My Aunt’s Grandma is Back

Chapter 183: Auntie is here

   On the ship, Lisa and Vice Minister Sun stood together on the deck and looked around. No one noticed that Minister Sun’s seemingly calm expression had his hands clasping the railings.

   Not long after, a motorboat appeared on the calm sea. Lisa took a closer look and saw the people on the motorboat, her tight mouth loosened.

   But soon, the joy at the corner of her mouth sank.

   As soon as Gu Ziming took it back to the big boat, Lisa raised her leg and hit his chest with a kick.

   However, Gu Ziming is not a vegetarian, and he reacted quickly. He blocked his big foot with his hands.

Lisa missed a hit, and swiped in midair with another kick. With this kick, she exerted great strength. Gu Ziming was worried about the few people beside Wang Shuyue. She couldn't do it, and she was kicked to the shoulder and back several steps. .

   Wang Shuyue quickly grabbed the person with eyes fast, and then she didn't turn over the railing into the sea.

   "Why are you hitting someone!" Wang Shuyue looked at Lisa displeasedly, and shouted coldly.

   Lisa nodded on her in an angry way, and warned Gu Ziming, who had an ugly face:

   "You wait to write a review, be more serious, and expel it directly!"

  Wang Shuyue looked at these two people puzzledly, "What happened? Why did you fire Gu Ziming?"

   Lisa opened her mouth to tell Gu Ziming's non-discipline, but she didn't want to. As soon as she opened her mouth, she was given a cold glance by Gu Ziming.

   Lisa was startled.

   "It's nothing, everyone has been found back, I will report to the headquarters."

   After that, he gave Lisa a warning and turned around and entered the cabin.

   Wang Shuyue frowned, looked at Lisa suspiciously, but Lisa shut her mouth, only glanced at her up and down, and raised her eyebrows with a smile.


   Sun and the surprised voice sounded, breaking the weird atmosphere on the ship.

  Wang Shuyue and the others looked towards the deck in surprise, and saw Vice Minister Sun approaching, his expression seemed normal, but in fact he patted Sun He on the head with a slight trembling.

   "It's all right."

   Sun and the red eyes nodded repeatedly. The father and son looked at each other, although they were silent, there was warmth flowing.

   "Minister, you two..." Wang Shuyue pointed at the two in surprise, speechless for a moment.

   Minister Sun walked over to her, smiled and said: "You owe me the favor."

   This is an indirect recognition of the father-son relationship between the two.

   Lisa was amazed, "Minister Sun, it's amazing, my son is missing and in a dangerous situation, how can you still chat and laugh with me on this boat?"

   "I was weird before, I borrowed a few supernatural army from you, why the deputy minister has to follow him in person, it turns out that's the case..."

   Minister Sun smiled helplessly and didn't explain anything. He only looked at Sun He who had returned safely with joy and secretly rejoiced.

   Lisa gave him a thumbs up, "Admire!"

   There are not many simple people like Minister Sun in this world.

   Bai Wei and Wang Shuyue looked at each other, and Wang Shuyue asked, "Have Hao Lei and Gu Yechi come back?"

   Lisa looked at Bai Wei, "Your sister and brother-in-law have gone back with the search and rescue team first. They were seriously injured and they are not in good condition."

   "But don't worry about it." Lisa, who didn't know that the sisters were plastic sisters, kindly comforted her, "The rescue is in time. There should be no life-threatening for the two."

   said, she turned a glance at Wang Shuyue, frowned and asked, "You went to the island together, why did you suddenly separate?"

   Moreover, she saw the injuries on Hao Lei and Gu Yechi's bodies, not like being injured by a monster, but rather artificial.

   Wang Shuyue sneered, "Now I have to ask those two people. I also want to know why they left me."

   Lisa raised her eyebrows when she heard the words, her eyes showed a bit of playfulness, and she nodded, knowing what she said, and stopped asking.

   She is not interested in these things, she just wants to know the situation in the barrier.

   Lisa asked Wang Shuyue if she had found anything in the barrier. Wang Shuyue ignored the contents of the Crystal Palace and told Lisa about everything else.

   This was all things Lisa knew. She could see that Wang Shuyue had something to hide, and she knew it would be useless to ask questions. She waved her hand and asked the three of them to come and rest first.

  A medical staff stepped forward to check the bodies of the three of them. They were sure that they were all right. When they were about to take them to eat something, a purple figure suddenly appeared on the calm sea and came over the waves.

   Lisa raised her eyes, and she froze suddenly, showing a flustered expression uncontrollably.

   Minister Sun just thought Lisa's reaction was strange. A huge wave was rising into the sky. The purple-clothed woman was fluttering and standing on the huge wave, and she appeared in front of everyone in an instant.

She stood with her hands behind her hands, the huge waves surging under her feet, the ink was flying, and her face was covered with a light purple veil, revealing a pair of cold and beautiful eyes, raised her eyes and glanced lightly, the powerful pressure struck, making people uncontrollable Live wants to kneel at her feet.

   Where did Minister Sun see such a character?

   Immediately, his feet were soft, and he barely leaned against the wall, so he didn't "plop" and knelt down.

   Lisa's condition was not much better, her face turned pale at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then she bent down.

   Sun He felt even more uncomfortable. He only glanced at the purple figure. When his chest became stuffy, blood leaked from the corner of his mouth. He hurriedly bowed his heads in fright.

   Bai Wei is slightly better, after all, she is standing with Wang Shuyue, and the pressure will not affect her no matter what.

   "Senior Wang!" Bai Wei knelt down and cleverly gave a gift from the junior.

   Above the huge wave, the purple-clothed woman gave a hum, and without seeing her movement, Bai Wei's bent knee was lifted up.

  Wang Shuyue walked forward freely under Minister Sun’s startled gaze, and asked with a guilty conscience:

   "Auntie, why are you here?"


   Minister Sun secretly glanced at Lisa, whose eyes were as white as paper, and Lisa closed her eyes and nodded her head like a gray heart.

   Yes, you heard that This is Wang Shuyue's backer!

   Minister Sun was so shocked that his jaw almost fell off.

   He knows that Wang Shuyue's background is not small, but he never expected that she is such a small background!

   Is this a returnee?

   How come other people who have returned to the powerhouse feel less terrifying than this one?

  Wang Shufen flew down from the huge waves and landed on the deck. The distance was close, and the terrifying pressure made people feel suffocated.

  Wang Shuyue knows that grandma's aunt is still restrained. In normal times, if her old man is angry, it will be more scary than this.

   "Grandma aunt..." Wang Shuyue looked at the person in front of her nervously. She knew that grandma aunt was very angry and the consequences would be serious!

  Wang Shufen didn't look at her. His black eyes fell somewhere in the air, and he locked and held the lucky jade unicorn.

   Yu Qilin: "..." Scared~

   On the deck, Lisa and others suddenly stopped, and time stopped flowing.

   "Wang Shuyue, help me!"

   Yu Qilin's cry for help sounded in her mind, and Wang Shuyue knew it was going to be finished!

   "The power of contract?" Wang Shufen held the furry jade unicorn in his hand, frowning slightly.


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