My Aunt’s Grandma is Back

Chapter 174: The authority comes forward

   Hao Qingzhou was obviously relieved, and said gratefully: "Miss Wang, then I beg you, I will send a few more good guys to start with you."

After   , he arranged for the two bodyguards to follow him and told them to listen to Wang Shuyue's arrangements.

   I never thought about going there in person.

   Maybe at the beginning, he also thought about getting his missing daughter back, maybe he was really worried at the beginning.

   But perhaps, half of this worry is for Hao Lei.

   Bai Wei also has weight in his heart. If he didn't see the injured students on the boat and didn't hear the danger ahead, then he might have searched for it himself.

   People, seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. A person who has just taken home and only got along for a year is more important than a person who has been spoiled and grown up by himself.

   Now the two daughters have already returned one, and the other one may never come back. The wise man naturally thought of keeping one.

   Especially under the premise that the Hao family has no third heir.

  Wang Shuyue felt that he had seen through Hao Qingzhou's hypocritical mask and had no expectations of him.

   didn't refuse the two bodyguards either. After all, they also have a sixth-level Qi training base, which might come in handy.

but! Hao Qingzhou wants to keep one, then he is delusional!

   "Li He, you stay. Hao Lei and Gu Yechi are enough to go with me." Wang Shuyue directly arranged the two clearly.

   Hao Lei thought of the mist, she couldn't help but tremble all over, looking at Hao Qingzhou with red eyes, "Dad!"

   "Wang Shuyue, don't you think your tube is too wide?" Gu Yechi looked gloomy.

  Wang Shuyue smiled directly, and turned to ask Hao Qingzhou, "Since I think I am too lenient, then I will not go, can you do it yourself?"

   When Hao Zhong and Li He heard this, their hearts suddenly tightened.

   But both of them knew that Wang Shuyue's help in this matter was a sentiment, and it was a duty not to help. No matter what she did, she was able to do this step now, and she had done her best.

   The two of them knew that they were afraid to speak. They held their breath and stared at Hao Qingzhou to see how he would answer.

   There are not only people from the Hao family at the scene, but also from the school police. Whether it is for the sake of saving face or fighting for a powerful helper like Wang Shuyue, Hao Qingzhou cannot agree to her proposal.

   "Oh~" Hao Qingzhou sighed with sorrow, "Yechi is worried about Leilei, Miss Wang, don't take his words to heart. Weiwei is lucky to have a good friend like you."

   said, looking distressedly at her daughter, "Leilei, Weiwei is also your sister..."

   "Dad?!" Hao Lei looked at the father in front of him in disbelief, unable to believe that he was going to send himself back to the terrifying place full of dangers.

   Somehow, Wang Shuyue only found the scene in front of her very ridiculous, and she couldn't help laughing.

   It's just that the smile doesn't reach the bottom of the eyes, and it makes people panic.

   "Officer Wang, ready to go!"

   The police are urging.

  Wang Shuyue and Hao Zhong looked at each other. Hao Zhong nodded and stood in front of Li He to make her rest assured that he is there.

   Wang Shuyue looked at Gu Yechi and Hao Lei, "Let's go."

   Gu Yechi, who had always been in a faint mood, suddenly narrowed his eyes and showed a ruthless look. He grabbed Hao Lei, who was holding on to Hao Qingzhou's arm, and came to Wang Shuyue's side and whispered in her ear:

   "Miss Wang, your nosy temperament should be changed, will regret it!"

   However, before he finished his words, the people beside him had already strode forward, without even leaving him a warning look.

   Hao Lei's face was reluctant, but her father didn't say a word for her to leave in the end.

   Li He wanted to go with him, but Hao Zhong desperately stopped him.

   At 6 o'clock in the morning, the search and rescue team set off. Due to the confidentiality of this matter, the rescue team on the dock was evacuated cleanly before the influx of people, leaving only a few principals of the school and Hao Qingzhou, waiting there anxiously.

   But I didn't think about it. I didn't wait for the news of the search and rescue team, but instead waited for a group of heavily armed superpower troops.

   Lisa and Gu Ziming hurried over with the Deputy Minister of the Armed Forces. They did not see the students and the boat, but only a few people from Hao Qingzhou, and they hurriedly asked:

   "Where are the people from the search and rescue team?"

   Hao Qingzhou still doesn’t know what the situation is, but instinctively tells him that the matter is getting bigger, worrying about the safety of his two daughters, and hurriedly said:

   "Already set off."

   "How long have you been out?"

   "Has been walking for half an hour."

   "To die! Is this something they can solve?" Lisa cursed in a low voice, and immediately looked at the deputy minister, "Go and drive the ship over, maybe you can catch up with them!"

   Hao Qingzhou asked anxiously: "Who are you? What happened?"

   Lisa turned around and left, not having time to talk to him.

   Gu Ziming took out his certificate, "The Administration Bureau, this matter is now ours, and I hope you will cooperate."

   The school staff looked dumbfounded, "What's wrong with this?"

   "You don't have to worry about that. Now I ask, you only need to answer."

   Gu Ziming's face was cold and hard, and he didn't seem to be a good person to get along with. The school just wanted to calm down and nodded his head to show that he would cooperate.

   Gu Ziming asked: "Who did the search and rescue team go to?"

   The school leader said: "Our school sent a teacher with a golden core to lead the way."

   Gu Ziming secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that there were monks of the Golden Core Stage accompanying him.

   There are also commanders left by the police, and upon hearing this, they immediately handed over the list, "Twenty people, the list is here."

   Hao Qingzhou remembered the little daughter and son-in-law who were still on the boat, and hurriedly added:

   "And my daughter Hao Lei and his fiance Gu Yechi."

   Gu Ziming instantly raised his head, his eyes sharp, "What are they two unprofessional people doing?"

Hao Qingzhou helplessly said, "My eldest daughter’s good friend Wang is the Sunshine Woman, police officer, you should know, she is going to the island to my eldest daughter. My eldest daughter was with me before she disappeared. When the daughters are together, Wang Shuyue asks them to lead the way."

   "Wang Shuyue?"

   Gu Ziming didn't have time to be surprised, the deputy minister suddenly rushed over, "Why did she run here?"

   "This is?" Hao Qingzhou looked at the vice minister in confusion. He was familiar with the political party, but he had almost never met the military.

   The police explained: "Director Sun of the Armed Forces Department, the newly-added superpowers and special dispatchers are now under Minister Sun, and the Sunshine Woman is the special dispatcher."

   Minister Sun couldn't wait for him to explain, and once again asked how Wang Shuyue got here.

   Learning about the relationship between Wang Shuyue and Bai Wei from Hao Qingzhou's mouth, it suddenly dawned on her that she asked for leave yesterday for this.

   Suddenly, my worried heart became calmer.

   Gu Ziming couldn't keep it steady, instead, he was a little messy. He suppressed the anxiety in his heart and asked in a deep voice:

   "Is Lisa ready over there?"

   Minister Sun nodded, and he immediately ordered the departure.

   However, they were still a step late.

   The storm that the school ship had experienced before recurred before their eyes.


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