My Atypical Wolf

Chapter 95 - What Actually Happened

Sebastian decided to stay in a hotel outside the pack house, not having had a great experience here last time. He felt as if it was easy to get succumbed into the madness of the pack business without even doing much. Feeling stressed by just the thought of it he decided to go out for some drinks. His tolerance was pretty high, even for an Alpha, and thus he enjoyed drinking from time to time.

As a troubled teen, he picked up bad habits pretty easily. Drugs and smoking were one of them, and given his wolf status, he was pretty tolerant. Thanks to his high metabolism, never did he ever get caught in a blood test. By the time they took the blood, it was already clean. All of that changed when he ended up auditioning for a small commercial which was held on his college campus. Thanks to his looks he gained quite the popularity within the locals and decided to embark on this new career path.

Taking a break of the media for the time being, he was really looking forward to having drinks peacefully, maybe even meet someone for a temporary hookup or something. Imagine how disappointed he was when he met the one person whom he found most annoying. Christian, the over critical son of the Head Alpha from Cresentile pack. 

Christian was sitting right next to him, which made him contemplate moving away but the bartender already gave him the drink he ordered last time. He must say, the bartender had a very sharp memory. Taking the whole thing at once he couldn't help but glance next to the man absorbed in his own reverie as he slowly took his sips. It was amusing how Christian wasn't drunk but he was yet to notice his presence.

Christian appeared a bit sad so he against his better judgement he went ahead and gave him a drinking tip. He expected a thank you or at least no answer, but what he received was a question about why he was here and why his hair changed color? As if he was answerable to him. Annoyed, he let him be and took a few sips of his own drink.

He was on his third glass when suddenly Sebastian fell off the chair. That startled him and a lot of people around him as well. Was he drunk already? How convenient. He wondered if he should help him, but decided to let the drunk man be as he is. He deserved to wake up with unexplained pain the next day due to him injuring himself in his drunken state. The thought itself brought a smirk to his face.

Christian tried a number of times to get back on his seat only to collapse back into the ground. His state was indeed pitiful. A woman who was a human, either took pity on him, or wanted to take advantage of his drunken state, and thus approached him. She helped him up on the chair but soon started to flirt with him. He responded to her enthusiastically, but having no filter he spilled his guts out about the wolf community. 

She took most of it as a joke but Sebastian who sat next to him wanted to record everything so that he could make him regret terribly the next day. But then again, he would have to interact with the strung up Alpha once more. That thought was enough to make him refrain from doing so. 

Most of the things that Christian murmured was about being a mate. From his words it seemed that he needed to find a mate, and even asked the woman if she wanted to be his. That woman, who had no idea what it actually meant and maybe thought it simply meant sex, agreed. 

Usually it was none of his business, but he decided to step in at that very moment. "Excuse me, but I think I got it from here".

"You are"? The woman asked him, annoyed by his rude interruption.

"I am his brother". Sebastian lied flawlessly. Being an actor, pretending to be someone you are not came easily to him.

"I know you are lying. If you were his brother why didn't you help him when he was struggling to get up"? The woman, who was in a clear state of her mind (surprisingly) argued with him.

"Because that's our relationship. We don't help each other unless we are about to die". Sebastian argued back, "Now get up and leave". He ordered her, his alpha voice emerging involuntarily. The woman seemed brave, but somehow she found herself succumbing to his command and left with a pout. 

Christian's drunken self felt enraged by her sudden absence and threw a greatly misdirected punch at Sebastian, which, obviously, he didn't have to dodge to avoid. "Why did you do that? She agreed to be my mate"! He snarled at Sebastian. Feeling annoyed, and the highly skeptical eyes of the bartender on himself he gave him an awkward smile before dragging Christian out of the bar by gripping on his collar.

Once he was out of the crowd he answered back to Christian, "That woman didn't even know what mate is. What if you ended up marking her in your drunken state? Weren't you supposed to be careful as to whom you pick your mate as the future Alpha of your pack"? Sebastian had no idea why he was trying to knock some sense into this drunk guy. He just wanted to justify his actions even if the guy in front of him would not understand him.

"I have been careful all my life, it's time for me to be reckless"! Christian shouted. Sebastian sighed, clearly not thrilled about dealing with him.

"Which one is your car"? Sebastian asked with frustration, not willing to continue anymore.

"Don't drink and drive"! Christain shouted at him once more. "I am going back there, I have to look for a mate" Christian tried to go back in, but Sebastian stopped him. In a normal situation Christian and Sebastian would be equals when it comes to strength, but Christian's inability to focus gave Sebastian an edge. "Let me go" He cried like a child which made Sebastian feel bad for him.

"I swear to god, I want to kill myself at this moment. I am clearly not drunk enough for this shit" Sebastian mumbled. "Look at me!" He straightened Christian and stared into his eyes. "Finding a mate is a life and death situation. With or without your social status you have to be careful when you choose your mate. They are supposed to be your life partner. Getting drunk and hooking up with random strangers is not the way, especially if you end up marking them on the first hookup! Believe me, I know"! Sebastian hoped to get through Christian.

Even if he forgot all of this the next day, he needed Christian to hold up till he sobered up a little bit. A part of him now felt guilty for teaching him the 'getting drunk' trick, which is why he felt responsible for whatever would happen next. 

Christian looked at him with innocent eyes, the way a baby stares at you when you talk. It was yet unsure how much he understood, but he seemed curious for more. Sebastian frowned when Christian brought his face closer to his. He became alert instantly ready to push him away if he did something inappropriate. Sebastian even retracted his own face a little bit.

When their faces were inches apart, Christian pouted, which was soon followed by a volcano of smelly semi-liquid barf gushing out of his mouth. Most of Sebastian's shirt was ruined, and it even managed to get to his skin. Christian himself was comparatively clear, which enraged Sebastian further. "Why god? What did I ever do to you to deserve something like this"! he mumbled with frustration.

His heightened sense of smell did not help his condition while he fought back his own urge to barf at the site. He tried to push him away, but Christian collapsed on him smashing the puke in between. It was a miracle Sebastian has still held up. 

"That's it, I am out"! Sebastian huffed in frustration. He was about to dump in the middle of the road but somehow seeing the soft sleepy expression on his face tugged at his heartstrings. He let out a deep breath before dragging him up to one of the empty smelly rooms upstairs. He took a quick shower to get rid of the smell before he threw away his pretty expensive shirt in the garbage. 

He stared at the unconscious state of the guy creating all this mess and fought his urge to stuff a pillow over his face. Maybe if he wasn't a future Alpha he would have hesitated less? He groaned at his unfortunate fate before he took off Christian's shirt and wiped off any residual vomit from his body. He even covered him with the quilt for no apparent reason. Now all he needed was to find something decent to wear and never give any wolf any drinking advice ever again.

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