My Aunt’s Grandma is Back

Chapter 157: famous

When the companions arrived, they saw the invisible face of the perpetrator, and they took a breath of surprise.

After reacting, looking at the courageous appearance of the female companion, she couldn't find the courage to step forward to dissuade her.

Fortunately, the other party had a sense of measure, and when people were still breathing, they stopped the unilateral abuse.

"Officer Wang, is he, is he okay?" The armed police brother asked nervously.

They squatted down, stretched out their hands to probe the perpetrator's breath, felt the faint breath, and breathed a sigh of relief.

Do not die.

Wang Shuyue clapped her hands, held her bag, and waved her hands without blushing or breathing, "Don't worry, I can live for the residual blood, and give him another beat!"

The team leader helped the victimized aunt to arrive, and the aunt suddenly saw the **** appearance of the perpetrator and almost got a heart attack in fright.

The team leader hurriedly winked at his companions and asked them to take the perpetrator into the car first.

"Where's the bag?" The team leader swallowed and asked nervously.

He was stunned that he didn't see what the **** lump on Wang Shuyue's hand was.

Wang Shuyue patted the blood tuo on her hand, "This is it!"

The victimized aunt raised her eyes and took a breath, her expression was very complicated.

A little touched, a little hard to be confident, and a little skeptical of life.

"Thanks, thank you female police officer..." The aunt tremblingly came forward to receive the bag, Wang Shuyue grinned, and the aunt immediately retracted her hand in fright.

After hesitating for a moment, he reached out and took the bag again.

Wang Shuyue looked awkwardly at the blood rubbing against her aunt's clothes, "I'm sorry, I was excited for a while, but I didn't control it...use your bag."

After finishing speaking, before the aunt could speak, she raised her hand and condensed a splash of water to wash away the blood stains on the bag, and then added a dust removal technique that she had just learned, finally restoring the bag to its original shape.

My aunt's eyes lit up suddenly, she looked at Wang Shuyue gratefully, and said several times: "Thank you, thank you so much..."

The child next to him exclaimed: "Wow! This police officer sister is so amazing~"

Wang Shuyue waved at the little fat dun, turned around and got into the car, pulling the curtain, turning her head back and punching the perpetrator who had just awakened to faint again.

When the four armed police companions next to him saw this, they thought of the arrogant behavior of the perpetrator before, and they only felt refreshed.

Not long after, the team leader helped the victimized aunt to get into the car, took the person to the nearby police station, and opened the case on the spot.

When the six people returned to the rental center square again, the team leader murmured afterwards:

"Why didn't those patrolmen come? How about people?"

"Yeah, I really didn't see it, what happened?" the teammate asked suspiciously.

At this time, there was a big news on the radio. The anti-gang crime and evil team in a certain city had just solved a big case last night. The number of people involved was so large that almost two-thirds of the officials in the entire city were included. .

At the same time, in response to the chaotic management of the rental center, the board of directors of the rental center was named and criticized by the mayor, and a new team will be dispatched for rectification.

"According to people familiar with the matter, it took only twelve hours from the beginning to the end of this major case. This speed is the fastest crackdown in the history of our country."

"The insider also revealed that the reason why this incident can be completed so quickly is actually related to a mysterious person who did not want to be named. It was her silent support behind her that made this time the most in history... ."

Yesterday, the team leader, who was still dealing with the patrolman at the rental center during the day, heard the news and couldn't help but doubt his life.

"The people were there yesterday, and they were all swept in today, so fast that I felt like I was dreaming."

The other players nodded, indicating that they felt the same way.

"However, who is that mysterious person? What a great skill and a strong sense of justice, I adore him so much!" The armed police brother stood up excitedly.

The team leader and several people expressed their strong agreement, and heatedly discussed the identity of the mysterious person. It took a long time to find that Wang Shuyue was sitting alone in the corner staring at the monitor, unmoved.

"Inspector Wang, have you heard the news just now?" the team leader asked curiously.

Wang Shuyue said calmly, "I heard it, you continue, I am staring at the surveillance."

The team leader responded with an "hey", and then realized Wang Shuyue's indifference. She glanced suspiciously at her, always felt that something was wrong, and couldn't tell.

But he didn't struggle for too long, so he was pulled over by four other companions to watch today's popular video.

This is a video of a policeman catching a thief. The photographer stood on a high place at the time of the crime, witnessed the whole process, and filmed the video completely with his mobile phone.

In the video, the policewoman's vigorous posture, ghostly speed, and ferocious means formed a strong contrast with the sunny smile of the girl next door after she had dealt with the matter, and it instantly hit the hearts of netizens.

Among a group of male police officers, such a beautiful touch of color, surpassing the dust, directly rushed to the top of the hot list, and brought an inspiring and powerful force to the people of the country who were entangled in the shadow of criminals!

Enthusiastic netizens quickly gave this policewoman a nickname-Sunshine Woman!

The policewoman in the video was Wang Shuyue who had just beaten the perpetrator and almost frightened the victim because of the violence.

Before I knew it, the car fell silent.

Wang Shuyue, who was staring at the monitor, raised her head suspiciously and looked at the five companions in front, and saw that they were staring at herself with a strange look.

They didn't speak or laugh, they just looked at her quietly, as if she were a statue of a hero.

"I said...what happened to you?"

Wang Shuyue raised her hand and waved in front of the five people.

The five people woke up like a dream, and suddenly came back to their senses.

The captain grabbed her hand and said with repressed excitement, "Sunshine Woman, sign me a name. I will show it to my wife in a moment. If she knows that the Woman is by my side, she must be envious. Crazy."

Wang Shuyue opened his hand and looked at the five people with a little irritation, "Are you kidding me?"

Five people shook their heads and waved their Where did they dare to tease her? Did not see the thief before he was beaten so that his parents could not recognize him?

They only teased her when they were full.

The captain handed his cell phone over and showed her the video that had been reposted by the scarf six million times.

Then, Wang Shuyue was stupid.

Glancing at the retweets of millions and tens of millions of broadcasts, he said: "It's not that it won't, it's not it!"

"As for!" The squad leader said solemnly: "At the moment when the people across the country needed it most, you happened to appear, the right time, the right place, and the right people. Congratulations, Police Officer Wang Shuyue, you are out of the circle!"

Wang Shuyue: "..."

Looking at the excited faces of his companions, Wang Shuyue, who didn't like being paid too much attention, was not happy at all.

Seeing that the date with good friend Bai Wei came up, Wang Shuyue hurriedly signed the five cheeky people who wanted to sign, refused the five people's request to take a group photo and send it to Moments. She changed into casual clothes and slipped away.


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