My Atypical Wolf

Chapter 85 - Heartbroken

Caleb was engrossed in the heated kiss when Ashton abandoned him abruptly. He had no idea which felt terrible, the fact that he was in so much physical pain, or the pain in heart due to the rejection he got just now. Every time Ashton did something nice, like call him his mate or take care of him, there was a spark in his heart that felt like maybe Ashton was developing feelings for him.

Then he did stuff like this, pushing him away when they kissed or apologizing for it, as if that was the worst experience for Ashton. Stuff like this broke Caleb's hopeful heart into millions of pieces. 'What am I doing? Why do I keep pinning for someone I cannot have. This is so not like me'! He scolded himself in his mind.

His train of thoughts were interrupted by a sudden spike in pain and he turned over and assumed a still position, hoping somehow it would make pain bearable. Hugging himself he tried to calm down, because even though he had spent so many heats alone, for the very first time he felt abandoned. 

He tried to clear his thoughts, distract himself from the pain of rejection while he focused on his bodily pain when he heard Ashton's voice. Even then Ashton kept apologizing which drove Caleb mad.

The scene from just a moment ago kept flashing in his mind. The feeling of those soft yet so firm and rough lips on his was too good to let go of it. Frustrated he shut his eyes tighter, but soon he heard the soothing song from Ashton, the voice which was enough to cause an override in his feelings. 

Caleb wanted to ask Ashton to stop. Stop singing, stop comforting him, to stop giving him the wrong idea so that he could finally move on, but it felt nice to have him around, even if it was just in his head. He was scared that if he actually asked Ashton to stop, he would do it, because deep down, Caleb didn't want to move on.

Not that Ashton would, but if he decided to go for someone else, would Caleb be able to stop him? Was it even possible to do that with marking? Did he have enough right to selfishly keep Ashton next to him? All these thoughts kept coming to him. 

He decided to push away these thoughts, scared that Ashton would figure out his true feelings, worried that he would be repulsed by him and abandon him for good. He needed to remind himself, that Ashton marked him out of pity, not out of love, and he had to live with it.

When Ashton came in to check up on him he pretended his best to seem asleep. There was no way he could actually fall asleep through this horrible pain, but he just hoped that Ashton bought it. He was surprised when even after all this, the words, "Please don't go" escaped his mouth. Why? Why did he have to say something like that? Caleb wanted the bed to swallow him right this moment. 

He couldn't tell if Ashton was gone or not, until he heard a buzz sound followed by fading of footsteps. Caleb slowly let out the breath he didn't even realize he was holding. Twice he heard Ashton shout "Mom" from downstairs, and concluded that his mother must be checking up on him. Frowning that no one checked up on him, he took out his phone only to see a text from his brother, {I won't be home today. Link me if you need me urgently}

That would explain why no one noticed he was gone. Just for the sake of it he typed a tiny {OK}. The footsteps were back on track so he quickly put his phone below the pillow, pushing his face on it while he tried to lay still once more. He was sure Ashton bought it because he heard him mumble, "I am so confused. Exactly what do I feel towards you"? 

Caleb scoffed internally while he resisted the urge to say, "That's exactly what I want to know"! His anger, frustration and a little bit of pain subsided when he felt a hand brush through his hair, soothing him even further. This time Caleb was determined to make him stay, to not cross the line which would make Ashton leave, and thus he kept his eyes closed for the majority of the time.


Two days later, after he was over his heat things were a bit awkward. To kickstart a conversation, he brought up some serious issue, "This is my shortest heat ever". He mumbled.

Ashton, who was avoiding his gaze, looked at him with kind eyes before he spoke, "How short do you think they will get"?

"I have no idea"Caleb sighed. "I wish I could ask any omega about all this, but unfortunately no one I know knows about me".

"How about my mom? She knows you, she is an omega, and she was a nurse so she can help you… I think" Ashton shrugged. Once again they fell into awkward silence but this time they were interrupted by a low growling sound coming from Ashton's belly.

"When is the last time you ate"? He asked.

"Two days ago" Ashton replied with a straight face. 

Putting his palm on his forehead he replied, "Why the hell are you skipping meals. I know you won't die, but you are still growing! You need food"! He scolded Caleb.

"Hey, you're like a year and half older than me! You need food too"! Ashton retorted with a raised voice.

"Then maybe both of us should go and get something to eat"! Caleb proposed in the manner that could be mistaken for an argument.

"Maybe we should"! Ashton went with the flow. 

It was still before noon and thus perfect for lunchtime. Both of them walked to the same chinese restaurant they went to last time, except they ordered twice the meal they did because they were starving for two days. Luckily the owner knew Caleb and agreed to let him eat while allowing him to pay later. Ashton, who still had his school bag with him, along with a few dollar bills, paid for as much as he could.

Caleb, was definitely the one to finish first. Despite being the one to scold Ashton he was way more hungry. Once he was done he waited for Ashton while he sipped on his noodle soup like a child. "Can I ask you something"? Caleb popped up the question making Ashton freeze in mid-sip while he looked up. "Be honest with me… Does it bother you? What happened between us two days ago"? He mumbled in a very soft voice.

Putting down the bowl Ashton sighed, "A little" He replied with utmost honesty. "You and I don't exactly have a relationship where we can just… you know... make out and stuff" He said awkwardly.

While Ashton's word continued to hurt him, he found the stammering pretty adorable. "I know, which is why I hope… We can put this behind us" With a heavy heart and a forced smile, Caleb suggested.

"Yes Please. Remind me to never spend another heat with you" Ashton commented, but soon regretted it as he realised it could come off as Caleb being a burden on him. That was the last thing he would ever want so he added, "I mean, it seemed that it was painful for you… being around me".

Caleb chuckled, "Yeah, I think it was painful for both of us. We really need to set some boundaries". Ashton smiled faintly at him before finishing his meals.

Upon reaching home, they were surprised to see a lot of commotion at the pack house. His mother who was standing in the front porch noticed him, and stared at him with timid eyes. Exactly what happened? Ashton's curiosity kept rising as he wondered what was going on. "Something doesn't add up", Caleb mumbled. "I will go ahead and check on what is happening, but for the time being, stay low" He warned Ashton, gesturing at all those piercing gazes at him.

Caleb entered inside the building while his mother came down to see him, "What is going on"? He whispered to his mother. "The twins are okay right"? He asked, suddenly panicked as their thoughts crossed in his head. 

"They are fine" She patted his arm while speaking with a quivering voice, "It's you… we might have to relocate".

"What"? Ashton froze in his spot as he gazed at his mother wide eyed. "They… found out"? He whispered. She nodded her head. Recalling what happened every time they were discovered he snorted. Looks like he will escape this place sooner than he thought, even though he will end up in another wolf territory. Maybe it was for the best, he did not have to worry about his feelings anymore and can focus on moving on. Now all they needed was a verdict that he was okay to leave, and they would be on their way.

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