offered them to drink but Sebastian denied, knowing how it affects Christian, by saying he needs adequate rest for the next day's shoot. 

Cyrus even offered to pull some strings to postpone the shoot, however Sebastian stood by his point that he had other plans after the shoot he didn't wish to delay and with that they took their leave. "That was… a heck of an evening" Sebastian sighed once they were out of Cyrus' earshot. 

"Tell me about it" Christian commented whilst they drove away.

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