My Atypical Wolf

Chapter 94 - An Unexpected Encounter

Christain was quite immersed in his work for a really long time. After a hectic day, he was going through all the training schedules and the possible strategies when something that his brother said reappeared in his mind

"If you have so much time to tease me, maybe you should start dating, or better get a mate! You're about to be twenty three how long do you plan on being single"?

"Who knows, like I found someone, maybe you will too"

Like an earworm they kept recurring in his head. As a pack leader he was expected to find a mate sooner or later, which is why it was even more surprising that it completely slipped off his mind. Was he getting so engrossed in his work that he eventually stopped caring? Or was he getting sidetracked from the expectation that when the time is right his parents will find him a suitable mate. Maybe now that his baby brother was mated, he should start to think about finding one too?

Putting off with work he decided to head to the bar situated outside the town. Going to the ones in the town was useless. He knows almost everyone who goes there and no one there was good enough for him. It took him almost an hour to reach the bar, that too by the car. Looks like he had to find a local place to spend the night in case he manages to get drunk for real.

The bartender was delighted to see Christian after a long time. Knowing well enough what he likes, he prepared him a mojito and served him along with saying, "Been a long time since you came here, enjoy"!

The bartender was a human, and thus was forever amused by the level of tolerance Christian had. Thanks to his high metabolism, it took him a lot of bottles, a level that would probably be lethal to a normal human, to get him drunk for real. Still, drinking while suffering through some or the other issues was a popular trope. There is no reason he still can't try to get drunk once in a while.

When he was in his fourth drink he heard a voice next to him say, "If you wanna get drunk for real, you have to gulp it down all at once". The voice was quite familiar and upon turning around he recognized the face of the person. 

"You…" Thanks to feeling a bit tipsy he had a hard time remembering who it was. Despite the familiarity, something was different which prevented him from doing so. Suddenly it clicked him, if you replace the dark brown hair with blonde, and with a little chubbier jawline, it was none other than Sebastian Kyles, who stayed in their pack house during the witch attacks. "You're Sebastian"! He exclaimed in recognition. "What brings you here? And why is your hair different"? For some reason he couldn't help but bring up the hair. According to tipsy Christian, blonde suited the guy more.

"Why? can't I be here as well"? Sebastian snorted. "This is not your pack house" he remarked.

"Why do you get defensive every time I say something? What do you hate me or something"? Christian asked, along with ordering two more drinks.

"Maybe" Sebastian murmured while taking his drink.

Christian shook his head at the others behaviour and instead tried the idea suggested by Sebastian. Indeed drinking faster helped him get drunk. Not sure how long that drunken haze would last, Christian kept ordering drinks so much so that even he scared the bartender.

Meanwhile, Sebastian who was done with two drinks, enjoyed watching the drunk Christain and somehow enjoyed his misery, despite having no idea what it might be. The longer Christian sat there, the faster he ordered his drinks. Even the bartender was worried at some point that he might have gotten given his customer alcohol poisoning.


When Christian opened his eyes, he found himself lying on an unfamiliar, not so soft bed, with a little bit of dampness. Opening his eyes and taking in his surroundings, he was in an old, ill-maintained room with lots of cracks in the wall. Never ever is his life has he seen something so filthy. Being rich since childhood he did lead a life filled with luxury.

Recovering slowly from his hangover and sleepy phase he realised that he wasn't wearing any shirt. Panicked he looked around to see if anyone was there and looked down below his quilt, with anticipation to realise that he still had his pants on. He sighed in relief before realising that those were not his pants.

His panic was taking over him, when he heard the door unlock. Recognising the guy as Sebastian from last night, he couldn't help but be curious exactly what was going on. He eyed Sebastian suspiciously until Sebastian noticed the stare he was receiving from the former. "Are you still drunk or are you awake for real"? Sebastian asked with distaste.

"What is going on? What happened"? Christian mumbled.

"I got punished for telling you the drinking trick. That's what happened". Sebastian remarked with much disgust dripping out of his voice. His scowl came off as pretty intimidating, but since he was wearing a T-shirt with a tiny snowman on it saying 'I like warm hugs', it made Christain laugh at the contrast.

"Why am I here? And where are my clothes"? Christian asked, trying to divert his attention from that ridiculous T-shirt. "And, why is your hair brown"? He added. For some reason he found the brown color on him unsettling. He preferred blonde on him more.

"Cause I am an actor, and different roles demand different appearance"! Sebastian scoffed. "Anyways, I threw away all your clothes," Sebastian shrugged.

"Why"?! Christian shouted.

"What do you mean why? You yourself ruined your clothes, and mine"! Sebastian scolded him at the top of his voice. "God, you are a nightmare"He huffed.

"Ruined"? Christian raised his eyebrows cautiously.

"Yeah, you barfed all over the place". Sebastian cringed as the horrible memory flashed in front of his eyes. "What the hell were doing here alone if you planned to get that drunk"? Sebastian maintained his glare, while handing him over the package on his hand. Taking a peek inside of it, he realised that it had another T-shirt which was far more ridiculous that his. It had pictures of princesses on it, and there was no way Christian will wear it willingly.

"I am not going to wear this," Christian declared.

"Suit yourself" Sebastian muttered. "By the way, you owe me 500 bucks" 

"500 bucks"! A startled Christian exclaimed out loud.

"Yep! These T-shirts are costly. I wouldn't have bought them if it weren't for your vomiting, pay me up"! Sebastian ordered

Sighing, Christian looked around to find his wallet, which laid on the nightstand next to his bed. He wasted most of his money on the drinks last night, and the only cash he has left was a 100$ bill. Pursing his lips he mumbled, "Do you take cards"?

Rolling his eyes, Sebastian sneered, "Yes! I take cards. After all I am a swipe-your-card machine"! 

Chirstian grimaced as the loud noise made his head hurt. "Well, I only have 100 bucks. You can keep them for now, I will pay you the rest of it later" He replied handing him the 100 bucks he had left.

Snatching it from his hand, he replied, "Add interest and extra money for making me take care of you".

Christian gave him an unamused expression before saying, "I never asked you to take care of me".

"You drunken idiot"! Sebstian sneered once more. "Do you think I took care of you on purpose! Hell wanted to abandon you and get back to my dorm until you vomited on me as well! Do you even remember what you did while you were drunk"? 

Taken aback by the sudden blame he retracted himself. "What"? Christian's eyes went wide while he fought the urge to imagine all kinds of worse scenarios. 

"Forget it! This is starting to piss me off. I will come to the pack house tomorrow! Keep my payment ready"! He ordered and stormed out of the room.

After a long while, feeling helpless he wore the embarrassing T-shirt. Luckily he had a jacket in his car to cover this so that no one in the pack sees it and makes fun of him. While getting out he realised he was at one of the rooms that was situated above the bar. They made those in case anyone got too drunk to drive, they would have a place to stay.

Throughout his journey he kept thinking about what he did last night. The last thing he could recall was cussing his fate before everything blacked out. He just hoped he didn't do anything inappropriate that would ban him from the bar or something. He wondered a lot about what he could have possibly done to piss Sebastian off, you know, apart from soaking the other's clothes in his puke. Then again, given Sebastian's attitude towards him, that was all he needed to do. He was not looking forward to having his usual hectic day in this hungover at all.

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