, The fastest update of my aunt's grandma, she is back in the latest chapter!

Wang Shuyue once again lamented the backwardness of this place, it seemed that it took a lot longer than the cultivation time on Blue Star, and she didn't even know that monster meat needs to filter out tyrannical impurities.

Wang Shuyue let out a long sigh, walked into the kitchen, took the monster beast meat from Mo Cheng's hand, and under the curious gaze of three pairs of eyes, beat the monster beast meat, cast a spell to get rid of the impurities, and then it would be dealt with. Put the meat in boiling hot water.

The Mo's kitchen was so simple that Wang Shuyue only found half a barrel of oil and a shallow layer of salt, which was a bit dumbfounded immediately.

But now she knew that the production conditions in this place were very backward, and only sighed, she asked Yu Qilin to pick out the condiments hidden in its space, one pot of pure, one pot of stir fry.

The spicy flavor overflowed from the kitchen and filled the courtyard. The greedy child who hadn't tasted the meat for months swallowed.

He Qiang said gratifiedly: "My family has grown up Yueyue and went out to train for a year. Even the meals have been done so well. Your parents must be very happy to know."

Wang Shuyue packed the last shovel of meat, proudly "humph~", and brought the meat to the table.

Speaking of which, whether it is the skill of dealing with monster meat or cooking, it is taught by the three provinces.

Thinking of the Three Provinces, I couldn't help but think of the companions of the special forces, and I don't know if Okeqin and the others have seen the news from her.


He Qiang's angry roar interrupted Wang Shuyue's thoughts.

Two large pots of meat are served on the table, with white porridge and vegetables, which are greedy.

Wang Shuyue put down her thoughts and went to the table for dinner.

Everyone is a standard foodie, only eating and not talking, the fresh monster meat that has been processed is fragrant and rotten, and after swallowing, there is a hint of spiritual energy to nourish the meridians. This is a brand new experience for the Mo family father and son.

After having eaten this meal, they knew that it turned out that monster beast meat would be eaten like this.

The dim oil lamp jumped in the breeze, and the courtyard was so quiet that only the sound of the mouth squirmed.

After the meal, the relationship between everyone became closer again. Mo Cheng had already let Wang Shuyue and Wang Shuyue off his heart, and believed in their sayings of "going out".

Wang Shuyue looked at the large piece of monster meat left on the table in the hall, and while the Mo family father and son went to the kitchen to boil water, she talked to her uncle about her thoughts.

"I want to observe here for a few more days, and then go to Cangshan to look for space cracks."

She can't come here in vain, since a space crack has been discovered, this issue must be taken seriously.

After all, the information that Mo Cheng knew was almost convincing. She can only get the most useful news by experiencing it with her own eyes, seeing it with her own eyes, and seeking truth from facts.

When she had just eaten, she looked at the coarse cloth on Shenger's body, and suddenly remembered the two weird people caught in the rental center.

The coarse cloth on the two men was very similar to the one on Shenger.

So, is it possible that the two weird people who did not find this person actually passed from this world?

There are also the aliens in my uncle’s mouth. If it is confirmed that there have been cultivators here who have discovered a crack in space and the existence of a blue star has been discovered, then...

As the evening breeze blew into the courtyard, Wang Shuyue suddenly felt aroused, only to feel a chill from the soles of her feet rushing into the sky, causing her hair to stand upright from the cold.

Her proposal was exactly what He Qiang wanted, and he was still thinking about the shining baby.

The aunt and nephew hit it off immediately and decided to use the Mo family as their base and stay here for now.

So, when Mo Cheng came out of the kitchen, He Qiang said seriously:

"My niece and I see that the folklore here is simple and the scenery is beautiful. We want to stay here for two more days. I don't know if it is convenient or inconvenient for you, Brother Mo?"

Asking, without waiting for the other party to answer, he immediately added: "Everyone is a worker, and it is not easy to make money. We only need to give a place to stay. We eat and drink and we solve it by ourselves."

"Oh, by the way, how about the remaining half of the monster meat used to cover the rent?"

Mo Cheng was taken aback, looked at the expectant eyes of his aunts and nephews, then looked down at his son who was so happy that he kept pulling his trouser legs and nodding frantically. He couldn't laugh or cry.

"It is Mo Cheng's honor that the two benefactors are willing to stay, I can't ask for it."

Mo Cheng looked awkwardly at the old earthen house behind him, "It's just a simple humble house, I'm afraid it is..."

"It's okay, we have a tent, and we can sleep in the hall!" Wang Shuyue hurriedly snatched up the conversation, for fear that Mo Cheng would refuse.

Mo Cheng couldn't help laughing. Seeing this, he nodded and agreed.

It’s just that he insisted on not wanting that half of monster meat, and the two sides argued for a while, and He Qiang made the decision.

"Then, if you sell the meat, how much should you charge, ah no, it's okay to collect as many spirit stones as you should collect?"

That's how it was said, but the expression on his face already showed that this was the final bottom line, and Mo Cheng could no longer refuse.

Mo Cheng was helpless and no longer refused.

So, He Qiang changed his mountaineering clothes, wore a pair of knee-length shorts, borrowed Mo Cheng's only top, stepped on straw shoes, and transformed himself into a local villager.

Before dawn the next day, I borrowed the ox cart from the village chief's house with Mo Cheng and took the remaining half of the monster meat to the town and sold it for money.

Wang Shuyue wanted to go with her, but it was a pity that Mo's family didn't have any clothes to change for her, so she had no choice but to stay and watch the house with Shenger.

As for Yu Qilin, she ran into Cangshan early in the morning, saying that she wanted to fight monsters to make money to raise her, and she almost moved Wang Shuyue to cry.

Of course, if Yu Qilin did not deliberately remind, it is the master and she is the follower.

"Birth, how long does it take to get to town from here?" Wang Shuyue sat boredly on the threshold, clutching the weeds by the door.

Squatting at the door and playing with stones alone, Shenger turned his head and looked at the winding roads of the village, "Daddy will go back before the sun goes down if the sun goes down in the morning."

"So far?" Wang Shuyue raised her hand and looked at her watch. It is only seven o'clock in the morning, and when the sun goes down, there are still eight or nine hours.

My uncle left before five o'clock in the morning, so it would take twelve hours to go back and forth.

"But Daddy went on foot. This time he should be a lot faster by car." Shenger added.

Wang Shuyue breathed a sigh of relief. He should be back at noon~www.readwn.com~En Gong, is this far? "Sheng'er asked suddenly curiously.

Wang Shuyue nodded honestly, "The traffic is inconvenient. It is indeed far away. If there is a car, such a small distance may be enough for two or three hours to go back and forth."

After finishing speaking, I saw my son looking at myself in confusion, and hurriedly added: "I mean one or two hours, it may be enough."

Shenger's eyes widened in surprise, "Is it the spirit beast flying horse? Listening to Tie Zhu and the others, the immortal master in the city is sitting in a flying carriage, which is fast."

Wang Shuyue smiled awkwardly, "Um, yes." She didn't want to explain to the curious child what a car is, otherwise there must be 100,000 whys waiting for her.

The two sat by the door for a while. Wang Shuyue heard the romp of children coming from the village, looked down at the child squatting by the door and playing with stones, and said with a smile:

"If you are bored, go find other kids to play, I will look at home."

But I don't want to, the child who had a good time by himself loses his smile in an instant, and his mood is down.

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