My Atypical Wolf

Chapter 77 - Faint Connection

"Ariel"! a whisper like shout reached Ariel. Finally being able to hear her sister's voice, she screamed delightfully in surprise. Luckily not many people were there sharing her ward. An old lady who was too weak to open her own eyes laying across the room was her only roommate in this giant room, a roommate whom Ariel didn't even notice until now.

[Can you hear me!?] The same voice asked her again. 

[Yes!] Ariel exclaimed happily. However, since she didn't hear any reply following that she screamed inside her head [YES]!

[Oh thank God, I can finally reach you!] Her voice, much more fainter than the last time spoke. Ariel could barely make out her words, which is when she realized that the momentary connection was failing. Having so many questions to ask, she looked for the one that would be considered to be most important. 

[Where are you?] Ariel screamed back once more.

[I don't know, my eyes have a blindfold on, but I can hear metal clinking together] she spoke even louder but it reached Ariel even fainter. [I also think I can hear a faint noise of water flowing. This place stinks like a su-] and the connection was gone.

No matter how much she tried she couldn't reach Ava again. Devastated and tired, her eyes finally became heavy and soon she drifted off to sleep.


At noon when her eyes opened she found herself surrounded by her family. Once she was out of her sleepy haze she jolted up on the bed recalling her brief conversation with her sister. A part of her hoped that she didn't imagine that in her exhaustion. 

Upon telling everyone, Ashton immediately tried to call Caleb, but he didn't pick it up, so he tried linking him. This was his first time in years initiating the link, which is why he was having a hard time figuring out exactly how to do it. He had been taught once, but he was out of practice for so many years. 

He wanted to ask Caleb if it could be any place known to him. When he couldn't find anyone he decided to try Caleb's house. Frankly he has never been there, but he knew the way to it. Aside from it being the core of the whole pack, it was protected by the humans under the pretense of Mayor's house.

Of course the guard wouldn't let him in, which is why he was starting to consider climbing over the fence. On a second thought, he realized that maybe their house had ways of preventing such break in by wolves, thus not completely safe. He was immersed in his own dilemma when, lucky for him, he noticed Christian emerging from his house holding a giant roll in his hand.

"What do you want"? Christian asked him, clearly annoyed by his presence in their house. 

"My sister connected. She told her that there is noise of metal clanking, water flowing and something su". Ashton tried to explain. 

"What are you talking about? Is she with everyone"? Christian asked him skeptically. 

"I don't know, the connection was very faint, so this is all I have. Is it helpful"? Ashton asked him anxiously. 

"I am not sure yet, but I guess it could be something". Christian nodded. "I will see to it". 

"That's it"? Ashton asked him, getting frustrated by the minute. 

"Yes, what else were you possibly expecting"? Christian asked him back rudely. 

"Like an idea of what that place might be"? Ashton prompted. 

"Look, the only place where the water flows here is at the bayou. However the course of water is too long to pinpoint a specific area". Christian informed. "Also, don't try to go there". He added sensing Ashton's intentions. 

"Why not"? Ashton raised an eyebrow challenging him.

"Because it's dangerous you moron"! Christian retaliated.

"It's my sister who is in danger. And I will protect her at all costs"! Ashton declared. 

"I get it, but don't be stupid about it or you will put her in even more danger"! Christian ordered.

"She is not a part of your pack, I can't trust you to do everything to protect her" Ashton admitted. 

Christian was taken aback by the momentary boldness and scoffed, "Well, now you know how I feel about you marking my brother". Ashton blinked but didn't say anything back. 

"However, due to the mark you are an unofficial part of the pack, and so is your family. But… even without it, staying in our area, with our permission of course, makes you an important part of our pack, even if not directly. Many omegas are lost, and I swear I will find each and every one of them". Christian stated with confidence. The determination in his voice was enough to convince Ashton and thus he calmed down.

"Call me if you need my help" Ashton mumbled before turning to leave.

"How? I don't have your contact information". Christian rolled his eyes.

"Take it from Caleb", Ashton shrugged. 

"How can I? He is with you". Christian scoffed. 

Ashton froze in his spot before saying, "No he is not. I haven't seen him since he stormed off yesterday". 

"This morning he told me he is going to meet you". Christian pointed out but Ashton simply shook his head.

"Like I said, I haven't seen him since". Ashton mumbled, while his anxiety came back once more.


(A day ago)

When Caleb's ideas were dismissed like that, he was furious. He had faith that it was a good plan, and that he could help, but unfortunately they would never consider it given their overprotective nature. He understood their worry, given if he were in their shoes he would probably feel the same, but after Ava, he was really too furious to care.

He cared about the twins like his own family. They were young and quite innocent and were always nice to him. If only he could do something to help would make him feel better. 

He was on his way out when he crossed paths with his brother. Christian was in the hospital and then the pack house all night and the bags under his eyes made it evident that he was tired. Upon asking he simply said he was going to see Ashton which, at that time, was a true statement. 

Ashton was already devastated and Caleb felt that he should stay next to him. However on his way he felt a tinge in his heart as part of him felt guilty for not warning Ashton about the omega situation earlier. If only he remembered that the twins are in potential danger too. He simply assumed that everyone he is close to will be alright. 

Feeling frustrated he decided to stop his car near the park and tried to trace the smell once more. It was almost gone, but still enough for him to trace. He put his phone on silent mode and walked cautiously, looking out everywhere he went.

He reached the empty warehouse his brother talked about and looked around for any clue. Even if the omegas aren't here, someone must have come there to spread the scent, and maybe they left something behind. He started to look around the bushes around the building. It was hard not to make any noise so he tried to keep them as low as possible. 

He was searching for any lost possessions from the criminal when he noticed something on the wall. Dark red splatter across a major portion of the wall was hard not to notice, but this wall being at the back side was frequently missed by onlookers. The marks got him thinking, Did his brother miss this? Or was it not here when he came here yesterday. 

At that moment he felt his brother trying to link him, but he didn't respond and pushed the link back so he could focus at the moment. He was sure if his brother found out he was here, he would definitely flip out. It seemed to be dried blood but if only he could confirm it at the moment. 

Suddenly Caleb heard a sound in the bushes and turned around like a reflex. He saw a half covered face of a man, who had a scent of an Alpha, which was mixed with the commercial pheromones. He wasn't sure of the purpose but something about that original scent felt familiar. "So you are the hidden omega"? He smirked, holding out a picture which had Caleb's face on it. 

Caleb's eyes widened as he realised whoever he was, or whoever sent him, given how he was carrying a photo, they knew about Caleb's true identity. The man took down his mask and at that very moment Caleb froze on his spot. The face belonged to the same wolf who tried to attack him once back at the Camazur beach.

Why was he here? Who was he? Exactly whom is he working with? All these questions flooded inside his head. These were accompanied by a faint memory that he repressed at the back of his head, and soon his entire body was overtaken by fear. 

Caleb knew that the wolf was strong, and he was determined as hell to not give up without a fight, but somehow he found his feet not following his command as they stood frozen at one spot. He tried to link his brother, but unfortunately even that didn't work. He further began to shake as that man took his steps further towards Caleb.

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