My Aunt’s Grandma is Back

Chapter 116: Vent you

If they are not fast enough and the monsters have the upper hand, then the next group of people, the next group of people, will lose the opportunity to practice seriously.

Bai Qingfeng raised his eyebrows, "Teacher, although I really want to experience the way of formation in your mouth, obviously, we don't have this time now."

After speaking, I immersed myself in writing notes, not knowing whether it was disdain or helpless.

The students were so excited that they were poked by Bai Qingfeng's words, and suddenly became sober.

No one stepped forward to get the calculations that Long Xiao handed over. Everyone immersed their heads in the formation atlas that had just arrived, and noted down the various positions of the formation at a glance. No one went to study the principles of the formation.

Everyone knows that there may be no substantial progress in doing so, but now they have no choice at all.

After the video was copied, Wang Shuyue took the U disk of the students and prepared to step down and send it to them.

"What's your name?" Long Xiao suddenly asked.

It seemed casual, but Wang Shuyue had known for a long time that the old man in front of him had tolerated this problem for a long time.

She didn't believe that he who had a roster in his hand really didn't know her name, but she didn't know why he asked it in person.

"Wang Shuyue."

After speaking, Wang Shuyue went down to give everyone a USB flash drive. When she didn't see her turning around, the confusion in Long Xiao's eyes flashed by.

Everyone knows that Xiuxian Academy is more suitable for cultivation than the army, but the strong man who has never met still sent the blood of close relatives. What is her intention?

Could it be that there is something good in the army that they don't know?

Long Xiao sighed secretly.


The formation class is very interesting, but when everyone else is happy to successfully set up the formation, Wang Shuyue's happiness is completely opposite to them.

She doesn't like to make formations, she likes to break formations.

Every time Bai Qingfeng successfully deployed one, she broke one, and the shorter the time to crack it, the happier she was, and she had a sense of accomplishment.

Bai Qingfeng silently looked at the woman in front of her who was having fun with destroying the formation, and wanted to slap her to death.

"Destruction is easy, but establishment is difficult, Wang Shuyue, I hope you respect the fruits of other people's labor!"

Ou Keqin did not know when he appeared, and was very dissatisfied with Wang Shuyue's behavior of destroying the formation.

Wang Shuyue turned her head and stared at him, "It's up to you, Bai Qingfeng didn't say anything, it's your turn to speak?"

Having been classmates in the formation class with Okeqin for more than half a month, Wang Shuyue had already seen the little ninety-nine in his heart.

Whenever she and Bai Qingfeng are together, Ou Keqin either stares at her coldly or stumbles her, as if she hinders him from doing something, it is simply Sima Zhao's heart that everyone knows!

Wang Shuyue gave him a blank look, "Stay, don't influence me and classmate Bai Qingfeng to study the formation."

Okeqin suddenly became speechless and raised his eyes to Bai Qingfeng. Leng Meiren handed him a disgusting look of "you are in the way", and the young man's heart was suddenly broken.

Wang Shuyue saw the interaction between the two in her eyes and smiled in her heart.

"Go away." Pushing Okeqin away, Wang Shuyue motioned to Bai Qingfeng to continue, and she wanted to break the formation.

Bai Qingfeng smiled provocatively and set out on the sand table again.

Seeing that the third person could not be inserted between the two women at all, Okeqin could only stand behind him unwillingly and watch.

But he is not a person who likes to sit and wait for death. Since Bai Qingfeng likes to be broken by others, then he should study breaking the battle.

Ou Keqin left, Wang Shuyue sneaked a glance at the sand table in front of him, good fellow, actually learned her from her.

"Bai Qingfeng, if he breaks the formation, will you team up with him?" Wang Shuyue asked jokingly.

Bai Qingfeng glanced at the serious look of the young man, shrugged uninterestedly, looked at Wang Shuyue ambiguously, "I am only interested in you, Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death."

Wang Shuyue shook her hands with fright. The flag that was supposed to fall into the dry position fell on the sill position, and the villain on the flag was instantly stirred into scum by the strong wind.

"Fuck, my flag is dead!" Wang Shuyue was angry and hated, and hated that she would always be affected by Bai Qingfeng.

Bai Qingfeng smiled calmly, "It's okay, you will die even worse next class."

When the get out of class bell rang, Wang Shuyue dropped the flag in her hand, picked up the notebook and pen, and left depressed.

Just after changing to the patched firearms training course, I walked down from the dormitory building and encountered the three provinces.

"Uncle Master, what about your training suit..."

Knowing what he was asking, Wang Shuyue directly answered, "Why are there so many patches?"

Sanshen nodded, surprised.

The army is not poor, so why do the uncles wear patched training uniforms?

Wang Shuyue proudly patted her clothes full of patches, "These are the symbols of my hard training."

Sanxing tilted his head and didn't quite understand the meaning of this sentence.

"Gu Ziming is famous for his tough training. He broke the training uniforms one after another. Then everyone found that the training uniforms didn't have to be changed, so they thought of the idea of ​​patching, thrifty and thrifty."

Wang Shuyue spoke calmly, but Sanxing heard Gu Ziming's cruelty during training.

"Why is he doing this? This has hurt the students, didn't the director warn him?" Sanxing asked with a frown.

Wang Shuyue scratched her head, "Although it's a bit cruel, I have to say that the effect is still very good. I was scared of seeing guns before, but now I feel better, and the number of injuries is much less."

"By the way, you are going to class, right?" Wang Shuyue checked the time, waved her hand and said, "Hurry up and do your job, I have to gather."

Three provinces followed.

"Where are you going?" Wang Shuyue asked inexplicably.

The three provinces seriously said: "I'll go and see."

Seeing her look confused, the teenager stopped, scanned all the patches on her body, and said with a straight face:

"If Shangxian knew, it would be distressed."

Wang Shuyue: "Auntie won't know, and everyone is the same...Wait a minute! Are you trying to help me out?"

The young man shook his head, instead of venting his breath, he just told Gu Ziming to make him pay attention. With such a character, it is no wonder that he will become the abandoned son of Rongyang Gu's family..."

The voice behind was too small for Wang Shuyue to hear clearly, "What are you muttering?"

Sanxing shook his head, "No." But his eyes didn't look at her.

Wang Shuyue was helpless and funny, "You go to class, the uncle is already an adult, and you don't need your child to help out."

The three provinces were startled, and the word "child" suddenly seemed like a thorn, which pierced him. It hurts a bit, but it doesn't feel anymore for a moment.

Gu Ziming's whistle was uploaded from the square. Wang Shuyue's heart was tense, and she blinked at the teenager who was about to vent her anger, "I'm going to beat Gu Ziming."

Shaking his fist and smiling at Sanshen, Wang Shuyue turned around and ran towards the square. What she said was not to coax people. Gu Ziming was cruel to the students, and they wouldn't be polite to him either.

Every time after a firearms training session, it is difficult for Gu Ziming not to put on the dots on his face.

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