My Aunt’s Grandma is Back

Chapter 178: Contracted

As soon as    landed, the treasure fan could no longer hold it, turning into a blue light and escaped into the dantian.

   Wang Shuyue picked up the spear and knife, and did not bother to explore this mysterious crystal cave. After making sure that it was safe, he found a relatively flat place, sat down cross-legged, performed the exercises, and restored his spiritual power.

   But the weird thing is that the aura here is clearly abundant, even higher than the concentration of the aura in the outside world, but Wang Shuyue absorbs very little aura.

   It was as if something was robbing her. Originally, it could recover in half an hour, but it took more than an hour to fill up 70% of the empty Dantian.

   "It's weird!"

   Wang Shuyue frowned, patted his **** and stood up, with a flashlight in one hand and a gun knife in the other, walking down the long steps in front of him to the gate of the palace, wanting to see if there is any other exit.

   When I saw it from a distance before, I only thought that the palace was huge, but I didn't expect people to come to my eyes. Compared with the palace, it was as small as an ant.

   The two crystal doors that cannot fall over are also very big. The door is more than 90 meters high and more than 60 meters wide. I looked up and looked like a high-rise building.

   Wang Shuyue thought, leaving such a big door, what kind of behemoth should you enter from here?

   It's definitely not a person anyway.

   Jumping over the one-meter high threshold, Wang Shuyue felt like a person from the dwarf country came to the world of giants.

   Before, she looked like a white ball the size of a basketball. It stood on the huge round table, which was more than three meters high.

   got closer, the tornado storm formed by the interweaving of black and white looks exactly the same as the one on the sea!

   But the strange thing is that she doesn't feel any danger here.

   Wang Shuyue passed through the huge jade pillar in front of him and came to the storm, looking up at the pulling of the black and white cyclones.

   Heiqi is full of evil spirits, rampage, like a child who is not obedient to discipline.

  The white qi is radiant and gentle, as if it can contain everything. Once the black qi climbs out, the white qi pulls it back.

   But as the black qi gets stronger and stronger, the white qi becomes more and more strenuous. It could have suppressed the black qi at once, and gradually became passive.

   Every time at this moment, Wang Shuyue can obviously feel the aura of the whole body violently.

   Hey wrong!

   How did she **** away the aura in her body? !

   "Fuck!" Wang Shuyue was shocked, and hurriedly retreated to the crystal door, only to fade away.

   The white ball on the round stage seemed to tremble. For a moment, Wang Shuyue suddenly felt that she was being watched.

   quickly turned his head and looked back. There was not even a bug in a large crystal cave.

   turned his head and looked at the jade pillars around him, the beast on the pillars still looked peaceful.

   Could it be that she is too sensitive?

  Wang Shuyue was about to breathe a sigh of relief, and the corner of his eye fell to the white ball, and she was taken aback.

   I saw the white ball suddenly floated into the air, and turned around in the air, as if it was a call from the ancient gods. A powerful traction surrounded Wang Shuyue and took her towards the white ball.

   Wang Shuyue's heart suddenly choked, and the secret path was not good.

   struggled to get rid of this traction, but the body seemed to be controlled by someone, and he couldn't even move his fingers.

  Wang Shuyue, who has read countless Xiuxian novels, felt this terrible control, and couldn't believe that she would have the luck of the protagonist Xiuxian, and she had to follow her because of the power of a beast.

   Right now she has only one thought in her mind, that is... it's over, I'm afraid this white ball doesn't want to eat her tonic!

  While thinking about it, Wang Shuyue was shocked to find that her right hand was raised up and slowly stretched towards the white ball.

   A white ball that looks smooth and clean like an eggshell, but it feels soft, as if it feels warm fluff.

   But even with such a good touch, in this weird situation, Wang Shuyue only felt the hairs stand upright.

  'Zi\', Wang Shuyue suddenly felt a tingling pain in her palm. When she raised her eyes, Yin Hong's blood fell, dripping onto the white ball, all of which was sucked in.

   The blood turned into silk threads, starting from the top of the white ball, spreading little by little, forming a red net on it.

   The red light was shining, and the crackling sound of the eggshell "click" sounded. Wang Shuyue only felt that the spiritual power in her body was madly disappearing.

   The pain in the palm of the hand is no longer felt, and what follows is just a sense of vainness that the soul gradually pulls away.

   In a daze, Wang Shuyue woke up with a sharp eye opening, and saw the white ball in front of him as if it had been peeled off, turning into a bluish-white light ball.

   The twelve jade pillars suddenly lit up with white light, auspicious clouds rose, and Wang Shuyue watched the beast on the pillar come alive.

   They stepped out of the clouds one after another, lion heads, antlers, tiger eyes, moose body, dragon scales, oxtails, twelve unicorns surrounded the light group, and they were majestic and majestic.

   At the same time, a phantom suddenly appeared in the light ball, the turquoise round tiger eyes, as clear as a Wang Qingquan, looking at her curiously.

   A timid mood of joy suddenly rose from her heart, and Wang Shuyue was taken aback.

   This is not her emotion!

  Also, what is that fetter in the depths of the sea of ​​knowledge?

   When he peeped intently, the black pupil slammed into the cyan eyes.

who are you? Wang Shuyue asked in her heart.

   The azure tiger eyes blinked innocently, and a tender voice appeared in the sea of ​​her knowledge.


When the voice of    fell, before Wang Shuyue was shocked, the twelve unicorns suddenly swarmed into the light group, merged into one, turned into a white light, and penetrated into the center of her eyebrows.

   Even if it was as gentle as possible, Wang Shuyue's immature consciousness was rushed to pieces by this powerful divine power, and she fainted instantly under the severe pain.

   The white light supported her body and slowly fell on the round platform. The whole body glowed with seven colors, rippling like ripples, and the raging black energy was instantly pressed under the round platform, making it difficult to noisy.

   Wang Shuyue didn't know all this.

   When she woke up, she only saw the huge crystal palace illuminated by a flashlight.

   The auspicious beasts carved on the twelve pillars are gone, the white **** on the round table are gone, and the black and white tornadoes have disappeared.

   Wang Shuyue got up from the round platform, her eyes were dull for a moment, and she suddenly became angry.

   "You come out for me!"

   The half-open zipper of the equipment bag was pushed open, and a ball of white ball came out from it. With only two slap-sized round bodies, with a pair of round turquoise eyes, Wang Shuyue looked at Wang Shuyue curiously.

   When I saw this hair Shuyue was startled, this TM is a unicorn?

   "Wang Shuyue...what the **** is it?"

   Bai Qiu didn't have a mouth, and Wang Shuyue was stunned to hear it talking.

   "I don't care what the **** you do, you have contracted me, have you asked Lao Tzu's opinion?!"

  Wang Shuyue grabbed the white ball beside her and asked angrily: "How do you know that I'm Wang Shuyue!"

   Bai Qiu was caught in her hand, and her eyes were squeezed bigger and more innocent. It was so temperamental and soft to explain:

   "Because you are my spiritual pet."

   Seeing sparks in her eyes instantly, Bai Ball's eyes were full of petting comfort and said: "Don't worry, I will be nice to you."

   After that, she shook her furry body and rubbed the palm of her hand.

   Wang Shuyue fell in anger!

   The extremely flexible body of the white ball rolled on the ground twice, and then floated to her again, teaching her solemnly:

   "Wang Shuyue, you are wrong~"

   Wang Shuyue: "Oh heaven! If I do something wrong, please let the law sanction me! Instead of letting me become a favorite of the ball!"

   "Woo, aunt, granddaughter is dirty!"


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