My Aunt’s Grandma is Back

Chapter 205: The motherless baby suffers

, The fastest update of my aunt's grandma, she is back in the latest chapter!

"What's wrong?" Wang Shuyue whispered.

It took a long time for the child to poke the stone and whispered: "They don't like to play with me, because I am a child without a mother..."

With this, the child's head lowered and lowered, and he was almost burying himself in his chest with low self-esteem.

Wang Shuyue stabbed in her heart, opened her mouth in embarrassment, and felt that the comfort of the language was too pale, and she couldn't say what she said.

"Give you candy."

Wang Shuyue spread her hands, and a delicately packaged candy appeared in her palm.

Jade Kylin is not here, so I secretly take a few candies, it should be no problem.

Shenger raised his head slightly, saw the candy paper reflecting the colorful light in the palm of the white palm, and exclaimed "Wow~" in amazement.

"Gongong, is this sugar?" Shenger looked at her in surprise, and Wang Shuyue gently corrected his name, "Auntie."

"Auntie?" Shenger was a little flattered, her eyes widened round and round, looking forward and anxious.

Wang Shuyue nodded: "Yes, I am called Auntie, because I am the same age as your father."

"As old as daddy?" Shenger stood up in shock, looked at Wang Shuyue's young and full face, and asked in disbelief:

"Yun Gong has five in twenty?"

"Called auntie, aunty Yue or auntie, it's fine."

Wang Shuyue peeled off the sugar paper and stuffed the sugar directly into Shenger's mouth, smoothing the dull hair on the boy's head, "I'm twenty-two, and your father is the same generation."

The sweet and sour taste melted in his mouth. Shenger only felt that this was the best candy he had eaten in his life, and he could remember it for a lifetime!

"Yue Auntie!" Shenger cried out crisply, his eyes wet and pitying.

He doesn't look bad. He may have followed his mother. His features are delicate, his face is small, his skin is tanned, he suffers from chronic malnutrition, and his body is weak.

Wang Shuyue replied "Hey", holding up the child's thin face, "Really good~"

The children here know the difference between men and women at a young age. Where did the children ever meet such a bold aunt?

So ashamed, he ran into the house. After a long time, he walked out mysteriously holding a bamboo jar and wanted to give his treasure to Wang Shuyue.

A purple-backed general, commonly known as grasshopper.

"Daddy found this from the mountain. I have been raising it for half a year. Aunt Yue, give it to you, thank you for the candy."

It can be seen that Shenger likes this grasshopper very much, and he can't bear to take his eyes away from the grasshopper. How could Wang Shuyue take people's hearts?

Waved his hand, pretending to be disgusted, "I don't like raising these little things. You can raise them yourself. If you want to thank me, take me around the village. I'm bored sitting down. Why don't we go shopping together? Sample?"

Shenger was a little bit disappointed at first, and then he happily responded.

"Aunty Yue, wait for me, I will come when the general is ready!"

Having said that, he hurried back to the house to collect the baby grasshopper, and immediately ran out barefoot, leading the way with enthusiasm, and the little feeling of loss just now disappeared.

"The kid is really more lively and cute." Wang Shuyue smiled and followed, and the two followed the yellow soil road in the village to the entrance of the village by the river.

In the morning when the farming is busy, the villagers are busy in the fields. Only the children are picking rocks by the river. When they see Shenger leading the strange strange woman over, the children immediately stop their movements, frowning and looking at them. people.

"Mo Sheng, why did you bring the adults here?" Wang Tiezhu, the child of the children, asked with his arms akimbo, obviously dissatisfied with the presence of adults in the secret base of himself and his friends.

Tie Zhu was only eight years old, but he was stronger than his peers. He looked black and strong, and the children in the village were afraid of him.

Birth is no exception.

But he wanted to play with people like Tie Zhu.

The child wants to save face, so Shenger deliberately asked: "Are you catching fish in the river again? The village chief said that you can't go to deep waters, or be careful to be eaten by the river monster!"

After speaking, she turned her head to look at Wang Shuyue, and whispered: "Aunty Yue, let's go somewhere else, it's not fun here."

"Stop!" Tie Zhu stopped Shenger and asked vigilantly, "Are you going to file a complaint with the village chief?"

Wang Shuyue obviously saw that Shenger squinted and smiled, looking like she was ecstatic.

But as soon as he turned around, he raised his chin and threatened: "If you take me to play with Aunt Yue, I won't tell the village chief."

Tie Zhu heard him confess, and shook his fist in the air, "Dare you, I'll beat you!"

Shenger didn't eat his set, so he snorted and turned around to take Wang Shuyue away. Tie Zhu was afraid that he would really sue him, so he quickly called him back.

Reluctantly drew a circle next to him, "You two are here looking at the dustpan, let's go get the fish off and get you one!"

Happy giving birth, "Aunt Yue, come!"

Pulling Wang Shuyue down the river.

Wang Shuyue raised her eyebrows, looked at the "treacherous" child, secretly said a villain, under the joyful eyes of the child, rolled up his trouser legs, took off his boots, walked to the dustpan, and grabbed with the group of bear children. fish.

The water by the river is not deep, only reaching the knees of adults. The younger children build rocks by the river, and the older ones go upstream, holding the net bag and throwing the fish down.

Unfortunately, with just two broken dustpans, how can you catch a slippery fish?

Seeing that Tie Zhu and Shenger hadn't been able to drive the fish to the shore for a long time, Wang Shuyue shook her head helplessly, and dropped the dustpan in her hand, with a little fingertip, the blue light came out with a dull "bang" The water suddenly exploded flowers.

The water splashed everywhere, the fish was stunned by the aftermath, "cracking" fell from the sky, causing Tie Zhu and others to scream.

Immediately after reacting, he quickly picked up the net bag and fished out all the immovable fish, filled a net bag full, and a group of children screamed with joy.

"One more, one more!" Tie Zhu exclaimed to Wang Shuyue excitedly.

Wang Shuyue curled her lips and smiled and raised her palm to hit the The ten-meter water wave soared into the sky, like the water splashing and raining, even with the fish falling down, the children suddenly became mad and couldn’t care about it. Wetted by the water, rushed into the rain happily to pick up fish.

Not long after, the fish baskets brought by the children were all full, and they admired Wang Shuyue to ask questions about each other, and their liking for her increased.

Even the children who have always wandered on the margins of the group have become sweet cakes.

"Mo Sheng, your benefactor is so amazing!"

"Mo Sheng, is your benefactor a fairy?"

"Mo Sheng, can I play with you?"

Mo Sheng Mo Sheng Mo Sheng, the enthusiastic call made Shenger almost unable to recognize what he was called.

In contrast to Mo Sheng's flattery, Wang Shuyue, who was surrounded by so many children, seemed particularly calm, not only answering the children's questions, but also asking them all kinds of questions.

This feeling of being respected by adults makes the children like her more, even if they don't know anything, they rush to answer her questions.

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