My Atypical Wolf

Chapter 78 - I Have A Plan

Caleb took deep breaths while he tried to muster up all the courage he had it in him despite the horrible memory knocking at his head like constantly. When that man was face to face with him, he smirked, but at that moment as if something overtook Caleb, he punched that man straight in the jaw.

The man backed off, wincing in pain and anger as he held his jaw. The blow was strong enough to cause at least a mild fracture, but being an Alpha he healed fast. "So you want to put on a fight"? The man smirked. Caleb gulped as he tried to come up with the further strategy to get out of this situation. 

The man strangled him using his bare hand and tried to restrict Caleb's movements. Caleb struggled once more to get out of the hold and did his best to push away the hand, soon enough the horrible memory flashed right in front of his eyes and he felt the power drain from his hands. 

Suddenly, the glare coupled with a tinge of satisfying smirk of that man changed into disgust as he sniffed a strong burning scent irritating him. He let go of Caleb and turned around only to receive a kick on the crotch causing him to fall down with excruciating pain.

"Stay away from my mate"! Ashton growled at him with a much more deeper voice than usual. There was a hint of Alpha command in his voice that felt overbearing to the man writhing in pain on the ground. Before the man could even move an inch away from his original position a series of punches started to rain on him. 

Ashton beat him up to pulp, with his complete strength and in the process maybe he fractured way too many bones. Caleb, noticing that Ashton was about to become a killer, tried his best to pull him away. "Let him go, you will kill him"! He struggled to pull him away. "Ashton, Calm down"! He kept screaming in his ears to bring him out of his murderous haze.

When Ashton was significantly away he turned around to shout, "Let me kill him"! But Caleb still blocked his way making Ashton more furious. Ashton turned around and pushed him to the bloody wall, (and thus ruining a perfect crime scene). "What the hell are you doing"?

"Damn"! Caleb mumbled as he felt his back hit the wall. Ashton glared at Caleb for a moment before it broke down to an almost teary eyes. "What the hell were you thinking? Coming here all by yourself"! Ashton hissed at him.

"Hey, I already have an overbearing family without you acting so overprotective". Caleb huffed. 

"Overprotective"? Ashton pulled him by his collar and brought their faces close to each other. "I am already going crazy over Ava, I don't need you to make things harder for me"! He scolded him.

Caleb remained silent as he gazed at Ashton's eyes intently. Those glowing red eyes, on careful observation, seemed desperate yet concerned. Seeing his face, Caleb's stubborn demeanor vanished and he presented Ashton with an apologetic expression. This morning he wanted to make things easier for Ashton, but unfortunately he ended up making things more complicated. 

Ashton, loosening his fist, removed his hand from Caleb's collar and put it on his neck. He gazed at Caleb the way you gaze at something precious when you find it after you thought you have lost it forever. Caleb could tell Ashton cared for him, even if the other never uttered those words directly. 

"Ahh" Caleb gasped when Ashton pulled him by his neck only to engulf him in a giant hug. Ashton hugged him as tight as he could, making it harder for Caleb to breathe. Caleb simply grazed his hands over Ashtons back to calm down. 

Meanwhile, Ashton nestled his head in Caleb's neck where he could smell the other's pheromones. Turns out, when Ashton released his pheromones, it caused Caleb's scent to come out as well. While Ashton's own scent masked most of it, it was still fresh at the nape of his neck. Somehow the scent seemed to calm his angry self down because his red eyes turned to a darker shade gradually. 

Meanwhile that man was barely conscious and stayed almost still with his bloody face and broken bones. For a moment both of them almost forgot about his existence until they heard the sound of breaking bones. That man turned into a rusty brown wolf and tried to run away. 

Ashton tried to follow him, to stop him from running away but Caleb stopped him once more, "Let him go! Trust me". Caleb tried his level best to convince Ashton while he held onto his wrist tightly with all the strength he could muster.

When the wolf had disappeared from his sight Ashton snarled at Caleb, "How can you let him go? After what he tried to do to you"?

"Relax, I have a plan". He tried to convince him, but suddenly something clicked, "Wait, what do you mean 'he tried to do'? What are you talking about"?

"The other day, it was him right? Who tried to mark you"? Ashton fumed with anger.

"How do you…? You saw it in my head"? Caleb whispered with trembling lips. 

Ashton nodded at him before saying, "That's how I knew you were here. I saw it, everything". He described. 

"How did you get inside my head? I don't remember you trying to link me"? Caleb asked him curiously.

"I don't know. I was trying to link with you for a long time. I wanted to tell you that Ava was able to reach out" Ashton informed him.

"Really"? Caleb explained. Ashton told him everything he knew, including the brief interaction he had with his brother. "I see" Caleb mumbled once Ashton was done. 

"By the way, what did you mean that you have a plan"? Ashton asked after a few seconds. 

"I knew coming here was dangerous, so I put on a tracker or myself. When you were punching him I attached that same tracker to his hair, before pulling you away" Caleb winked followed by a smirk. Ashton stared at Caleb suspiciously for a moment, trying to figure out if the other was lying or not. After a moment Ashton's expression softened, giving away the fact that he was convinced. 

"Why his hair"? Ashton asked him and cringed a little bit. 

"He abandoned his clothes when he shifted" he pointed at the torn bloody apparel lying on the ground, "At least he didn't shed his hair". Caleb shrugged. 

"Quick thinking,".Ashton smirked. "So now what"? Ashton asked Caleb. 

"Let's take this back to the pack house. Let's figure out who this b*****d is", Caleb declared. 

Ashton being perceived as a human won't be easily allowed in their house, however since it was Caleb, ie their young master, who brought him, it's not like anyone could say no to him. From the moment he entered the hallway he couldn't help but stare at the walls. They resembled the royalty with many portraits depicting the folklores of lycanthrope. If an actual human came to this house they might find some of these pictures freaky, or on the other hand might just find them whimsical. 

Ashton's pace was slower than usual despite his urgency while he absorbed the surroundings. Caleb, who had walked far away, turned around to see Ashton's mouth agape while he looked around. A tiny smile crept on his face while he witnessed the innocent curious expression on Ashton's face. Maybe if things were different he could show Ashton around the house. He would love to see more of that fascination on Ashton's face. 

At the end of the corridor he waited for Ashton to catch up. When he finally arrived Caleb invited him in. "This is… your room"? Ashton asked reluctantly. 

"Yes" Caleb smiled, "You can sit here, let me get my laptop". Caleb nudged him towards his bed. The mattress was way softer than his own bed and thus extremely comfortable. He won't mind spending the night in the pack house if he could sleep in such a soft bed. 

He looked around and noticed how tidy the room was, which made him a little wary of how his place was messy as hell. Next time Caleb comes to their house Ashton will make sure he cleans up. 

Sitting next to him, Caleb opened his laptop. He opened some application, which showed a map and a moving dot on it, "He is by the bayou, and according to the tracker history he hasn't moved from here for a really long time". Caleb pointed on the screen. 

"If he is related to the whole situation, which seems highly likely then maybe this is where Ava and the rest of the wolves are" Caleb suggested. "Let's go"! He was about to get out up from the bed when Ashton pulled on his hoodie causing him to fall on Ashton, "Now what"? annoyed, and a little bit flustered, Caleb asked.

"Your brother asked me not to be stupid. Let's involve him, cause this seems really dangerous" Ashton suggested. 

"You will be okay with that"? Caleb asked him. Ashton, realising that any reckless action could endanger his sisters life, nodded at Caleb. "Fine, I will ask him to come here". and with that he pulled himself away from Ashton and looked away to hide his blush.

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