, The fastest update of my aunt's grandma, she is back in the latest chapter!

At the same time, the two men with black cloaks suddenly turned their heads, and their gazes fell to where the two Wang Shuyue were before.

Not seeing anyone, the two raised their eyebrows suspiciously, and disappeared into the crowd.

The two aunts and nephews hiding in the alley dared to catch their breath until the breath of the two probes was completely gone.

As he was too nervous, the hidden talisman paper in He Qiang's palm was all wet with his sweat.

"Huh, this **** is too thrilling!"

He Qiang threw away the discarded talisman paper in his hand, wiped his sweat severely, and affirmed: "It's these two people, I'm too familiar with this breath!"

It is rare for Wang Shuyue to give him a thumbs up, "Uncle, I don't accept you for anything else, but I am really convinced by your desire to survive."

I don't usually see how sharp he is. I never expected that the reaction speed was so fast at the critical moment. Before she reminded, he had already taken out the life-saving talisman he had hidden.

Thanks to this concealed talisman, or the two of them will be dead!

He Qiang raised his eyebrows, "This is fate, sloppy and must be taken seriously. It's a pity that I bought two pieces of talisman for 300,000 yuan, and now there is nothing left."

"But if you are okay, you should dissolve your wealth and eliminate disasters."

"I don't see that you are quite optimistic." Wang Shuyue teased as she walked out of the alley.

When the two returned to the street, thinking they could breathe a sigh of relief, Yu Qilin suddenly reminded:

"You two are being watched."

Wang Shuyue's brows that had just stretched frowned again. Seeing that her face was wrong, He Qiang asked what was going on in her eyes.

Wang Shuyue made a gesture, and He Qiang's face suddenly sank.

Isn't it because of his two best spirit stones?

Wang Shuyue also thought of this, and she immediately felt cold, and the secret path was still careless.

Although only a few days in this world, but the monks here are so cruel, the aunts and nephews have already experienced enough.

Murder and treasure are in the news on Blue Star, but here, it is a common occurrence.

Wang Shuyue did not dare to stay anymore, and immediately proposed to leave Tianyong City immediately before the people behind them were ready to start.

After jumping on the edge of death for so many days, He Qiang has had enough, and now it has been found out that the so-called alien is not an alien at all, and he still has two yuan in his hand, which is equivalent to two million yuan. Stone scales.

With such a large sum of money, she didn't dare to make waves anymore, and quickly agreed to Wang Shuyue's proposal.

As a result, the people behind him flashed their skills, and the aunts and nephews entered the teleportation hall and slipped away!


It was getting late, and the road was dim at the foot of Cangshan without street lights, and in a flash, the only trace of light that was left was also covered by lush mountain forests.

Instead, a few green headlights were lit from the woods, including temptation, hesitating whether to rush out and kill the two people on the road.

He Qiang suddenly confronted one of them, his entire body was erected, and he yelled, "Yueyue, wait for uncle!"

Speed ​​up to keep up with the figure that swept away in front of him.

After being sent back from Tianyong City to the county seat, the two hurried to Cangshan because they were afraid that someone would be chasing them.

But not wanting to be far away, the two of them flew with their swords for a while, and it was almost dark before they could walk to the foot of Cangshan.

When entering the mountain forest, the sky was completely dark, and the monster beasts in the forest began to move, and from time to time there was a cry of beasts, which really scared people.

Wang Shuyue also caught a glimpse of the two big light bulbs in the nearby woods, stopped for a moment, and called Yu Qilin out to clear the way.

Ever since, He Qiang was surprised to find that as soon as he approached his elder niece, his eye-catching eyes disappeared.

"Tsk tusk tusk, it's amazing, Yueyue, honestly, what else does your uncle don't know? So this monster beast sees you like a ghost, so I can't rely on it?" He Qiang Half a joke and half a tentative question.

Wang Shuyue raised her eyebrows, no one went around, took out the flashlight, followed the road and continued on the road, replied casually:

"Maybe I am so lucky that ghosts dare not approach."

He Qiang curled his lips, but he believed her to blame.

The road went more and more anxious, and soon He Qiang was busy on the road, and didn't have the mind to ask again.

When the two rushed for an hour and could see the outline of Tao Village from a distance, He Qiang couldn't hold it anymore.

He hadn't undergone the rigorous training of Wang Shuyue, and he could follow her all the way so far, and he was supported by his desire to survive.

But now, he really couldn't hold it, his feet were soft, and he sat down on the ground and couldn't stand up anymore.

"I, I can't do it, take a break, you must take a break..."

He Qiangqiang panting heavily, and Wang Shuyue took a flashlight. He was sweating profusely, his lips were white, and his whole body was shaking slightly, especially the two legs lying on the ground, shaking the thread on the trousers.

Had it not been for the circumstances, Wang Shuyue was almost amused by her uncle in such a terrible way.

"You, you laugh!"

After all, he couldn't hold back, let the joking eyes expose his mind, He Qiang immediately sprayed over with a mouthful of water, and his body shook even more.

Wang Shuyue coughed twice, narrowed her smile, and looked upright, looking at the low mountains and forests before and after, she could speak:

"Then take a break, five minutes, no more."

five minutes?

He can't get up.

He Qiang, who was relieved of his anger, muttered: "There are no monsters here, and it's close to the village, so it's okay to rest for a while."

Wang Shuyue shook her head, "No, if someone catches up, this place will happen to be a black hand. I don't want you to die here, I have to go back!"

He Qiang looked at the front and back, the dark mountain looked like a monster with a big mouth open. He was agitated when he saw him. He said that he would take a while. In fact, he took his life more than anyone else. He climbed up in less than five minutes. , Urged Wang Shuyue to leave.

Wang Shuyue was about to say that it would be okay to stop for one more minute, and she didn't say a joke. Suddenly, the galloping sound of Xixi Suosuo heard in her ears, and she was shocked, "Go!"

He Qiang, who was startled by himself, pulled up, took out the treasure fan and started running, but didn't want to ~www.readwn.com~ A beam of strong light suddenly lit up, and the sound of mechanical loading came into his ears. In the middle, Wang Shuyue was taken aback.

She couldn't be more familiar with this sound, it was the sound of opening the insurance before the gun was fired!

"Wang Shuyue!"

A cold drink came from behind, and Wang Shuyue was surprised and delighted. Looking back, who else could it be if it wasn't Okeqin?

He was dressed in a camouflage made of nets and leaves, and he wore a hat made of leaves on his head. He was painted with green glaze and had a gray-headed face. He looked even more embarrassed than her escapee.

The light in front also came over, the light went out, it was Zhang Yang.

Seeing these two familiar faces, Wang Shuyue grinned in a naive way, and the tension was loosened. For some reason, there was an inexplicable movement in her heart.

She took a deep breath, and was about to say hello to the two of them, but didn't want to, Zhang Yang punched her shoulder with a fist, and questioned as if he was angry and concerned:

"You almost scared us all to death, do you know?!"

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