My Aunt’s Grandma is Back

Chapter 173: I can't trust my father

   Gu Yechi laughed inexplicably, and laughed at himself: "Li He, even if we explained to you in front of our teachers and classmates before, you still don't believe it, do you?"

   Hao Lei also endured angrily and said: "I have already sworn an oath. My sister's disappearance really has nothing to do with me. Why don't you believe it?"

"and also!"

   looked bitterly at Wang Shuyue's face, "You actually asked an outsider to help you deal with your family. You are the son-in-law of our Hao family, with your elbow turned away. Are you worthy of your grandfather and sister's trust in you?"

   "Ah!" Hao Lei yelled out suddenly, unable to speak anymore.

  Wang Shuyue clenched her wrist bone heavily, and warned against it: "You say one more thing, I don't mind pulling your tongue out!"

  Wang Shuyue's violent methods against the gangsters are obvious to all people across the country, and Hao Lei doesn't think she is joking.

   At the moment, sucking the air-conditioner viciously, I really didn't dare to speak any more.

   The police officer who was learning about the situation was very surprised, and didn't know how the situation developed into this way.

   and the teachers disperse the other students into the cabin, the idlers waited to retreat, and then walked over and tried to mediate.

   In the eyes of the police, Wang Shuyue wears her own goddess halo, and with her identity, the police unconsciously turn towards her.

   Li He finally breathed a sigh of relief, put down his sword, stood with Wang Shuyue, stared at Hao Lei and Gu Yechi and said to the police officer:

"Before Bai Wei disappeared, the last person to meet with her was Hao Lei. At that time, the two of them and Sun He were assigned to a path-exploration team. In the end, only Hao Lei came back. She must know where Bai Wei is. "

   "Bai Wei?" The officer frowned. Isn't the missing person called Hao Wei?

   Wang Shuyue explained, "Hao Wei was originally called Bai Wei, and Bai Wei is Hao Wei."

   The police understood and motioned Hao Lei to describe the situation at that time.

Hao Lei opened her mouth because she didn't know, "As soon as the three of us set off, we encountered a weird fog. I separated from them. When Yechi brought me out of the fog, we knew that Bai Wei and Sun He hadn't come back. "

   "You lied!" As soon as Hao Lei's voice fell, Li He immediately retorted, "When you came back, your clothes were disheveled and your expression flustered. You know exactly what you did!"

   Gu Yechi shouted angrily: "Li He, people are responsible for what they say. Do you think Leilei will harm her own sister? How can you slander her like this?"


   The police suddenly realized that the situation was not so simple.

   They knew a little bit about those things in the big family. Seeing the Hao family who were biting in front of them, the police also felt a headache.

   "Don't make a noise!" The policeman calmly said, "Now is not the time to resolve your personal grievances. Two other students are missing. You should cooperate with the police now to find them out.

"You!" The police nodded Gu Yechi, who looked very calm, "Since you went in and retrieved Hao Lei, you must know something about the situation in the mist. You can tell what you know now. "

   Gu Yechi nodded, looking worried about his family, and said:

   "The mist is weird. The consciousness is blocked and cannot be released. It is all white in front of you. You can only walk by feeling. If you are not careful, you will lose your way."

   "Moreover, there is a strange beast in the fog. Everyone has never seen its true face, but it will rush out to attack people from time to time. The speed is extremely fast and it is impossible to guard against."

   "If it hadn't been for me to have prepared and marked in advance, I am afraid I would have been left in the mist."

   Hearing this, Wang Shuyue wrung her brows. In such a dangerous place, if Bai Wei was trapped in it, how could she be able to get out by herself?

   Hao Qingzhou also showed an anxious look, and kept urging the police to hurry up to find someone.

   If it was only what was learned at the beginning, the police might have dispatched an advance team to investigate.

   But now, upon listening to Gu Yechi and Hao Lei's descriptions, they, who are not at the third or fourth level of Qi training, do not understand the situation clearly and dare not act rashly at all.

   The life of a missing student is life, and the life of the police is also life. What they want is effective rescue.

   Twenty minutes later, the big ship sailed into the pier and docked on the shore.

   Part of the police force was dispersed and arranged for the students to disembark.

   The ambulance was always on standby to pick up one car after another of the injured students. Under the sky at 5:30 in the morning, the lights on the dock kept flashing and the atmosphere was solemn.

   The police are arranging a search and rescue team and persuading the teacher who led the Jindanqi cultivation base to go and investigate first.

  Wang Shuyue couldn't wait any longer, her face sank as Hao Qingzhou was about to send Hao Lei to the ambulance.

   "Uncle Hao!"

   Hao Qingzhou turned his head and looked over, Wang Shuyue stepped forward, Hao Lei was very jealous of her, and immediately grabbed Gu Yechi's arm.

   Gu Yechi patted her on the shoulder, calmly said: "Don't be afraid, it's okay."

   "You two can't go!"

   Wang Shuyue pointed at Hao Lei and Gu Yechi who were hugging each other, with commands.

   She is not discussing this, she just notified them both.

   Hao Qingzhou frowned and asked, "Leilei just got scared, what's the use of keeping her here?"

   Wang Shuyue replied coldly: "I want them to show me the way!"

"I do not want!"

   Hao Lei immediately became excited when he heard that he was about to enter that weird place again, and looked at Hao Qingzhou in a panic, "Dad, I don't want to go..."

   Without waiting for Hao Qingzhou's reply, Wang Shuyue directly sneered: "Aren't you a sister who is deeply affectionate? Now that your sister is missing and whereabouts is unknown, why are you embarrassed to go back and sleep peacefully?"

   "And you!"

   Black eyes turned to Gu Yechi, "Since you can find Hao Lei, you must be able to find her relatives, you two, neither of you are allowed to leave!"

   "Wang Shuyue, why do you arrange for me?" Hao Lei looked at Hao Qingzhou anxiously, UU reading with a panic, "Dad~"

   Hao Qingzhou showed hesitation.

   Li He, who was being examined by a nurse, came over, "Wang Shuyue, I will go with you."

Hearing this, Hao Qingzhou seemed to have found a savior, "Yes, right, and Li He, he is going with you, Leilei is already very scared, you also understand the dangers in that place, she is a girl It won’t be useful if the child goes."

   Reached out his hand in relief to pat Li He's shoulder, Li He directly avoided his hand.

   "Uncle, are you not going?" Li He asked, and Hao Qingzhou's expression suddenly changed.

   Hao Zhong, who hadn't said a word, saw Hao Qingzhou's expression, he just wanted to sigh.

   He understood, why the old man asked him to find an outsider, Wang Shuyue, instead of his own son.

   Because of this son, he is not reliable at all!

   "Miss Wang, thank you!" Hao Zhong looked at Wang Shuyue gratefully, and was about to say that he would also go with him. Wang Shuyue stopped him with a look.

   She looked at Li He: "You still stay, go with Uncle Zhong to comfort the old man first, you can't be irritated when you are old, and you have to hide the old man, I will bring Bai Wei back."


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