My Atypical Wolf

Chapter 93 - First Date

"I thought he left for college," Ashton huffed. That was the first thing he said after Matt left.

"So"? Caleb, confused by Ashton's sudden defensive behavior, frowned. 

Ashton blinked, realising that his behavior was showing he cleared his throat, "Nothing. Nevermind". 

"Are you okay"? Caleb asked, not quite convinced yet. 

Ashton nodded at him before saying, "Yeah, I am fine. What were you up to"? Caleb explained everything that happened earlier. His search and literally how he found nothing. "Can't you think of anyone in your circle who would pull such a stunt"? Ashton asked. 

Caleb shook his head lightly, before saying. "If it was that easy, it wouldn't be a major problem. We still have no idea who was behind those omega kidnapping all those months ago, and now this new mystery. It's killing me man"! Caleb sighed with frustration. 

"What if it's the same person"? Ashton suggested. "I mean, there is a high chance that the wolf knows about you given how that crazy Alpha in rut recognized your true form". Ashton suggested, earning a wide eyed expression from Caleb. "What if someone was following you all along, and in the process discovered my identity". 

"Possible" Caleb whispered. "Although, that wolf found out who you were thanks to the deadly beating you bestowed him with," Caleb shrugged. 

"Yeah, maybe" Ashton mumbled. His fist tightened considerably at the thought of someone might harm Caleb.

"Ouch!" Caleb winced, freeing his hand from Ashton's, which Ashton didn't realise he was holding. Ashton realized that once more he failed to control his feelings around Caleb. This is why he didn't want a mate! He knows Caleb can take care of himself, more than anyone. Hell Caleb even beat him in a match, and yet he can't help but feel like to lock him up and to keep him by his side so he remains unharmed. 

Caleb sighed, sensing that some kind of inner turmoil was going on inside of Ashton. Putting both of his hands on Ashton's shoulder, he said "Look at me". Ashton reluctantly obliged before he continued. "I can tell something is wrong with you, okay? We are mates! But exactly what it is? I have no idea. If you don't want to share that's fine, but you don't have to pretend to be fine, Alright"? Caleb asked him softly.

Ashton's heart twitched hearing his words. Even without knowing the real issue, Caleb managed to say the words that were comforting to him. Like he said, they were mates, so maybe he should try sharing with him, whatever was wrong. "I… I am worried. I have all these feelings, and I have no idea what to do with them. I want to date you, but I have never dated anyone before, so I am worried… what if I screw it up"? Ashton voiced his concern. 

"Well, dating experience before guarantees nothing. You can always screw up no matter what, because each and every person is different. If things start to go wrong don't worry, I won't let you go that easily. In case you haven't figured out already I have been obsessed with you for a long time". Caleb admitted with a tiny blush on his cheeks.

Ashton smirked at Caleb's confession, before putting his lips on Caleb. No matter how many times he had kissed Caleb, he could never seem to get enough. The soft kiss soon turned into a heated one and both of them had to put a lot of effort to gain some self control and stop themselves. This was not exactly the right place for losing control, they were in the middle of the road after all, however empty it might be.

"Okay, then maybe I should give it a try". Once their breathing was even, Ashton spoke. 

Caleb didn't quite get what Ashton meant by that, but he found himself anticipating weird things thanks to the heated kiss they shared. "What are you talking about"?  He asked cautiously.

"I… had something planned for the evening. You know, in case you are free". Ashton shrugged. Still unsure what Ashton meant Caleb's frown deepened. "Don't worry, it's nothing sexual. You can relax. I was thinking about going on a date, but I dunno… dinner or movies seemed pretty typical to me. So...J planned something else". Ashton unformed despite his stammer. 

"Alright" a smile crept up on Caleb's face in anticipation and adoration. 

"You are free, right"? Ashton asked to confirm. Caleb nodded at him before Ashton gestured to him to follow.

After walking down the road for a while, their route deflected towards the woods. On the way, Caleb expressed his concern over safety of them being here, but Ashton promised that it would be okay, given he had done a sweep of this area just before he met up with Caleb. They reached the waterfall at the edge of the town, when Ashton declared that it was their destination. 

Caleb has been here on more than one occasion before, so he didn't find anything new here. But he didn't want to kill Ashton's enthusiasm, so he pretended to be surprised as best as he could. Ashton, able to detect Caleb's deception smirked before saying, "Don't worry, I didn't bring here for the scenery. I kind of guessed you might have been here before".

"Are we swimming"? Caleb threw a wild guest

."Nope"! Ashton declared proudly. 

"Then what"? Caleb asked once more. He was glad they were not swimming, he wasn't sure how he felt about that. Swimming with others wasn't that much of a big deal, but with Ashton around it was a huge deal. 

"You will see, just give me a second". Ashton smirked and handed him his bag. "Do not let it go"! He ordered and left him all by himself while he went back in the bushes. Caleb had a guess what Ashton was about to do and he was proven right when a giant black wolf jumped out of the bushes. The entrance of the gigantic black wolf was indeed quite magnificent. Caleb snorted at Ashton's showmanship.

Ashton linked Caleb and spoke, [Get on]

Caleb's eyes widened at that request, "Get on"? He looked at him from top to bottom before asking, "As in, on your back"? The wolf nodded his head vigorously. "What are you trying to do"? Caleb asked him suspiciously. 

A growl escaped from the wolf's mouth, after which Ashton continued in the link. [Just do what I say, don't worry] he tried to convince him. Ashton crouched down to make it easier for Caleb to get on. Still suspicious of Ashton's intentions, Caleb got on quite easily but reluctantly.

When you are riding a horse, you are provided with a reign for holding on to it, but Ashton was a wild wolf, and all Caleb could find was fur so he put all his strength into holding onto the fur, which was not so much.

Ashton walked back a few steps before giving a deafening howl. Caleb went head and hugged the neck of that giant wolf tighter. Holding on, he tried his best not to close his eyes. Ashton ran at his fastest and jumped right above the waterfall. The distance between both the shores was quite big enough for them to make it by a jump. Caleb panicked that both of them will fall on the water, and will be swept away by the waterfall.

He was surprised when Ashton's feet landed on the other edge, which was one or two inch away from the shore. The thrill cause a huge amount of adrenaline rush through Caleb's body and he shouted "Yeaaaaaaahhhh"!! 

As loud as he could. Caleb was both scared and intrigued by this leap that he kind of wanted to do it again. Not realising that Ashton was still linked to him, he was surprised when Ashton's voice spoke in his mind, [I will do that on our way back. Now get down] Ashton telling him to get down sounded like an order so he pouted but he got down nevertheless. 

He brushed his hands through his fur over his neck which felt quite nice to Ashton and he leaned further into the touch. Caleb smiled at Ashton's willingness and he continued to do so. After awhile he hugged his giant face, before saying, "That was awesome"!. Even if Ashton could tell he enjoyed it, Caleb wanted to confirm with his words.

[I am glad you liked it] Ashton spoke in link before snatching away the bag he gave him. A moment later Ashton emerged, wearing a different set of clothes which was probably kept in the bag and smiled awkwardly.

"Well, it's not like usual dates but so far I love it" Caleb chuckled. "So, what's next"? Ashton's face beamed with joy, feeling successful in his attempt. Taking out a few snacks from his bag he handed it over to Caleb.

"I know eating is a very important part of dating, and being a healthy wolf. So I brought these". Caleb chuckled at that remark, before sitting down while enjoying their food along with the sun set.

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