This is the expression she would make when she was very upset. Wang Shuyue had already observed it thoroughly.

   decisively persuaded, knelt down with a plop, and hugged grandma’s thigh.

   "Grandma, I'm not clean anymore, woo woo woo!"

   "The granddaughter is useless. After following the monster's way, she was contracted by it...Auntie, I know I shame you and shame the family! You punish me!"

   Seeing Wang Shuyue knelt down and said this nonsense, Yu Qilin widened his cyan eyes, and they were full of disbelief.

   and injury.

   "Wang Shuyue, I'm so good to you, I'll eat lotus seeds for you, help you save your friends, and take you out of the forbidden area. How can you do this?" Yu Qilin asked angrily.

  Wang Shufen coldly glanced at the white ball in his palm. Yu Qilin squatted his mouth. Fear and betrayed injuries surged forward. The jade eyes were filled with water in an instant, and he almost cried out with a "wow".

   Wang Shuyue caught a glimpse of this pitiful little thing, and stuttered and added:

   "But, but I also blame this thing for carelessness, this monster is innocent in nature, if you want to punish me, punish me, let it go if you cancel the contract..."

   Yu Qilin blinked his eyes, and the teardrops rolled down, and his mood was very complicated. I did not forget to add:

   "The contract I made with you by borrowing the spirit power of my ancestors can only be unlocked by Da Luo Jinxian."

  Wang Shuyue raised her head brushingly and stared at it. There was a two-point fierce look in her astonishment, and Yu Qilin's heart softened when she saw her grievances and coaxed:

   "You are my spiritual pet, I will treat you well..."

   "Ling pet? Is this what you can call?"

   Wang Shufen tightened his hand, and the white ball was squeezed directly by her. Yu Qilin screamed in pain, his hair exploded, and his eyes were red and glaring at her.

   "You are nothing but a villain, even if you are my spiritual pet, I can stand it! Don't fool me at this time!"

   Looking at the little thing in his palm, Wang Shufen smiled instead of anger, but Yu Qilin's heart felt hairy with laughter.

   "'s interesting, one of the ancient tribes of unicorns, unexpectedly looks like this, I have learned a lot today!"

   her eyes turned, her expression faded in vain, her deep black eyes stared at the jade unicorn, and she asked quietly:

   "This girl in my family has mediocre aptitude, what do you think of her?"

   Yu Qilin was startled, but she didn't expect the face of the woman in front of her to change.

   But he knows this question!

   Although Yu Qilin was wary of Wang Shufen’s powerful strength, it was not afraid of her, so it quickly gave Wang Shuyue a glance and replied:

   "She is a kind and righteous person. My unicorns like to associate with such humans."

   Wang Shufen shook his head slightly, "I want to listen to the truth, otherwise...I can strangle you now."

   "You will be condemned by heaven!" Yu Qilin warned fiercely.

   Wang Shufen hooked the corners of his mouth contemptuously, and the strong man's coercion poured out, and the shock almost made the jade unicorn disperse. It was shocked and hurriedly said:

   "I said, I said! I'm trying her spiritual power!"

   The pressure was reduced, Yu Qilin did not want to experience this terrible feeling again, and hurriedly added:

   "If Wang Shuyue provides for me, she can get a great merit, and I can swear by the good luck of my unicorn family, I will never kill her!"

After   , it looked at Wang Shufen very seriously and said: "If you kill me, your human luck will end here."

   Wang Shufen's eyes darkened, he paused, and snorted back: "What does the human luck have to do with me? I want to kill you or kill you."

   Yu Qilin opened his jade eyes and said affirmatively: "You won't ignore Wang Shuyue."

   The atmosphere instantly dropped to freezing point, Yu Qilin still felt that it was not enough, and added: "You care about her."

   Wang Shufen: "I don't care."

   Yu Qilin and Wang Shuyue looked at each other: Really? I do not believe.

   I don't know when the strength in his hand will relax. Yu Qilin took the opportunity to escape Wang Shufen's palm, floated on top of Wang Shuyue's head, blinking and staring at the grandparents in front of him.

   It has a hunch that Wang Shuyue is miserable.

   Sure enough, as soon as this idea came out, Wang Shuyue, who was kneeling on the ground, was lifted up by Wang Shufen and threw it into the sea.


   Wang Shuyue: "......"

   Being young and gentle, she has endured too much.

   Wang Shuyue fluttered in the sea for a long time, only to climb onto the boat with the help of Gu Ziming, who had heard the sound.

   said "Thank you", hurried back to the deck, and saw Lisa defeated by her aunt and grandmother's repeated questioning.

   "Does your administration work like this?"

   "My child is missing, don't you remember to notify?"

   "If something happens to my child, can you afford it? You don't know that my king's family is a single seedling? Do you want my king's family to be wiped out?"

   "Or, the Authority is so powerful that it doesn't need us returnees to take action? If so, how about we blacklist all of you?"

   Lisa was crying, "No, misunderstanding, we were wrong..."

  Wang Shufen didn't intend to let it go, and coldly warned: "The next time, you will let Roger come to see you!"

   Lisa thought about how everyone would come to see you with their heads up when everyone was dead, and she happily replied, "I know, there is no next time."

   Wang Shufen raised his eyes to look at Wang Shuyue who was wet all over, "The same for you!"

   Wang Shuyue hurriedly covered her neck, and the chicken nodded like a peck.

   Seeing this, Wang Shufen gave a cold snort, turned and turned into a purple light, and flew towards the barrier.

   After a while, all the superpowers on the island were teleported back, and a cold sentence floated on the calm sea:

   "It's useless for you to wait for the waste to stay here. Don't hinder this seat here."

   Hearing this, Lisa was stunned, and then she realized that the boss was here to help. UU reading was overjoyed, and excitedly held her fists in the direction of the enchantment respectfully:

   "Then trouble you!"

   There was no sound coming back. Lisa waited for a while, knowing that the boss didn't want to talk to them again, summoned all the superpower troops, counted the number, and after confirming that there was no loss of personnel, she waved her hand and drove home.

  Wang Shuyue looked at the calm sea worriedly, "Yu Qilin, will my aunt's grandma be fine?"

   Yu Qilin curled his lips, "She will be fine, you can rest assured."

   "What secrets does your island hide? What is my aunt's grandma doing there?" Wang Shuyue asked tentatively.

  Unexpectedly, Yu Qilin did not tell her the secrets of the island, only said:

   "She should help me reinforce the barrier. Your aunt's grandma's domain is quite powerful. With her reinforced, I feel more at ease."

   "She doesn't admit it, but she still cares about you humans in her heart."

   After a pause, Yu Qilin whispered: "Or maybe I just care about you..."

   "What is a domain?" Wang Shuyue asked inexplicably.

   Yu Qilin explained: "It's a kind of magical power. Directly pull people into the realm of self-made. In this realm, you are the **** and you can do everything you want."


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