My Aunt’s Grandma is Back

Chapter 179: The last unicorn

   Bai Qiu looked at the woman who fell on the round table and rolled around, with two concerns in his big eyes.

   "I'll take you to find something delicious, can you stop making trouble, okay?"

   The big cyan eyes are full of helplessness, like a big dog being coaxed by the owner.

   Wang Shuyue stiffened all over, and looked at the white ball floating around in front of her, so tempting, her heart died.

   "Why are you contracting me?"

   Bai Qiu looked at her in surprise, has he recovered so soon?

   Wang Shuyue patted his **** and stood up, picking up the scattered equipment, "Didn't you say you want to take me to find something delicious? Let's go."

   Bai Qiu's eyes were round and round, and it took a while before he flew to her with joy and said:

   "Your spiritual power smells fragrant. I tasted it and it was delicious, so I signed a contract with you."

   "Go here." Seeing Wang Shuyue was about to go outside the hall, Bai Qiu hurriedly stopped her and pointed to the hall on the left.

  Wang Shuyue couldn't even think that the reason for being contracted was because of the delicious spiritual power. She glanced at the white ball silently, turned her head and looked at the hall on the left, there was only a bare crystal wall.

   "Where is the door?"

   The white ball floated in excitement, and his head hit the wall, the white ripples swayed open, and a barrier that could allow one person to enter appeared on the crystal wall.

  Wang Shuyue raised his finger and pointed to the cave outside, "I fell from there, have anyone else fallen down here?"

   White Ball’s big eyes flickered, and he looked at the top of the cave first, and muttered suspiciously, “There is only one entrance in the underground palace. There is obviously nothing there. How did you get in?”

   Wang Shuyue was startled, and hurriedly fired a flashlight to shine on the top of the cave. The top of the cave was smooth and flat, covered with crystals. Where did the entrance come from?

   "I clearly fell from there just now!" Wang Shuyue affirmed.

   The shallow white hairs on the white ball's big eyes wrinkled, "That's weird... But if you really fell in from the top of the hole, it means that we are very destined!"

   Bai Qiu looked at Wang Shuyue joyfully, very satisfied with this fate.

   Wang Shuyue was confused, but Bai Qiu couldn't figure out this question, so she was even more impossible.

   temporarily put down the top of this weird cave, turned his head and asked the white ball again, whether he saw other humans enter.

   Bai Qiu asked tentatively: "Are you talking about your human friend Bai Wei?"

   Wang Shuyue's eyes darkened, "You peeping at me!"

   Bai Qiu looked at her aggrievedly, thinking that I didn't mean it on purpose. Ling Chong thought that the owner knew it.


   "If you don't like it, then I pretend I don't know it, um...what is your friend's name? What does she look like?"

  Wang Shuyue: It's the feeling of myocardial infarction!

   Seeing that she was angry again, Bai Qiu sighed: "I have a bad temper." Turning his head and flying over again, he rubbed her slightly puffed cheeks with her body, "Don't get angry, I won't listen to you in the future."

   "Also, your friend is not here, but I know where she is."

   The human in front of him immediately showed a look of surprise, "Where is she? Is she okay?"

   "Don't worry, she is just trapped in the underground palace. By the way, there is also a human being. Would you like to take you to find it?"

   The white ball looks very simple, it just wants to make the spirit pet happy.

   Wang Shuyue nodded, motioning for it to hurry up.

   Bai Qiu sighed, trying to calm down, but when he remembered the bad temper of his own spirit pet, he stopped to say more, beckoning her to follow him.

   The two of them passed through the barrier on the wall, their eyes darkened, the Crystal Palace disappeared, and there was a long narrow corridor in front of them.

   Wang Shuyue couldn't help asking: "Where is this place?"

   The white ball lit up with a soft white light, floating forward, and said: "This is a forbidden place for my clan, specializing in demons."

  Wang Shuyue was about to ask what an evil demon was. Bai Qiu seemed to know she wanted to ask, and said first:

   "This is my business, as long as the spiritual pet is happy to practice, there is no need to worry about that much."

   "Cultivation?" Wang Shuyue said in a bad mood: "I practice it and let you swallow it all?"

   "By the way, what kind of ghost contract did you sign with me, is it the kind of contract that you and I have to die?"

   Bai Qiu turned his head and looked at her with big eyes in surprise, "Why do you think of me so badly?"

   "We are an equal contract. Your spiritual power for cultivation is very special. For me to practice cultivation can greatly increase my skill, but if I improve my cultivation level, you will also improve along with it."

   "There is no heart demon, no catastrophe?" Wang Shuyue asked suspiciously.

   "Heavenly Tribulation?" Bai Qiu looked at her curiously, "You are no more than a mortal now. It is too early to consider the Heavenly Tribulation, at least after you have ascended to become an earth fairy."

   Wang Shuyue was afraid that it had misunderstood the meaning of the tribulation in his mouth, and explained it specially. After the foundation was built, every cultivator would be tempered by the tribulation when he advanced.

   Bai Qiu asked her blankly: "Is it so difficult for mortals to practice now?"

   "When our clan was in its heyday, the youngest son was born as an immortal, and there was no one at that time."

   "After Nuwa created human beings, my clan has gone through great calamities, and only my clan who suppressed demons are left to survive in this world by virtue of suppressing luck for the human race."

   "The people at that time were the new masters of heaven and earth. Before ascending, there were almost no shackles...Now, I only have a unicorn left in the underground palace..."

   The white ball eyebrows drooped down, and Wang Shuyue actually thought it was a bit pitiful.

   The two signed an equal contract, and their hearts were connected. She could feel the loneliness in the hair ball before her eyes.

   She raised her hand and gently rubbed its little furry body, "It's okay, it's okay, the outside world is interesting now. When we go out, I will make you a unicorn figure to play with you."

   "What is a figure?" Bai Ball's drooping eyebrows immediately raised, and the turquoise eyes were shining.

   "Well... it's a unicorn who looks exactly like you."

   "Looks exactly like me? How can this be done?"

   "3D printing. UU reading"

   "What is 3D printing?"

   "Ah this...Anyway, you'll know when you get out, and you won't know if I explained it."

"Oh, okay."

   "That's right!" Wang Shuyue suddenly stopped and poked the white ball **** in front of him, "How do you look like this?"

   She remembers the phantom of the unicorn at the time of signing the contract, but she is so majestic.

   Bai Qiu turned around, and Wang Shuyue saw some embarrassment on its furry face.

   "The twelve soul power left by the ancestors is not enough for me to transform, but if I don't transform, I can't let you be my spirit pet, so I transform in advance and become like this."

   "But!" Bai Qiu immediately stood up and said proudly: "After consuming your spiritual power, I successfully suppressed those evil spirits back!"

   "Oh, you are quite proud." Wang Shuyue squinted at it, "Didn't you say that the unicorn is born with the cultivation base of the immortal? What cultivation base are you now?"

   Although Bai Qiu said that the two of them had an equal contract, there was still a primary and secondary distinction, and Wang Shuyue could hardly feel its cultivation status.

   only vaguely felt that he was not much better than himself.


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