My Atypical Wolf

Chapter 69 - Unsure

Christian was not at all thrilled about his brother's decision. If he had even remotely mentioned that he knew the pureblooded Alpha who was once the prime suspect of the witch mayhem personally he would have done everything in his power to keep them apart. He knew his brother was strong enough to fend off usual alphas, but even Christian himself wasn't sure how he would tackle a pureblood, let alone be okay with Caleb choosing one as a mate.

He knew his brother was smart, and made smart decisions which is why he never interefered with his personal affaits, which is why he failed to understand why on earth would his baby brother make such a dumb decision. 

Christian brought up all the times they had got the scent of Ashton, and pointed out to Caleb how shady those incidences were. Caleb however tried to defend Ashton and presented him with a valid argument for each and every encounter, as if he had way too much faith in Ashton. 

Christian was certain that whoever this guy was he was trying to manipulate Caleb, which is why he was a bit surprised to see that the pureblood was just a kid. Nevertheless, he wasn't someone who judges people based on their appearances, and therefore would not accept Ashton this easily. He was looking forward to the pretend nice Ashton might present to him, which is why he was genuinely surprised to see his rude attitude. 'Why on earth would Caleb choose such a mate'? Christian was confused even further. 

When Caleb and Ashton were talking via their link the expression on their faces didn't go unnoticed. From the way Caleb looked at him, even if Christian couldn't deduce the exact conversation, he could tell Caleb cared about him. "I am sorry, what do you want to know about me"? Ashton asked Christian.

Remembering how he couldn't smell both his brother or Ashton Christian asked while smirking, "Let's start with your lack of scent". 

"What about it"? Ashton shrugged. "There is really nothing much to tell. Most pureblooded Alphas have special powers, mine is controlling the intensity of my scent". Ashton spoke.

"Apparently that's not all" Christian mumbled while he threw a glance at Caleb.

Confused, Ashton looked back and forth between the brothers before finally asking, "What's he talking about"? To Caleb. 

"Let me tell you something, Caleb is still not completely over his heat" Christian hinted.

Ashton, puzzled by the sudden TMI (too much information) frowned for a second until his eyes widened. "You don't...smell like it"? Hesitant, he asked Caleb who simply nodded at him awkwardly. ""? Ashton stuttered but Caleb simply shrugged at him. 

"I will assume your power is affecting him as well" Christian spoke.

"How is that possible? Is that supposed to happen"? Panicked, Ashton bombarded Christian with questions. The more he found out about the effects of marking, the more it made him scared. He didn't know what else to expect. It has been only a few weeks, but so much has changed in their dynamics. 

"Both of you idiots decided to do it without even bothering to know the after effects"?! Christian scolded the duo. While Ashton felt bad for not being cautious enough, Caleb couldn't care less.

"So what? I don't have a scent now? Is it really the worst thing? Look at me having coffee in a public place without caring that my secret will be exposed". Caleb smirked. 

"Is this a joke to you"? Christian raised his voice at his brother. Caleb gulped and shook his head. Christian sighed before turning his head to Ashton. "Why did you do it"? Christian asked Ashton in a calm voice. "Why did you mark him"?

Puzzled, Ashton replied, "He asked me to" while pointing at Caleb.

"So you would mark anyone who asks you"? Christian retorted.

"Not anyone… but… he gave me a good enough reason to". Ashtom mumbled. "Didn't he tell you"? Ashton looked at Caleb carefully.

"He did, but that was his reason". Christian asserted. "I want to know your reason". Ashton was further puzzled by his question. "I want to know why that reason was good enough for you? Do you have feelings for him"?

The moment Christian uttered those words Caleb choked on his own coffee and coughed a few times to get rid of the irritating feeling. Ashton however maintained his calm and composed expression, unbothered by both Christian's question and Caleb's reaction. "Should I help someone just because I have feelings for them"? Ashton questioned him back. Christian was surprised by Ashton's response. "The reason was good enough for me because the reason was genuine. I simply don't have any other reason". 

