My Atypical Wolf

Chapter 50 - I Was Just Wondering...

Caleb got inside the room with much hesitation. He had been here before and yet this felt the most awkward amongst all times. 

"So"? Ashton asked. Caleb took a deep breath before he began to explain the situation to him. His fallout with Matt and how his parents tried to force him to mate. How frustrated he had been these couple of days. It was weird how light he felt just after sharing all this with Ashton.

"That seems rough" Ashton whispered. 

"Really? You don't think I was being dramatic". Caleb snorted.

"No you were definitely being dramatic. But you had your reason. I am not from a royal family like yours so I won't pretend to understand what you go through everyday". Ashton folded his hands before continuing, "What I do know is that what it's like being different. So I know it's tough".

"I should get going now…" Caleb whispered. 

"Wait… did you come all the way here just for this"? Ashto asked Caleb to which he simply nodded. "Are you sure there is nothing more"?

Caleb tried to recall how he came here to solve his conflicted feelings. He wasn't yet 100 percent sure of how he felt but he was sure that he felt good around Ashton. He felt relieved to share his troubles with him. He enjoyed the other's company. It would be quite hypocritical of him to fall for a pureblooded Alpha when he hated the Alphas in general, yet somehow it was hard to not like this arrogant kid.

"Can I ask you something. It's a personal question"? Caleb asked him.

Ashton scrunched his eyebrows before saying skeptically, "You can, but I am not promising you any answers".

"I was just wondering… Why did you say you don't want a mate? I mean would it be really that bad"? Caleb asked him cautiously. 

"Well… I don't want to be a part of this wolf world. I want to escape this which I don't think I can with a mate around". Ashton shrugged. 

Caleb was taken aback by his answer and started at him with wide eyes, "I thought… you love your family… why would you want to leave them"?

"I do, which is why". Ashton scoffed. "Do you have any idea how many times my family was put in danger just because of who I am. In fact I am the reason my family does not belong to any pack now"! Ashton sighed. "Every time my secret is out, we have to move because having a pureblooded Alpha is too much threat. As if I will go rampage and kill everyone" Ashton rolled his eyes.

"Well, given all the sacrifices… don't you think your family would be devastated even more if you left them"? Caleb questioned him skeptically.

"I am not talking about abandoning them. I just want to maintain my distance. I will still keep in touch. I just want my family to be a part of a pack again". Ashton sighed.

"I see". Caleb said softly. The fact that he wanted to stay away from the world of wolves made sense to him. It also meant that whatever feeling Caleb might have for Ashton would be moot because he would hate to be the reason for holding him back. Even if he were to become 100 percent sure that he does have feelings, why bother to confess? He will either be heartbroken or keep Ashton here against his will.

"Anyways, why are you asking me about that suddenly"? Ashton asked him suspiciously. 

"Well, we were talking about having mates, how I don't want to but my parents are making me. So I recalled you don't want either and I got curious why". Caleb shrugged. He was a bit proud of himself for coming up with the excuse, especially when Ashton bought it.

"Well, I really should get going. If my parents found out I am gone, I am gonna need to come up with excuses again". He sighed out of frustration. 

"Alright" Ashton nodded at him before Caleb jumped out of the window. This time Caleb ran in his human form rather than his wolf form. He was quite fast so he reached him home early enough. He was glad that no one noticed him getting inside. 

While his tiny midnight adventure didn't help him get all the answers he needed it did help him to clear out his mind. He somehow felt at peace and before he realised he drifted off because next thing he knew that it was his crazy alarm waking him up.


His day at school was awkward as well. Melanie asked Caleb what is going on between those two. She assumed that maybe it has something to do with Sara, now that she disappeared. Nevertheless she couldn't get any definitive answer from him.

At lunch when he was all by himself going through some pack related stuff on his phone someone sat in front of him with a tray. "Can we talk"? Matt spoke. 

"Sure… " Caleb replied after a moment of silence since he was taken aback that he approached him.

"I am sorry for being like that the other day". Matt sighed. "I guess I was angry about… something else and I took it on you".

"Wow… really"? Caleb smirked. He was not actually expecting Matt to come back, let alone an apology from him given his ego. He was almost sure that their friendship was over. Who would want to stick by a liar anyways?

"Yeah man, I get why you… did what you did". Matt assured him. 

"Fine, but if you treat me any different… I will kill you" Caleb smirked playfully as he teased Matt. Matt rolled his eyes before replying, "Don't worry, you are still the same scary dude to me" he chuckled. 

He was glad how things were falling into place once more. Looks like he did not have much to worry about after all.

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