My Aunt’s Grandma is Back

Chapter 206: camera

, The fastest update of my aunt's grandma, she is back in the latest chapter!

Wang Shuyue asked them if there were any monsters on Cangshan, could the village see the fairy flying by recently, or if there was anything unusual in Cangshan recently.

Don't underestimate the children's observation ability. Sometimes they can remember the details that adults overlook.

Tie Zhu said that he saw a fairy flying out of the Cangshan Yujian two days ago, but other children said he was bragging.

The immortals came and went without a trace, and they didn't even see Tie Zhu who were playing with him. Why could Tie Zhu see again?

So Tie Zhu must brag!

Tie Zhu was so angry that he raised his fist to refute her child's "theory", and Wang Shuyue stopped him.

He took out a handful of Jade Kylin's candy and handed it to Shenger, let him take the other children to play while leaving Tie Zhu alone.

Seeing that Shenger was holding a handful of sweets that he had never seen before, and it was delicious at first sight, but he couldn't pass it over, Tie Zhu jumped anxiously.

"Don't worry, I'll save it for you." Wang Shuyue spread out her palms and conjured two fruit candies like a trick.

Tie Zhu looked at him and immediately felt relieved.

He was not too young, he vaguely sensed that Wang Shuyue wanted to ask something, and stepped back a little wary.

Wang Shuyue handed a piece of candy in front of him, "This candy is not in my hand. I reserved it for you. It is filled with orange flavor on the outside and yogurt flowing inside. It is better than his fruit candy. eat."

Just listening to Wang Shuyue's description, I only occasionally ate the yellowish, slightly sweet maltose iron pillars, and my saliva almost shed.

Wang Shuyue peeled off the sugar paper and nodded at him. Tie Zhu swallowed droolingly, took the sugar, and was reluctant to eat it whole, holding it in her hand and licking it slowly.

A strong sweet and sour fruity scent filled the taste buds, and the vigilance in Tie Zhu's eyes broke in an instant. He looked at the two candies in Wang Shuyue's hand, and took the initiative to ask her if she had something to ask.

"I just heard you say that you saw a fairy flying out of the warehouse, but is it true?" Wang Shuyue asked.

Tie Zhu nodded, fearing that Wang Shuyue and his friends would not believe in herself, so she raised her hand to swear.

People here are very superstitious. This is what Wang Shuyue and the father and son Mo Cheng have learned when they get along. Looking at the little boy's frank eyes, she believes that he has not lied.

"Then can you tell me exactly what day and time you saw it? After flying out of Cangshan, from which direction did the person fly away?"

The sugar was licked, Tie Zhu put the sugar in his mouth and licked his fingers again, thinking about it:

"It seems to be the day before yesterday. It was in the morning when we were fishing for fish by the river. I suddenly saw two black lights flying out of the Cangshan Mountains. They disappeared in a blink of an eye."

" seems, seems to be..." Tie Zhu raised his head, pointed in the sky, and finally set it to the east. "That light doesn't exist in this direction."

"Are you sure?" Wang Shuyue tentatively.

Tie Zhu looked at the sugar in her hand and nodded heavily, "It's true, I just saw the two black lights disappearing over there."

Wang Shuyue smiled in satisfaction and gave him the sugar in her hand, "Thank you, the sugar is yours."

Tie Zhu happily took the candy, but didn't eat it anymore. He carefully put it in the inner pocket of his jacket, and prepared to take it home to the siblings who could not walk.

Wang Shuyue got up and was about to turn around, but Tie Zhu did not leave, but followed.

Curiously asked her: "Auntie Yue, what do you ask about the fairy? Are you looking for the fairy?"

Wang Shuyue was a little surprised when she heard the question behind her.

The child here seems to be much more mature than the child on Lanxing's side, so they will actually ask her these questions.

Sure enough, the harsh environment makes people grow faster.

"I'm just curious and just ask casually." Wang Shuyue replied in a perfunctory manner, waved her hand, and motioned Tie Zhu to play with his companions instead of following herself.

Tie Zhu let out a hesitant "Oh", stood there and looked at her for a while, and saw that she no longer brought out any strange things, so he ran back to find them.

Wang Shuyue walked to the wooden bridge at the entrance of the village, turned to face the entire Tao Village, took out a mobile phone with 80% of the battery power left, and took a few photos.

Immediately after facing the direction of Cangshan, I took two photos for recording.

But I didn't want to. The film was immersed. When I turned around, I saw Shenger's eyes widened and looking at himself curiously. After she found out, I was shocked.

"Yue, Aunty Yue..." The child realized that he might have seen something that he shouldn't have seen, and his little hand held the fish basket tightly, very nervous.

Wang Shuyue breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that there was only one child.

Beckoned and motioned for him to come.

There are some things that the child is curious and it may be easy to go out and talk nonsense. It is better to show him openly.

Anyway, this is not a big deal.

Shenger first tilted his head to observe Wang Shuyue's expression, and saw that she was really not angry or other emotions, and immediately smiled and leaned forward.

Wang Shuyue turned on the camera of the mobile phone and showed it to him, jokingly said: "As long as I move my fingers, everything I want to keep can stay, believe it or not?"

With that said, he picked up Shenger's little paw, said "yeah", and immediately took a selfie with Shenger and himself.

Seeing himself and Aunt Yue appear in a box, Shenger screamed "Ah" in surprise.

"This, this.... Shenger and Aunt Yue are in it, is this a spell?"

The child looked up at Wang Shuyue and asked curiously: "Whatever it is, can it be preserved? Can the current birth and daddy also be kept?"

"Will the people inside grow up? Is that a real person? Aunt Yue?"

Wang Shuyue was a serious child fooling her, "This is Aunt Yue's baby, and all the functions you mentioned can be realized."

"How about, do you want this photo?" Wang Shuyue pointed to the selfie photo of Shenger and herself.

The child nodded His eyes were shining, like two little suns shining.

Wang Shuyue rubbed his little head and coaxed: "Then Shenger helped Aunt Yue keep this secret, and when I turned back, I would type out the photo and give it to you."

She didn't say this to fool a child. Yu Qilin, a self-portrait madman, asked her to buy a photo printer to appreciate her beauty. Now the walls in the pet space are full of selfies of Yu Qilin.

Of course, she is also fortunate to be a member of the photo wall.

"Can it still be typed?" Shenger asked in surprise.

Seeing Wang Shuyue nodded, she hurriedly said that she would keep this secret, and she would not tell anyone, including her father.

Wang Shuyue's careful thinking succeeded, and her reaction to seeing Shenger seeing the photos was very cute, and she took him to take many photos in the village.

Seeing pictures by Wang Shuyue's mobile phone, Shenger looked at Wang Shuyue's gaze and admired more and more.

Aunt Yue is a great painter, she must be! The little guy clenched his little fist, very sure.

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