"So, will you protect him if he gets in trouble because of you"? Christian challenged him.

Ashton blinked twice before replying, "Okay, first of all, this guy doesn't need my protection. If anything, given how many times he has threatened me it's me who needs protection from him. He not only knows how to take care of himself, but he also has saved me on multiple occasions". Ashton replied while pointing his thumb towards Caleb. 

At that moment a tiny proud smirk crept into Caleb's face. "And secondly, I will do my best to make sure such a situation doesn't arise". He replied. The statement sounded sincere, so much so that Christian started to feel guilty for doubting Ashton. As a future pack leader he had dealt with many people, many outlaws and has quite an experience from detecting lie from the truth. 

While his logic constantly screamed otherwise, deep in his heart he wanted to believe Ashton. He wanted to believe that Ashton would treat Caleb just the way he deserves. "You have Alpha genes, but do you really know self defense"? Christian asked. 

"I know a bit. I have learned with humans but I have never been part of any pack so… never learnt it as a wolf" Ashton shrugged. "I am pretty strong though". 

"Really"? Christian scrunched his eyebrows as he noticed how young he looked. "Prove it". He ordered and positioned his hands on the table for an impending arm wrestling. Ashton, taken aback, glanced at Caleb with an 'Is he serious' expression, after which Caleb simply shrugged apologetically. Ashton complied with his brother's request and positioned his hand accordingly. 

For a while neither of them bothered to push as they waited for the other to start the game. Frustrated, Christian began to apply force but somehow it didn't even bulge. To an onlooker, it would still appear as if no one was playing, until a grimace started to appear on Christian's face. His face was giving away the fact that he was trying while his battling hand failed to do so.

After a moment Ashton mumbled, "Try both hands". Christian, who heard him, glared at him before actually doing what Ashton suggested. A few moments of struggling continued before Ashton pinned Christian's first on the table. Christian had far more muscles than Ashton and thus far more bulkier, which is why losing to him felt a little bit offending. 

Christian sighed with anger, "Whatever, I just want to make one thing very clear. According to what Caleb told me and your words this marking has no romantic feelings involved, am I right"? Christian raised an eyebrow. Ashton nodded his head in agreement, "Good, keep your hands of him. You dare touch in inappropriately and I will kill you"! Christian threatened. 

"It won't be a problem, I have no romantic interest in him whatsoever and I never will". Ashton declared without skipping a beat. Christian could sense the sincerity in his statement, despite his logic telling him that it's a lie. Meanwhile, in the background the smile Caleb had had a moment ago changed to a fainter one, along with a little grinding of teeth. It was a subtle change, almost unnoticeable but somehow his brother did not miss it.

"Remember that" Christian spoke in a grave voice. 

"Anything else"? Ashton asked him, coming off more rude than expected.

"Why you got somewhere else to be"? Christian raised one of his eyebrows.

"I do actually. I have a bunch of stuff I need to do. I kept them hanging because he called me". He pointed at Caleb. 

"Alright then" Christian gave him a slight nod of approval before he left.

"So"? Caleb asked his brother carefully once Ashton was gone.

"What"? Christian asked flatly. 

"What do you think of him"? Caleb clarified.

"He seems okay, but I still can't stop being suspicious of him". He mumbled. "But if I let go of that, I think he is a nice guy". Christian opined.

"Yes"! Caleb exclaimed. "I told you, he is a nice guy".

"A lot of people are nice, but you don't go around mating with them. Now tell me honestly, why do you like him"? Christian asked him sternly.

"What? I don't. I told you it was not like that"! Caleb defended himself. 

"Sure you did. But you acted completely opposite so I know now that was a lie" his brother smirked. "I am good at telling what might be going inside someone's head. And I know you better than anyone else, so you are even easier for me to read. I can tell you have feelings for him, and that for some reason you want to keep it secret. So, tell me, since how long have you liked him"? Christian questioned but Caleb simply gulped.

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