My Aunt’s Grandma is Back

Chapter 217: came back

, The fastest update of my aunt's grandma, she is back in the latest chapter!

Too happy, Wang Shuyue didn't have time to react for a while, and took a strong punch on the shoulder.

But it didn't hurt too much. She smiled indifferently, "Isn't this just a message for you."

Zhang Yang snorted and heaved a sigh of relief in his heart.

Ou Keqin stepped forward, looked at Wang Shuyue up and down coldly, and made two "tsk tuts" at her dumb soil. He didn't ask anything, just led the way.

Zhang Yang motioned her to follow, closely following Okeqin's pace.

Seeing that the two were gone, He Qiang hurriedly moved in front of Wang Shuyue and rubbed her shoulders with concern, "Is it all right?"

"Why are you young people so irritable now that you can get started at every turn? Is there any discipline?"

As he said, he didn't forget to glaze at Zhang Yang, and said that if he couldn't beat him all the time, he would have to give this kid a severe lesson.

"It's okay." Wang Shuyue turned her elbow and motioned to her uncle to follow, and the two came to a mountain col outside Tao Village.

This is where Wang Shuyue left the mark when she left Taocun.

With the arrival of the four people, the originally empty mountain col has changed, and one after another someone has walked out of the "mountain wall".

Together with Zhang Yang and Ou Keqin, there are a total of six people, all members of the special team.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when Ou Keqin and Zhang Yang brought Wang Shuyue back.

Only then did Wang Shuyue know that they had arrived in Tao Village for three days and had been looking for her.

"You dare to run!"

The old mother Zhang Yang replied, "We followed the mark you left, and thought you were in this village. Well, when you inquired with the natives, you actually left."

"The squad leader and I found the town all the way, and found that you had just left, and then followed to find the next town. You left again, and the squad leader and I were so angry!"

"Xin said you can't go that far even if you go to investigate? After all, the world is low productivity, transportation is backward, and you don't have any spirit stones."

"Well it turned out well. As soon as I inquired, people entered the larger county town and went to the teleportation building. When the captain and I inquired about the five thousand spirit stones alone, I was surprised. Where did you get so many spirit stones? , How can you run like this!"

Zhang Yang’s mouth was babbled, and his mouth was dry. Wang Shuyue handed him a glass of water at the right time. Zhang Yang subconsciously took a sip and drank it. It took him a while to realize that she gave it to him. It almost didn’t. Was choked to death.

"You, you, I'm almost mad at you!" Zhang Yang exhaled.

Wang Shuyue nodded her head with a good temper, "I know I know, but I ran so far this time, and I didn't run in vain."

"What? Did you meet a murderer?" Okeqin asked seriously.

Wang Shuyue nodded, everyone immediately became nervous, but then she shook her head again.

"I met, but the opponent's cultivation level is so advanced. I didn't dare to chase it, so I came back. Now I can only be sure. The high-ranking cultivator here already knows the existence of Blue Star."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone felt a chill.

They looked at each other, and finally looked at Wang Shuyue together.

Ou Keqin motioned to her to briefly explain what she had inquired about, and Wang Shuyue reluctantly took out the dead cell phone, saying that it was not the time to elaborate.

"Let’s go back first. My uncle and I were followed. Although the world has low productivity and no technological civilization, the level of cultivation is quite mature. Staying here is too dangerous for us."

Ou Keqin looked at each other, and when Wang Shuyue spoke seriously, they suddenly raised their hearts.

They have been wandering around Taocun these days, and the situation here is almost the same. The facts are indeed similar to what Wang Shuyue described, except that Taocun is a remote place, and fortunately, they did not encounter any powerful monks.

But this does not mean that high-ranking monks do not exist, or the number is scarce.

Listening to Wang Shuyue's tone, she knew that she must have experienced it personally.

Okeqin ordered: "Handle the traces immediately and enter the mountain as soon as daybreak!"

Everyone responded in unison: "Yes!"

Okeqin waved his hand, and the big guy immediately got busy.

Wang Shuyue came to her uncle's side and asked concerned: "Are you okay?"

He Qiang rubbed his swollen legs and shook his head with a wry smile.

Wang Shuyue squinted helplessly at him, squatting directly beside him, covering his legs, mobilizing aura to unclog his swollen legs.

The warm and warm feeling envelops the heavy swelling legs, He Qiang almost screamed in comfort, but fortunately he reacted quickly and hurriedly stopped.

Moved and guilty, he glanced at Wang Shuyue, just to hit her angered eyes, hurriedly abandoning his eyes in embarrassment, looked at the dark sky ahead, hesitated:

"Next time, not next time..."

"Is there another time?" Wang Shuyue asked in a negative test, with increased strength in his hands, He Qiang screamed and bounced.

"Don't dare, don't dare, don't dare anymore!"

He Qiang sue Rao, and discuss with Wang Shuyue in a low voice, not to ask Wang Shufen to file a complaint when he goes back.

Seeing that he still knew that he was afraid of death, Wang Shuyue gave a cold snort and spared him for a while.

"You will pit me next time, you know the consequences." Wang Shuyue warned gloomily.

He Qiang was busy and promised never again.

Wang Shuyue glanced at his standing leg, raised her eyebrows, and found a quiet corner to rest.

It may be that after returning to the team, the tight nerves relaxed, and Wang Shuyue really fell asleep after a while.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Yang stared at her speechlessly, but when he turned around, he told his teammates to act lightly and not to wake her.

At dawn, everyone entered the mountain.

Wang Shuyue asked: "Have you found the crack in the space you went back?"

Okeqin shook his head, "I haven't time to find it yet, but I probably know where it is."

"Why, you know?" Okeqin asked back.

Of course Wang Shuyue didn't know, but Yu Qilin knew it!

He nodded, "I know, I will lead the way."

The players were pleasantly surprised, no one objected, and let her go ahead.

To paraphrase Yu Qilin's own In this mountain forest, there is nothing to fear, so Wang Shuyue's road is also very safe.

Everyone along the way did not encounter a monster, even if it hadn't strayed into it with long eyes. This was in sharp contrast to the difficulty of Okeqin and the others when they descended the mountain.

"I said, Wang Shuyue, isn't your luck a little too good?" Zhang Yang couldn't help but joked about Wang Shuyue.

Wang Shuyue just smiled without explaining.

He raised his finger to the cliff in front of him, "Here, the crack is in the cave below the cliff."

Oak stepped forward diligently, pushed away the dense vines on the cliff, and a narrow hole that was tall and wide by one person appeared in front of everyone.

The hole is dark, no trace of light can penetrate it, and the twisted air around it can be vaguely seen.

The group of people crossed the entrance of the cave, and in a blink of an eye, they returned to the pine forest of Daxinganling.

Breathing the air of Blue Star again, Wang Shuyue and He Qiang couldn't help shed tears of moving.

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