My Atypical Wolf

Chapter 48 - What Do I Feel?

Caleb ate in silence as he pondered upon Karolyn's words. Was she right? Could it be that he was starting to develop feelings for Ashton? 

Suddenly he recalled that Ashton was in fact in the vicinity and that he must have heard their conversation. He was already trying to avoid him as it is which made the situation between them more awkward than it has to be. He was dreading the moment when he would be back to take the check.

He tried to look straight on the table at nothing in particular while he avoided the person standing next to him after Karolyn called for the check. He was surprised to hear a high pitch voice say, "Anything else"? He looked up to see an old woman, who was the owner here.

"No, we will like the bill" Karolyn told her while she nodded. 

"Where is...he"? Caleb called out to the woman. She halted on her way as she turned back with confusion on her face. "Ashton, he was our waiter for the day I think".

"Oh, he broke a glass earlier and injured his hand. I sent him home since it was already late as it is" She clarified. "You know him"? She asked, to which Caleb nodded.

As Caleb turned back her head he saw Karolyn looking at him with a suggestive expression. "What"? Caleb asked her, annoyed, since her expression bothered her.

"Nothing, your curiosity intrigues me, thats all" Karolyn suppressed a chuckle by pursing her lips. Caleb rolled his eyes at her. 

After he was back home his parents were indeed pleased with him. Caleb and Karolyn were laughing when they returned and thus Mr and Mrs Wrisberg thought that they had been successful in their plan.

Tomorrow was the last day Karolym would be here as her flight was at afternoon. The trip to the airport was a long one so she would leave after the breakfast along with Caleb, who had school.

Caleb's parents suggested him to skip school to drop her off, but both him and Karolyn rejected the offer. That night while he was trying to catch up with his homework his mind kept wandering to what Karolyn said. Exactly how did he look at Ashton? He wished that she took a picture or something so that he could see it.

For an Alpha, Ashton was quiet different. He never thought he would ever meet an Alpha who would be so different, let alone a pureblooded one. What intrigued him more that despite their huge differences in blood status he could relate to him more that anyone. 

He felt comfortable around him because he was the only other wolf who not only knew his secret but also never judged because of it. For him, his relationship with Ashton was pretty simple and he liked that comfort, but that was all it was, nothing more, right?

Yet, after all this assurance he failed to identify any reason as to why he missed Ashton so much. He has had fallouts from his friends before, and yet he never felt so awkward. In fact even with Matt he was not that bothered. Why was that?

Could it be that he got addicted to being himself somewhere apart from his house? Not having to hide who he is in front of someone who isn't related to him by blood. Or was it from the moment when Ashton helped him while he was in pain while away from home.

With all these conflicting thoughts on his head he threw away his pen on the table after which he put his head down on the table. "Why is this so hard to figure out"!. He sighed in frustration. He was good at deducing things, and yet he failed to sort out his own feelings. 

After trying his best to clear his thoughts and failing at if miserably he decided to do something about it. 'Moping around would not help me anyways', he thought. 

He climbed out of his window carefully after which he made a run for it. It was not a problem if anyone saw him as long as it was not any of his family member. In fact, it was alright with him even if his parents found him gone in the morning. 

It was around midnight, a time highly inappropriate for someone to make a visit, but he was frustrated beyond his limits and he needed some urgent answers. Once he reached Ashton's house he hesitated once more. He pondered whether it was appropriate to bother him or not. What would he even tell him his reason for the visit?

He stood there quietly, lost in his thoughts while he gazed at the closed window beyond which everything was dark. It was evident Ashton was asleep by now and he was starting to get how disturbing him at this hour would be a nuisance. 

He was about to turn around when he felt a soft touch on his deltoid region. Starled he took a few steps back and noticed his surroundings properly. He found giant blood red eyes staring at him which were a part of a giant black wof. Caleb was almost 6 ft tall, and yet somehow this wolf was bigger than him.

Werewolves tend to be bigger that normal wolves, and yet he never saw a wolf so giant. He had never seen this wolf around and his size emitted a threatening aura which made Caleb cautious. For some reason the wolf who was staring at his actions lowered his head before it looked away. 

That reaction confused Caleb, since he assumed it was about to attack him, but what confused him more is the lack of any scent from the wolf. That's when he realized that the wolf was none other than Ashton. It was ironic how his wolf form was bigger than his human form, explaining why Ashton was much more heavier than he looked.

Caleb relaxed considerably, before taking his steps forward. That wolf who was still looking away froze the moment it felt a soft touch on his neck. The wolf turned around and stared at Caleb. Due to the wolf form Caleb found it hard to decipher the other's feelings. But nevertheless he found himself being enchanted by this magnificent creature in front of him. Turns out that even the scariest forms of Ashton intrigued him.

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