My Atypical Wolf

Chapter 43 - It's Time...

Christian ran into Sebastian on his way out of the hospital. He was not in the mood to deal with the arrogant boy but this time it was Sebastian who stopped him, "Everything is resolved for now, I assume I can go back now"? Sebastian asked him.

"We don't know that for certain". Christian declared. Sebastian titled his head in confusion before Christian answered, "You told me that Ellamora witches are quite famous…"Sebastian nodded at that, "... What if she had others who helped her? We don't know the situation for certain. I would suggest stay here for a few more days until things are resolved".

"Look, I have a job. I already postponed my shoots for this massacre without any proper explanation. I am this close to being fired"! Sebastian insisted. 

Christian was taken aback for a moment before he mumbled, "Shoots"? He paused, "Are you an actor? No wonder you seem familiar". Christian asked out loud.

"Kind of, now can I leave"! Sebastian insisted further. 

"You can leave, but I ain't guaranteeing you any safety. Just don't end up injured in my hospital" Christain snapped and left.


That night was spent mostly on dealing with the situation. Caleb knew his father was angry, so much so that he dismissed him right away as if he would 'deal with him later'. 

His father was furious about how the things escalated despite every possible measures. If he didn't have all these responsibilities on his shoulders he would sure reprimand Caleb right that moment. His mother upon seeing Caleb was sad as well. Time and time again they notice how Caleb got into bad situations, but never did once do they appreciate how he always managed to escape such severe situations.

Christian, after being done with all the hospital stuffs returned home late, but he was still back before his father. He asked Caleb to describe each and everything in details as they were still worried that there are other witches in the town.

Caleb complied with the order and gave him a detailed description of the events that took place. Of course he modified the part that involved Ashton. He changed by telling him that it was Caleb, who took down Sara for the time being and freed Ashton. Ashton being surrounded by two giant wolves and a crazy situation just made a run for it.

Christian had a suspicious expression on his face for a moment but ultimately he believed him. Caleb was advised by his brother and by the maids to take some rest. However he failed to calm down as he found himself having various dilemmas.

His father, who arrived way too late had a discussion with his wife, Mrs Wrisberg, before both of them went to Caleb's room in case he was still awake. After a few soft knocks Caleb opened the door for them.

His father gave him a strange expressionless stare while his mother simply gazed at him with melancholic eyes. Caleb hesitated to speak up, but nevertheless found the courage to do so and asked, "What brings you here at this hour"?

"You could have been killed today"! His mother replied with teary eyes. "Again for the umpteenth time"!

"But I didn't. I manage to survive, without getting attacked by wolfbane"! Caleb tried to justify his actions, knowing well enough that it would be futile.

"We know. Which is why your mother and I reached a decision". His father declared. Never did he ever like any of his fathers decision regarding him. And he was sure this would be no different either. "It's time for you to get yourself a mate". 



"WHAT"! Caleb shouted at them. "I told you before, I don't want any mate"! Caleb protested loudly. 

"I am aware, but you are still getting a mate". His father asserted in a deep dominating voice, a voice that would be hard to say no to.

"You know how Alphas are… you really think mating with one would solve my problem. No! It will only make my life more miserable"! Caleb argued with them with utmost determination.

"Or maybe it won't"? His mother spoke up. "Honey, aren't you the one who always goes against the existing stereotypes. Maybe there is an Alpha who won't be so bad after all". His mother tried to reason with him.

"It will still be against my wishes. I do not care how nice an Alpha would be to me, I do not want to mate with someone I don't know"! Caleb's voice quivered as he clung onto the hope that they won't force him to do this.

"Then we will pick someone you know". His father spoke flatly.

"What"? Caleb looked at his father baffled. 

"You grandmother told me that you are friends with an Alpha whom you used to date when you were little"? His father spoke up, "Why not her, I am sure she is lovely". 

"Because we were little back then. She is my friend and I don't feel that way about her"! Caleb tried to reason with them.

"Not a good enough excuse. This is the real world, not your all-perfect imaginary world where you get to do things just because you feel like it". His father raised his voice.

"Dad"! Caleb shrieked. Such unfair treatment is what he hated about being an omega. No matter how hard he tried, how strong he got, they will always treat him like some weakling who cannot do anything for himself. 

The fact that it was not because he was their kid was proven effectively by how different they treated his brother. His brother, Chritian who was 21, was never even asked to choose a mate, let alone forced to, and yet here at 18 Caleb is expected to mate with someone he doesn't even want to? He doesn't care if mate bond makes the wolf stronger, he just doesn't want to mate with someone he does not have feelings for.

Frustrated he did not bother arguing any further. He knew nothing he would say to you will make any difference and remained quiet. "I will arrange a meeting with her as soon as possible. Go take some rest". His father told him before his parents left him.

Once he was all by himself he cried in his pillow out of frustration. He hated feeling this helpless. After almost an hour when his tears dried up he just laid there. He was tired after the day he had and he didn't know what to feel anymore, which is why when he saw Ashton calling him, he almost didn't pick up.

For some reason talking to Ashton made him feel even more sad. He liked hanging out with him. That kid was too weird and he always loved how he was able to tease him. But after today, he felt that maybe that was not such a good idea. 

If only he did not agree to that fake-mate idea, Ashton wouldn't be involved in such a mess. And if his father goes through with his plan, then soon he will have a real mate. Why bother staging a fake one anymore? He brutally told him to not bother him anymore as he waited for the sun to come up.

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