My Aunt’s Grandma is Back

Chapter 115: Youth mind

"Wang Shuyue!"

As soon as Bai Qingfeng’s arrogant voice appeared, Wang Shuyue was agitated. She shook her hand while turning the signature pen. The pen fell off and grabbed the pen in a hurry. She was about to get up to look at the situation, and she found the young man next to her. Already stood up first.

Between the lightning and flint, Wang Shuyue felt that she had caught something, but it seemed that she had not caught anything.

Bai Qingfeng’s hair has been cut short again. The original medium-length hair is now cut into an inch from the back of his head. A hexagonal snowflake shape is created with a clipper, leaving only a bang on the front of his forehead, which is so handsome. high.

Wang Shuyue admitted that the moment this **** woman walked into the classroom with long legs, her heart moved!


Bai Qingfeng threw the notebook in the empty seat on the right hand side of Wang Shuyue, stood at the table with arms folded, and looked at her up and down.

"Tsk tusk" twice, shook his head.

"I don't think you have made much progress." Bai Qingfeng frowned.

Wang Shuyue felt Okeqin on her left side squeeze a little, glanced at him incomprehensibly, and the other party sank a face and moved aside.

The facilities of the new base are relatively simple. The tables, chairs and benches where the big guy sits are all old-fashioned long tables and benches.

That's why Wang Shuyue felt that Okeqin was strange. The bench was like a long table, but it had a wide range of activities and would not crowd people at all, unless it was intentional.


Seeing that he was being ignored, Bai Qingfeng snorted dissatisfiedly at Wang Shuyue.

Wang Shuyue turned her head angrily, and pushed Bai Qingfeng's notebook to the right with disgust, "There is someone next to me, sit over it."

When the voice fell, almost immediately, Wang Shuyue felt the excitement of the young man Okeqin on the left.

However, when he opened his mouth, it was a faint tone, as if he didn't care.

"My left position is still empty."

He pointed to the position next to him, indicating that if Bai Qingfeng had no place to sit, he could sit on his side.

But he didn't want to, Bai Qingfeng didn't even look at him, and directly pushed the notebook he had been pushed away back to its original position.

Wang Shuyue was about to say that this was really someone, and Bai Qingfeng had already turned over and jumped in over the table.

"I'll sit next to you." She said with a smile.

Mo Xiaoyan, who happened to be in the classroom, heard this and quickly glanced at Wang Shuyue, and asked: Where are you helping me?

Wang Shuyue returned her calm and restless eyes, turned her head and said to Bai Qingfeng: "There are really people, I'm here to help."

Mo Xiaoyan immediately understood that her position was gone.

But... glanced at Bai Qingfeng's cold face, Mo Xiaoyan didn't struggle at all, waved to Wang Shuyue, pointed to the empty space behind her, and sat in the row behind the two.

Bai Qingfeng proudly shrugged Wang Shuyue and turned to look at Mo Xiaoyan, "I'm sorry."

"It's okay!" Mo Xiaoyan shook her head, her black eyes looked at Bai Qingfeng, with little stars in her eyes.

Wang Shuyue is depressed, she is very stressed sitting with Bai Qingfeng, okay!

Picked up the notebook and got up to prepare to change position.

As the monitor of the third class, Okeqin immediately raised his finger to the corner of the classroom, and seriously suggested: "There is an empty seat over there."

"Huh?" Wang Shuyue frowned, her gaze shot Okeqin back and forth, and when she was about to find out, Long Xiao in grey sportswear, holding a glass of Coke, walked in leisurely while drinking.

"Quickly sit down." Bai Qingfeng stretched out his hand, and Wang Shuyue sat back again.

The teacher came, and the classmates were sitting in danger. Wang Shuyue didn't have the courage to get up and change seats in front of Yuan Ying, sighed in despair, and sat upright.

The sight on the left was a bit anxious, Wang Shuyue inadvertently glanced at her, Ou Keqin was staring at her with a frosty face!

Wang Shuyue calmly retracted her gaze, wondering if she had made any mistakes.

Long Xiao put the limited edition cherry blossom cup full of Coke on the lecture table, coughed slightly, turned on the projector skillfully, and played the new lesson plan he had prepared.

"Did you bring the USB flash drive?" Long Xiao asked.

The big guys had been notified long ago and nodded one after another.

Long Xiao's uninhibited gaze swept across everyone, and finally stopped on Wang Shuyue, who looked strange as if there was a needle underneath his butt.

Raised his hand and pointed, "You take up the USB flash drives of your classmates, and first copy my basic formation teaching video, so that you can review it after class."

After finishing speaking, seeing everyone beaming, they added coldly: "If the video content leaks, don't blame the old man for your kindness!"

Everyone's heart tightened, and they nodded repeatedly to show that they had remembered.

However, it is difficult for them to post it. There are restrictions on the island’s network, and it is impossible to upload videos to the Internet at all.

Besides, you don’t have a mobile phone or a computer, you can only watch it in the base multimedia classroom, and you can’t stream it if you want to.

Wang Shuyue got up to collect everyone's USB flash drives, and stood by the podium, copying and listening to the class.

The news he heard before was really true. Long Xiao changed his previous public class and took out his magic weapon, Long Yun Formation Plate, and let everyone see the exquisiteness of the formation plate.

After mobilizing the enthusiasm of the big guys, I distributed a series of atlases to everyone, combined with video teaching, so that everyone can take it down and learn by themselves.

"Cultivation of immortals is not like you are in the firearms class. If someone teaches you, you can learn it."

Long Xiao took a sip of Coke and said: "The five elements and gossip are vast and subtle, all-encompassing. All I can grant to you are the experience and lessons that I have summed up over the five hundred years of cultivating the formation technique."

"However, you are more fortunate now. In the era of big data, you can take shortcuts for the most complicated calculations in the formation, which saves a lot of things."

"The above gave me thirty indicators. I don’t hide this from you. So now we want a quick start, but I’m more responsible. Since everyone chooses to learn from me, I won’t let you. Become an array master on the assembly so I said you have to realize it by yourself."

Long Xiao sighed, put down the water cup, and took out a large number of counters from his pocket.

"All roads lead to Rome. If someone thinks they want to be a real monk, not a special force fighter, then I'm happy to teach you the real way of formation."

Wang Shuyue looked up from the copy work in surprise. The old man in front of him had an old face, but his eyes were clear and translucent, as if he could accommodate hundreds of rivers.

For the first time, a teacher said this to them.

At this moment, everyone realized that there was a huge difference between fighters and monks.

Come to think of it seriously, these teachers are hundreds of years old for the young ones, and thousands of years old for the big ones.

However, Wang Shuyue has not forgotten. Director Xing said that they are now in the developmental stage of wretchedness, and they are fighting for a quick word.

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