My Atypical Wolf

Chapter 47 - Shattered

Caleb was not happy the way things turned out. Caleb accompanied Karolyn to show her around and thus visited all the nearby places before returning home. On their way when she spotted a cafe to which she insisted to go and check that out as well. While Caleb was worried that he might run into Ashton there, he still agreed to her request hoping that Ashton would be long gone by now. He was proven wrong when they were greeted by none other than Ashton himself. 

At Karolyn's mention that she has had met Ashton before, Caleb got curious exactly how did she know him. This is why this was the first thing he asked when they were all seated. "Oh I ran into him on my way here. He was the one who gave me directions" she shrugged. 

"I see". Caleb nodded.

"You guys must be close"? Karolyn popped the question. 

"What? No"! Caleb defended. 

"Oh, it's just that… he seems younger than you so maybe I thought you guys are in different years" she explained herself. "Despite that he recognized who you were". 

"We are on the same soccer team". Caleb clarified. "Besides, I am pretty famous in my school". Caleb smirked, to which Karolyn shook her head. "You remember Matt? They used to get into a lot disagreements and fights. It was mainly Matt. Apparently Matt found his behavior infuriating".

"I can imagine why" Karolyn snorted. 

"Why"? Caleb asked, slightly offended by her snarky comment. 

"I mean… when I asked him for directions he was behaving a bit rude. And now here he is behaving so nice". She shrugged. 

"That's wrong? He doesn't know you, of course he won't get friendly. Here, its his job" Caleb defended. 

Karolyn eyed him suspiciously before saying,"Okay...No need to be so defensive. I never said its wrong, I get why he behaved the way he did" she sighed. "He just seems a bit introverted which I guess may come off as rude. As much as I have heard about Matt, he has temperament issues. Which is why I can imagine him getting angry so easily as well." Karolyn clarified her words.

At that moment Ashton popped up. "Can I take you order"? He asked both of them while doing his best to hide his frustration. For some reason this situation drove him crazy. Karolyn chose one drink while Caleb simply ordered the same. Ashton after taking their orders went back to the kitchen. 

"So, how did you like it here"? Caleb asked her casually. 

"I think its nice. It's not like the city. Its too loud over there and with our hearing, it's a nightmare"! She chuckled. 

"I get that. I have been there once or twice, and honestly I prefer this too". Caleb shrugged. 

Ashton got them their order and left the table as fast as he could. It was getting late and he didn't have enough customers so he actually didn't have to stay back in here. His shift was over anyways, but he still he found it harder to leave.

"You know… " Karolyn began to speak, "... I am aware why your parents want me here". She spoke which made Caleb pause mid bite before he looked at her.

"You do"? He gave her a suspicious look.

"Your parents asked mine not to tell me about it, but they are quite frank with me so it was hard not to". She gave him a sad smile, "Your parents don't know that I know".

"If you knew all along, why didn't you say something"? Caleb asked after a moment of pause. "I don't know. I always thought that if something were to happen between us you would be the one to approach me and not your parents. But-". She paused when she heard a lound shattering noise from the kitchen as if some glass or cup fell on the floor. It wouldn't be this much startling but the noise was way too loud even for wolf years.

Karolyn gazed there before she brought her attention back to Caleb. "As I was saying, since it was your parents, something felt wrong". She shrugged. 

"If you knew why didn't you say something before to me"? Caleb asked.

"Well, I was hoping you would bring up. I wanted to know how you feel about… us". Karolyn looked at him with a serious face.

"What do you mean"? Caleb raised an eyebrow. 

"You know… like you might not be a part of this decision". Karolyn smiled.

"Wow, you are good at deducing stuff. You are right". He smirked. "I am sorry, I just don't feel that way about you" Caleb apologized to her sincerely. 

"Don't apologize. It's not wrong to like someone you know… and similarly it's not wrong to not like someone either". She smiled which Caleb reciprocated.

"I guess that's true". Caleb whispered. "So what are you going to do"? Caleb asked her.

"I guess I will say no when your parents finally pop the question… mainly because I am almost positive they won't care about your opinion"? Karolyn raised an eyebrow to which Caleb simply nodded.

"Thank you" Caleb gave her a smile filled with relief. It's been a while since he felt that. Burdened with ths recent events most of his smiled in this duration was not sincere. 

"I will also say something else to you" She smirked. 

"What"? Caleb raised an eyebrow 

"Don't be an idiot. If it won't be me they will try to find someone else. If you want to be with the person you like just go ahead and confess already. Someone has to make the first move in a relationship after all". Karolyn smiled. 

"I don't have anyone" Caleb scoffed. "I just don't want to be paired up forcefully".

"Are you sure… Cause I can tell something has changed" She eyed him suspiciously. "You would be angry when things don't go your way, but you are more upset than angry this time". She maintained her gaze.

"So? How does that matter? Besides you're talking as if you know everything about me". Caleb rolled his eyes.

"I know a few things. I know bow to read your expressions time to time". She smirked. "I also noticed how you got defensive when it came to the kid" She added which made Caleb froze.

"I don't like him"! He protested to her. "I am so sick of people pairing us up". he put his palm on the face. "I would defend anyone"! He tried his best to explain himself. 

"Maybe… which is why I did not give it much thought". She tilted her head. "But then I noticed the way you looked at him while he wrote down our orders". She smirked. 

"What look"? Caleb rolled his eyes.

"Just…. a look". Karolyn sighed. "Of course I could be wrong. But like you said, I am good at deducing stuff, so maybe give it a thought". She pursed her lips before continuing, "I am only asking you because if you have feelings and you realise it late, you may end up being too late". She looked at him with a sad smile. "I am saying this from experience, trust me" she added before she resumed her eating.

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