My Atypical Wolf

Chapter 44 - Can You Tell Me Where Exactly?

The suspension of the schools would be lifted from the upcoming Monday, which means that the kids had this weekend to themselves to enjoy the 'holiday' as much as they could.

However, for few individuals it might not have been as fun as one would have hoped. For Caleb, it was a living nightmare. He did not have anyone he could share his troubles with. Even his brother gave up on him this time. 

Turns out his brother too was worried about Caleb's safety. But the question is, how the hell would having a mate would solve anything? It's like that gimmick that the root of every problem for a kid is spending too much time on the phone. 

On top of that he was even at odds with Matt. Caleb didn't bother reaching out to him, and neither did Matt. In a situation like this it was hard for him not to feel lonely right now.

As for Ashton, it was more or less the same. He wasn't close to anyone here particularly, apart from maybe Sara, who turned out to be a b**ch, and Caleb. He was close with Bethany from the coffee house, but even she was a wolf so it was not that much of a close friendship. 

On Sunday, he decided to spend some time with the twins away from their home. Being stuck within the boundaries of these walls made them a bit cranky. 

He took them to a park that was in the town. Since their own house was situated at the outskirts, it took some time for them to go there. "Ashton, we are not babies, why did you bring us here"! Ava protested.

"What? I told you I was taking you guys to the park"! Ashton defended himself. 

"We thought that an amusement park, not this"! Ariel chimed in.

Ashton face-palmed himself before saying, "the amusement park is way too far, I cannot take you there. I don't have a car". Ashton tried to reason with the twins. Both the twins pouted but did not argue back with him. 

After a moment of silence Ava spoke, "It's alright, I'll ask your handsome friend to take us when he comes over next time. I saw last time that he has a wonderful Car". The twins giggled with each other

Ashton took a moment to figure out whom they were talking about and chuckled at them. Turns out even the twins became quite fond of Caleb, too bad he won't show up anymore. For some reason he felt that he would miss those annoying visits of that unbearable wolf.

He played with them there for a while before a few little kids joined them. Ashton stood there watching over them like a chaperone. Even a few parents asked him to watch them as if he was the most trustworthy person around. 

Nevertheless he did not deny their requests and kept an eye on them playing their games with a content smile. After a while he noticed a little boy missing after he counted the kids for the third time. He looked around frantically to find the kid trying to collect a little ball. 

He ran there to get him as it was dangerous for the kids to stand in the middle of the road. His level of panic took a spike when he spotted a car coming at him at a very high speed. Ashton ran as fast as he could and jumped in between the Car and the kid. 

Luckily the Car stopped a few inches before it could hurt them. Ashton who closed his eyes tightly opened them and looked ahead to find a woman sitting in the car with the same panicked expression. 

"Oh my God, I am so sorry"! Apologized the woman as she got out. The woman was a brunette with long wavy hair that reached till her breast and appeared as if she was around her age, but perhaps older.

Ashton did not reply to her and instead checked the kid who fell on the floor due to the impending impact for any injuries. The kid started to cry a lot so Ashton tried to calm him down. The lady walked ahead to those two and squatted down to make sure they were okay. She patted the boy along with Ashton.

Ashton gave her a strange intimidating look due to which the woman flinched a bit before saying, "I am really sorry, I did not see the kid". She tried to justify her actions. Ashton was reluctant to accept the excuse but nevertheless he nodded at her.

"I shouldn't have gone over the speed limit. The road was empty so I thought it was okay around this time of the day". The woman mumbled. She did not expect Ashton to actually hear that but unfortunately for his Alpha ears he did. That was when he noticed the scent coming off of her. She was a wolf as well, and an Alpha.

He wondered who she was, never having spotted her in the area before but he wasn't going to ask her or anything, so he focused on the kid.

"What did I tell you, stay away from the road"! Ashton scolded the boy who started crying.

"It's okay" that woman patted him once more. "He is a kid, don't be so hard on him" she scolded Ashton instead. 

Ashton looked at her suspiciously before turning his head back to the kid. "Oh by the way..." the woman spoke up as something hit her. "Do you know where the Mayor's house is? I know it's in this area but I cannot quite seem to find it".

"The mayor's house"? Ashton mumbled. She must have deduced that Ashton was a human, cause for the wolves it would be Alpha's house and not the mayor's house. Was she somehow related to Caleb? He wondered.

"I do" he nodded.

"Can you tell me where exactly"? She asked him again after a while because he did not bother to continue after that.

"You go there, and turn left. After a while you will see an alley. Go straight into it, you will see the house". He explained to her the directions using his hands.

"Thank you so much". She smiled at him which Ashton did not reciprocate. 

"Are you related to them"? He could not help but ask.

"Actually, I know the mayor's younger son. We are kind of friends". She shrugged with a smile.

"Caleb"? He mumbled, which thanks to her wolf ears she heard.

"Wait, you know him"? She smiled with a glee.

He nodded at her before adding, "We go to the same school". Of course he wouldn't share with her the whole story.

"Oh, I am Karolyn by the way". She extended her hand to shake it. Neither did he take her hand, nor did he gave her any verbal reply. He simply nodded at her.

Taken aback by the hostility she spoke, "Anyways, I should get going. Thanks for your help". She got inside the car and drove ahead for her destination.

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