My Atypical Wolf

Chapter 84 - Through The Heat

Ashton's head went blank the moment his lips felt the soft touch of Caleb's. Unable to form any proper thought, slowly getting aroused by those invading lips he went along with the flow. Placing his hand below Caleb's neck he brought Caleb closer to him, while at the same time pressed down on Caleb with much greater force.

Ashton was encouraged to continue when he heard soft muffled moans escaping from the boy underneath him. Impatiently, Ashton bit on Caleb's lower lip, earning him a gasp from the latter. Taking the opportunity of the open mouth he put his tongue inside his mouth enjoying the sweet feeling of finally tasting his 'pineapple'.

He continued to explore his mouth as he felt himself getting further immersed into the heated kiss. What was happening? Why couldn't he stop? Who was he? What did his current actions implicate? All that went outside of the window and left Ashton with simple raw passion. He ripped off the rest of Caleb's buttons from his white shirt, exposing his chest and the rest of his torso.

Slowly he grazed his fingers through the smooth chest earning him much deeper moans, "Mnnn". Continuing his assault he brought his lips to his neck and kissed back and forth from his lips to his neck. "Ash…Ashton" Caleb mumbled his name in his muffled voice, which probably acted as a trigger considering Ashton stopped his movements for a moment. 

Coming back to reality, remembering everything, all his inhibitions he let go while he made out with Caleb came back to him in a flash. He pushed himself away from Caleb, staring at Caleb whose form simply begged for more. He was sure he would pounce on him once more if he continued to stare and thus ran away from the room, slamming it behind him while he focused on his irregular breathing and heartbeats.

Sitting down on the floor while he brought his knees closer to his chest and holding  them together by hugging, he took deep breaths to calm himself down, while his mind wandered off to various thoughts. This was the second time he lost control around Caleb, and it bothered him to a great deal. He was so good at controlling himself, then how come every time Caleb came onto him, he found it harder to push him away? 

Why did he feel this way? Was it just because of the mark? Was it enough to make him crazy over Caleb? Was everything he felt towards Caleb was sexual, or did he actually have real feelings for that boy. Never have he ever imagined mating with someone, but thinking about it now, mating with Caleb didn't actually seem to be such a bad idea.

He knew that mate situation wasn't that real, but he found himself wondering what it would be like having Caleb as his mate for real. He hated that he was actually considering this, what he hated more was that he was okay with it.

He wondered if it was worth it? To let go of his plan to escape this world of wolves one day. He and Caleb came from very different worlds. He was, despite being one of the strongest werewolves of the whole world, was a mere rogue, a wolf with no bounds.  Whereas, Caleb was royalty, the son of Alpha to one of the largest packs known to them. 

If he mated with Caleb, that would mean he would have to stay back. He very well knew how much Caleb enjoyed the pack duties, and loved to boss around people. He can't separate him from all this, that is assuming that Caleb feels the same way. Both the times Caleb initiated the kiss was he was under some kind of influence of werewolf nonsense, being mark and heat. 

"Aggghhh" Ashton put his head on both of his hands, sighing with pure frustration. Trying to clear his mind he heard the painful moans of Caleb coming from inside the room while he wallowed in pain He felt guilty for abandoning him like that, but he knew that being in the same room as him will only bring him more troubles.

Recalling how lonely Caleb spent his heats, he started to feel worse. Unwilling to let him suffer like everytime he decided to talk to him, even if it was from outside the door. "Caleb, I'm sorry. I thought I could stand the temptation but I can't. I can't be next to you, I am sorry" Ashton mumbled with a quivering voice. Instead of any proper response all he got was continuation of his painful groans.

Given his condition, he either didn't hear him, or ignored what he heard. From this side of the door he found it hard to evaluate the situation, so he decided to try another alternative method. Focusing all his energy, he linked to Caleb. For a moment he was surprised to see a visual representation of what would have happened if Ashton didn't run away. Feeling the warmth in his cheeks and ears he decided to get past it and talk to him.

[Caleb, can you hear me. It's our link…] he mumbled. He was stuck on what he should say. While Caleb was good with words, Ashton wasn't. He wasn't sure how to comfort the other, so he did what he did to Ariel years ago to calm down his sister. He sang the lullaby in his head, hoping for a positive effect. 

The amount of noises decreased gradually, while Caleb shifted his attention to the song inside his head. While the pain didn't go away, hearing Ashton's voice in his head did make him calm down. Turns out, even his voice was effective in this nightmarish heat, although Caleb would definitely prefer physical presence over this. 

Caleb wouldn't fall asleep, not in this situation, and to accompany him Ashton stayed outside the door, trying his best not to doze off while he kept him company. Alas, he was not so good at it so he drifted off soon, only to wake up an hour later.

Once he was awake he couldn't hear any noises from Caleb. Surprised, he peeked in through the door only to find Caleb clutched on his left side, lying peacefully on the bed. Did he actually manage to fall asleep through the pain? Or was he simply still? Ashton couldn't tell given how he was unable to see his face since his back was facing Ashton.

Taking baby steps, he approached Caleb. Instead of going around the bed to check, he simply went crouched over his body to peek. He smiled to see his eyes closed. He was about to leave when he heard a soft, "Please don't go". 

Startled, Ashton wondered if he was awake or was he dreaming. Hearing his request, however intentional it might have been, he was torned between the two choices, doing the right thing or to stay next to Caleb. He sat down carefully on the chair, but a buzz from his pocket startled him. Not to wake up Ashton, he exited the room and picked up the call.


"Ashton, where are you? You haven't been home and it's already 1o'clock. I am worried sick over here". His mother fumed from the other side. Taking a deep breath he explained everything. From their little fight to Caleb going onto heat. He kept the tiny detail of the make out session to himself, which is probably why his mother asked him, "Will you be okay? Staying next to him. As someone who has had a mate I can assure you that it's not so easy to resist the urges" his mother spoke to him in a very soft tone. 

"I… I know", reluctantly he spoke. His mother waited for him to continue and thus remained quiet, " I actually ended up kissing him. I feel really bad about it" he replied with frustration. 

"That… doesn't sound so bad. Why are you so worried"? Mrs Parker asked him suppressing the chuckle that threatened to escape her mouth.

"Because, you know I hate the Alphas taking advantage of omegas in heat, and now I have done the same thing. Clearly I have become what I hate. This is a nightmare". He mumbled on.

"And you are crying to me about it, sounds like everything worked out". His mother replied sarcastically. 

"Mom! Not now!" Ashton whined. "What do I do"? 

"I don't know, talk to him" she shrugged. "Not now...once he feels better". She advised him.

"About what"? Ashton asked. 

" to him. Sort out your feelings okay". She replied. 

"But, I am not sure I even have any feelings. What if it's just because of the mark"! Ashton insisted. 

"Where did I fail? Why is my son an idiot"? His mother patronized him.

"Mom"! He whined once more. 

"Instead of blaming everything on the mark, try to think if you actually have feelings for him. Would you acting go to such lengths to protect someone? Will you be okay if Caleb dates someone else? Can you imagine having another mate, for either of you"? His mother suggested. 

"Shouldn't marking feel the same"? Ashton mumbled.

"No! Marking is what provoked you to kiss him. Marking is purely sexual if feeling's aren't involved. You think if it was not the case rogue Alphas would easily attack these omegas"? His mother asked him sternly. "Look, I can't tell you what you feel, but if you ask me, I think you do. Figure things out and stop fooling around". His mother snarled at him before she hung up on him.

"Looks like I have got homework to do" Ashton mumbled staring at his phone.

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