My Atypical Wolf

Chapter 70 - My Feelings

"So, tell me, since how long have you liked him"? This one question from his brother had Caleb stunned, not sure how to respond to it. Should he keep pretending and tell his brother that he got it totally wrong? What good can possibly come from admitting it anyways. He opened his mouth to say something, but was stopped by Christian at that very moment by a gesture of his index finger. "No more lies. I have already had enough of those".

"I really don't. Why do you think I do"? Caleb counter questioned him.

"First of all, I am your brother and I can tell the way you look at him. Secondly, remember what you said to me? That you won't bear a mark of someone you don't have feelings for"? Christian smirked.

"That was before I gave it a proper thought"! Caleb tried harder to convince his brother.

"You and I both know that's bullsh**t. I know how stubborn you can be, and there is no way you changed your mind just like that". Christian challenged him further. 

"Why does it even matter"? Caleb popped the question raising his voice out of frustration.

"Of course it does, because you have feelings for him but you manipulated him to get you marked instead of actually confessing! At this point I am starting to feel like you are the bad guy"! Christian raised his voice as well.

"Confessing"? Caleb scoffed. "Just so you know, he made it perfectly clear he doesn't want a mate. Considering even if I had feelings for him, what's the point of confessing"? Caleb's voice quivered at the end. 

"Maybe he actually didn't mean it? Maybe he will actually reciprocate, you never know"? Christian suggested.

"Or… maybe he won't and instead start regretting ever marking me" Caleb retorted.

Christian sighed with frustration,"Do whatever you want. But just so you know, this way it will hurt both of you even more. Given that you are marked, and your budding feelings for him, it won't be easy for you to be around all the time". Christian said softly. 

"My Feelings"? Caleb scoffed. "Don't worry, I won't let it become a problem for anyone".

"So you do admit that you have feelings"? Christian scoffed, catching him red handed.

"Whatever", Caleb dismissed it.

Both of them were silent for a while. Caleb was on the brink of tearing down and Christian started to feel bad for pushing his brother to his limit. After a while, his brother asked him hesitantly, "It's okay if you don't want to tell him. But I am still curious how long have you had a crush on him"? 

Caleb thought for a while, "I am not sure… I mean I didn't even consider seeing him that way until Karolyn came along… But I guess it started back when I first found out he was an Alpha". Caleb mumbled. 

"Because he defended you"? Christian questioned. "Maybe? But mostly because he helped me. He fought his urge and took care of me properly instead of trying to take advantage. It is kind of hard not to fall for that".

"I see. Well, even though I just met him, it seems that he would have done that for anyone. Am I right"? Christian raised his eyebrows to which Caleb nodded. "Then how come you're so moved by it? You do realize that he didn't treat you in a special way"? 

"That's exactly what I liked about him". Caleb declared. Christian scrunched his eyebrows in confusion so Caleb decided to explain further. "Most of the people fear me because they think I am the Alpha, even if they find out who I am they might treat me the same way because I am the son of the Head Alpha". He sighed. "My point is, even if people treat me nicely doesn't mean that is their true selves. With Ashton, he would help anyone, even if he pretends all the time that he doesn't care, irrespective of their blood rank".

"Okay…" Christian mumbled.

"He respects me as a person, and I kind of like that". Caleb shrugged.

After a moment of silence Christian scoffed, "Wow, sounds like you are whipped".

"What?! Absolutely not"! Caleb protested, recovering from his deep thoughts. "Whatever, can we drop this"? Caleb insisted to his brother. 

"Yeah, sure". Christian chuckled. "Look at that, my baby brother found a mate before me". He teased him.

"With your irritating attitude, I can see why that's the case" Caleb retorted earning a frown from his brother. "'re okay with him"? Caleb asked cautiously with a tinge of hope.

"" Christian shook his head. "But, you picked him, so I am not gonna stop you from pursuing him. But, I will kill him if he ever hurts you"! Christian threatened. 

Caleb rolled his eyes, "First of all, I am not pursuing him, I-".

"Yeah whatever, I don't wanna get in the middle of whatever you are doing". Christian cringed, cutting in the middle of the sentence.

Ignoring his brother's comment Caleb continued, "and Secondly, you will kill him if he hurts me? That is so old fashioned"! 

"I don't care, you are my baby brother, and I will look out for you". Christian declared.

Caleb's eyes glistened along with a giant smile plastered to his face. Happy that he managed to convince his brother he asked the next question, "Can you do me a favor? Can you not tell Mom and Dad yet"?

"About the Marking"? 

"About Ashton. And of course, marking as well. You know how our parents are. If they find out it's gonna be really problematic. Dad would kill Ashton in a heartbeat". Caleb pleaded. 

"I don't think he will, he wouldn't want your mate to die". Christian argued.

"Well, he will never choose me before the whole pack. You know how he is, no matter what he will never be convinced that Ashton is harmless". Caleb rolled his eyes. "Besides, it will be a bother to Ashton, I don't want to drag him along in all this anymore". 

"Fine, if that's what you want". Christian shrugged. "You do realize they will find out eventually".

"I know", Caleb gave a hopeless sigh. "I just want to delay it as long as possible".

After a minute of silence Christian spoke up, "Well, we should leave. Dad is back and he wants to see me. I suggest you go back to your Cabin. Even without scent, get better first".

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