My Aunt’s Grandma is Back

Chapter 156: On the first day

  Chapter 156 The first day of employment

  Thousands of words can only be translated into one sentence: "I'll send it to you when it's done."

  After finishing speaking, holding a big bag of feathers, getting in the car and preparing to leave.

  Wang Shuyue suddenly called to him, "Gu Ziming!"

  He poked his head out of the car window, his eyes were impatient, "What's the matter?"

  Wang Shuyue swallowed, "Why are you so good to me all of a sudden?"

  The man's eyes darkened, he gave her a look without any explanation, started the car, and drove away.

  Wang Shuyue scratched her cheeks in confusion, "Could he be taken away by someone?"

  The sentry's call came from the door. Wang Shuyue turned her head and looked around. Inside the door, the deputy minister didn't know when and where she was standing, beckoning her kindly.

  Wang Shuyue hurriedly trot over, "Minister, looking for me?"

  The deputy minister raised his hand, motioned her to go forward together, and asked as he walked: "Listen to Qian Hao, have you successfully broken through to the foundation building period?"

  Wang Shuyue nods.

  The deputy minister was very happy. He laughed and said hello twice, and then tentatively asked: "Then I will be on duty tomorrow?"

  Wang Shuyue nodded, "No problem."

  The deputy minister was even more happy. "I heard that the rental center is quite messy now. Why don't you go there first?"

   "What do you do?" Wang Shuyue asked.

  The deputy minister knew that she was originally a student, had not been systematically trained, and did not arrange any difficult tasks, so he said:

  "Mainly to maintain public order. The rules above give you special forces and superpowers relatively free. If there is an emergency that threatens your life, you have the right to shoot or kill the suspect on the spot."

   "Of course, it's not a last resort, when life is seriously threatened, we don't promote this approach."

   "Minister, don't worry, I know in my heart that there will be no chaos." Wang Shuyue promised.

  The deputy minister patted the young man's shoulder with satisfaction, “That’s OK, then arrange it like this. It’s not early, you go back to rest early. Tomorrow I will let the old man in the army take you for a day and get familiar with it as soon as possible.”

  Wang Shuyue smiled and agreed, and watched the vice minister leave before returning to the bedroom.

  At seven o'clock in the morning the next morning, the morning training horn blew, and Wang Shuyue completed the morning exercise together with the superpower army.

  At the same time, she also introduced her arrival to other armed police in the army.

  There are so few girls in this place. Most of them sit in the office, and Wang Shuyue is the only girl who goes out of the police.

  The attitude of these young armed police towards Wang Shuyue compared with that of the superpower army is one world at a time.

The   Actual Corps ignored Wang Shuyue, and even wanted to make a gesture with her when she found a chance to go heads-up.

  But the little brothers of the armed police are different. They directly treat her as a sister and take great care of her.

  While eating breakfast, someone helped carry milk and someone helped peel the eggs. Wang Shuyue was so enthusiastic that she didn't know what to do, so she could only thank them one by one.

  Qian Hao and others watched the attentive appearance of these people, chuckled twice, and felt a lot of happiness in their hearts, but the demon beast meat buns in their mouths were not fragrant.

  At eight o'clock, the black armed cars drove out of the army, and the power corps broke up, paired by two, and cooperated with the armed police to go out of the police.

Wang Shuyue, who had a little feast with the ability army, also had to admit that the strength of one ability army could be worth a hundred ordinary armed police.

  With the addition of the superb army, the police force in City G has been greatly improved. The criminals heard the wind and became more cautious in their actions.

Wang Shuyue followed a five-person team. The five armed police brothers were about the same age as her. They sat in the same car and chatted. Soon Wang Shuyue knew that two of the five people were single and one married. Two more are in love.

  The captain of this team is the married one. He is a self-acquaintance. Since knowing that Wang Shuyue has built the foundation, she kept begging to hold her thighs all the way, Wang Shuyue couldn't laugh or cry.

  At half past eight, six people came to the rental center amidst laughter.

  Before getting off the car, the team leader jokingly said: "Believe it or not, Comrade Wang, when we go, the patrol police here will come forward and take the initiative to help us patrol?"

   "Oh? Why?" Wang Shuyue asked knowingly.

  Squad leader did not know that she had come here yesterday to meet him, lowered his voice, and said mysteriously:

   "There is an inside story."

   "What inside story?" Wang Shuyue looked curious.

The team leader shook his head and sighed: "I just heard other colleagues say that the police here have been reported by the public many times, as if it was because of the scalper tickets, but I can't tell the specifics. Anyway, you just need to know that there is something That's tricky."

   "If they want to help, let them help. Let's have fun."

  Squad leader thinks well. He doesn't want to cause trouble, he just wants to go to get off work and go to work step by step. When he gets home, his wife and children are warm and satisfied.

The young teammate next to him sighed sadly, "Now it’s all messed up, not to mention the bottom. The situation in our city G is considered good. I heard that in other cities, looters dared to swagger through the market with stolen goods. It was extremely arrogant. ."

As    was talking, and didn't know if it was a crow's mouth, a shout suddenly came from the crowd.

   "Catch the thief! My bag was robbed!"

  Wang Shuyue quickly looked at the five companions.

   Before they got out of the car, one quickly turned on the police siren, the other turned on the walkie-talkie to notify nearby companions to assist, and the other stepped on the accelerator and rushed out.

  At the moment the car drove, the team leader waved to Wang Shuyue and flew out of the car window.

  Wang Shuyue followed, and as soon as she flashed her body, she walked in front of the team leader, "Leave me the thief. Go and see the victim!"

  She seemed to have just caught a glimpse of the victimized aunt falling to the ground, possibly injured.

  Squad leader hesitated a bit, but seeing Wang Shuyue dashed to catch up, she turned her head and ran towards the victimized aunt.

  The police sirens kept ringing in the back, and the perpetrator turned his head provocatively and raised his **** at a few people, and then raised his hand, the neat and bright asphalt road immediately swelled up. If it weren't for the quick response of the armed police who drove, the police car almost knocked over.

   "Huh? This is too arrogant!" Wang Shuyue sighed in disbelief, and a white light swept across her backhand, and the raised asphalt road instantly became smooth.

  The police car rushed over again, and the perpetrator was but now there is no time for him to think so much, so he turned around and continued running.

   but didn't want to, turning his head, a big fireball flew towards him, directly hitting his chest, and the powerful force rushed him upside down and flew out.

  The high-end women's leather bag in her hand flew out, Wang Shuyue fell from the sky, grabbed the leather bag with one hand, and flicked the long whip made of green vines with the other. He drew it down with a "pop", and the perpetrator's skin was spattered on the back, and he rolled directly on the ground.

   With a clear metal sound, the lock-ling handcuffs locked the hands of the perpetrator who was tumbling in pain.

  Wang Shuyue picked up the person from the ground with one hand, remembering his arrogant look just now, and the leather bag in his hand was facing his horrified face, and the "pong" fell down!

   "Come, come, make you arrogant! See if I can't give you a crooked head!"

   "No, no, no, no, wrong, wrong, police officer spare my life!"

  Screams and begging for mercy alternately sounded, and the pedestrians on the street stopped one after another, watching in astonishment as the thief knelt down and begged for mercy as the policewoman slapped her bag with one hand.

  The unknowing child watched this scene with wide eyes, with little stars shining in his eyes.

  The police officer’s sister is so ferocious, I really like it!

  (End of this chapter)

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