My Atypical Wolf

Chapter 96 - Perfect Moment

The setting sun set a perfect ambience for our adventurous couple, Caleb and Ashton. The snacks Ashton brought were finished within a few minutes. After all, the bag Ashton brought was too tiny to hold the huge amount of snacks that is needed to feed two well grown wolves for a considerable amount of time. Nevertheless they enjoyed being there in each other's presence. It was probably the first time they were completely alone, with no one to intrude, ever since Caleb confessed to Ashton.

Caleb still found it hard to believe that he was going out with Ashton for real. The guy who was dead set on not ever getting a mate was dating him now. Caleb tried to savour the moment as much as he could, since he had been longing for it for so long. The moment itself felt surreal, as if it was a beautiful dream and he was afraid to wake up any moment now.

Caleb turned his head towards Ashton, who looked back at him. They stared at each other, taking in each other's presence before Caleb whispered. "Thank you for doing this. It's perfect" He smiled. For a guy who has never dated in life, Caleb had to admit that Ashton nailed it. A flicker of a smile appeared in Ashton's lips as well, although it didn't stay there for long.

Caleb gazed into Ashton's eyes for a moment before shifting his eyes to the other's lips. An expectant expression on Ashton's face encouraged him to take the next step and he leaned in slowly for a kiss. In fact, even Ashton pushed himself forward so their lips could collide halfway. As soon as their lips touched, sparks flew all over their body and both of their minds went blank, forgetting everything else that could possibly ever had mattered.

Caleb adjusted himself and soon put his left hand on Ashton's waist and right hand below his face and thus brought them closer to each other and he kissed Ashton deeply. While the battle of lips continued, neither of them backed down when it came to opening their mouth. Getting impatient, Ashton bit on Caleb's lower lip, making him wince and thus getting access to the rest of the mouth.

Putting his tongue inside his mouth, Ashton explored the insides of his mouth, getting a bit salty taste thanks to the French fries they devoured earlier. Changing through the angles of their faces, the battle of tongue continued for a while since neither of them was willing to back down. 

Getting immersed in the wet kiss, soft moaning noises started to hit their ears like a melody, which fired them up even further. Finding the strength, Caleb pushed Ashton onto the soft grass and laid on top of him. Caleb tried to win the fight of dominance but somehow he felt himself slipping away. Snaking his hands onto his waist, Ashton flipped them over in a matter of a few seconds. While the wet grass on his bare neck didn't feel so comfortable, the pleasure from the tongue on his own made up for the invincible uncomfortable sensation.

The feeling of Caleb's lips was something he still couldn't get enough of.  The more he tasted those soft, plum lips, the more he wanted to eat up Caleb as a whole. Ashton tried his best to control himself, to fight his urge to take Caleb right then and there and tried to remind himself of how much Caleb meant to him, and how deeply he cared for him. 

Lost in the kiss, he suddenly realised that his body was literally attached to Caleb, while his hand was busy feeling down the bare skin on his abdomen and waist. In fact, even before he could realise what he was about to do, he pulled on the T-shirt Caleb was wearing causing it to rip. However, it wasn't just Ashton who was going wild, Caleb was on the third button of Ashton's shirt when he heard the fabric of his own apparel rip. 

In the kiss itself, he smirked. Soon he felt the loss of lips on his own, but before he could get frustrated he felt them on his neck. A series of soft wet kisses left a lingering feeling of yearning on his skin. Ashton was determined to leave no spot untouched. 

"Mhhhmm" Caleb moaned at the feeling, only to get tortured further by Ashton's teeth. A brief flashback of a wild dream appeared on his mind. A time far back in the past when wanting Ashton this way probably wasn't so right. This time however it was far better than that, given how he felt happy instead of guilty, and how this was real and not just his imagination. 

Ashton pulled the T-shirt to expose Caleb's collar bone along with the mark he made on shoulder. The moment his lips and his teeth made contact with the mark, a wave of pleasure swept through Caleb's entire body making him arch himself up while he moaned loudly, "Ahhh… Ashton". Ashton stopped momentarily to stare at the mark. Coming back from his haze, Caleb followed his gaze and deduced what Ashton might be looking at. 

The mark at the time of marking was nothing but a tool, or at least it was to Ashton. But deep down, he was glad and didn't regret the fact at all that it was Caleb whom he ended up marking. He was glad Caleb made him do it, cause who knows how late he might have been if it was otherwise. He brought his lips to the mark and kissed it once more, this time way more sensually, thus triggering a wave of wild thoughts in Caleb's mind and an intense amount of pleasure throughout his entire body.

Staring at that mark brought back memories, like how crazy the marking process drove them. That was the time when they had their first kiss. A kiss which was raw, but unfortunately didn't mean anything. Realising how it was not the way he expected his first kiss to be, Ashton smashed his lips on Caleb's. This time it was way more heated and passionate, which Caleb reciprocated with equal enthusiasm. It was as if they were both trying to make up for the first time.

This went on for a while, but when Caleb's T-shirt was completely torn off, and half of Ashton's buttons were ripped, Ashton pulled himself back. "Wait"! Feeling a bit confused and rejected Caleb frowned as he looked at him. Reading his face, Ashton mumbled, "I am not rejecting you. Please don't be hurt". He pleaded, fearing that he messed up.

Caleb, anticipating the anxiety coming off from Ashton said, "It's okay if you are not ready for something more than this". He forced a smile on his face, "You don't have to force yourself to do anything you are not comfortable with. I am happy even with this much"...for now' he finished the sentence in his thought, and thanked heavens that Ashton was not linked to him at that very moment.

Meanwhile Ashton mumbled, "I am not…"He trailed off, unable to finish, so he finished it in his mind, 'I am not worried about forcing myself to do something I don't want to. I am worried that if I go beyond this, I won't be able to stop, that I will go wild and end up hurting you more. I am scared that if I rush too much, I might screw up'. Those were the words he wanted to convey but could not make himself to say out loud, but regardless he felt relieved when Caleb touched his cheek.

"I am not going anywhere" He smirked. "No rush". Ashton held the hand on his cheek and kissed him on the hand slowly, while Caleb tried his best to hide the disappointment he was facing. The moment they had just now was perfect. Perfect enough to make more out of it, so perfect that it was worth getting frustrated over that now it is ruined. But he cannot push someone who was not ready. After all, he was going out with someone younger than him, and he needed to respect the other's boundaries. Ashton was still a teenager after all, even if he had encountered wild teenagers before.

"We should go back", Caleb mumbled, before looking at his exposed chest before his ears turned to a shade of pink. 

Ashton, noticing the other's concern, offered him, clearing his throat, "Remember the clothes I left on the other side of the cliff? You can wear them". Caleb simply nodded at him, without saying anything. 

Going back behind the bushes, Ashton shifted. He brought back his backpack on his mouth before handing it over to Caleb, who in turn put it on his back, just like last time before getting on on the wolf. Despite being as thrilling as the last time, Caleb found it unable to enjoy the whole thing completely. 

Once they were back on the shore, Ashtons shifted back, handed the T-shirt to Caleb before both of them headed off to their house.

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