, The fastest update of my aunt's grandma, she is back in the latest chapter!

Ouyang Mingyue and others handed her a self-seeking look at her, instantly making birds and beasts scattered.

Wang Shuyue watched them away silently, and whispered: "It's really weird, is Gu Ziming a ghost? Run when you see him!"

"Cough cough!" Gu Ziming coughed lightly and reminded her not to carry private goods when talking.

"Come with me." He motioned for her to follow, and walked away.

Wang Shuyue didn't move, she knew what they wanted her to do, she didn't want to be robbed!

Realizing that the people behind him hadn't followed, Gu Ziming turned his head helplessly, folded his arms and said, "There are so many people here. If you don't want to reveal your identity, you'd better follow me obediently."

Wang Shuyue replied stiffly: "I don't!"

Gu Ziming was stunned. He was about to speak with a wave of persuasion words about the life and death of the country, the righteousness of the nation, etc., in the blue sky and the day, there was a loud "bang!" Shocked!

At the moment when the loud noise came, Wang Shuyue squatted down subconsciously with an excitement.

The second shot came, flying sand and rocks bursting out, Gu Ziming almost conditioned reflex to lunge at her, and rolled her under him, risking to avoid splashing out, like Xiaogang The same rocks.

Suddenly there was another person on her body, and Wang Shuyue was still a little stunned. The third and fourth cannons immediately rang out from the pine forest. The rumbling of the sky was unacceptable for people to think about. Only the ear-piercing buzzing echoed in his mind. .

There were ten shots of artillery fire, and the next few shots came out together. Wang Shuyue, who had never experienced artillery fire before, only felt that his heart was about to be shattered by the skyrocketing fire.

I don't know how long it took, and it seemed that the whole world was quiet in just one minute.

Wang Shuyue opened her eyes, and then she realized that she, who had experienced special training, closed her eyes subconsciously when she encountered this kind of emergency.

Before he was upset, he looked up and saw Gu Ziming's dark face and concerned eyes.

"Are you OK?"

Wang Shuyue couldn't hear him, but she understood what his opened mouth was saying.

He shook his head and realized that the freedom of his head was blocked, and he realized that her ears were covered, and her small face was held tightly in his palm, leaving two clean palm prints.

It's because there is no mirror, otherwise Wang Shuyue can cry with the embarrassing appearance of herself now.

Seeing that her eyeballs could still move flexibly, conveying all kinds of small emotions, Gu Ziming felt relieved, hurriedly let go of her, and got up to observe the surrounding situation.

"You..." Wang Shuyue just said, he has pushed her out of his arms, and the concern in his mouth can only be swallowed back in embarrassment.

I raised my hand repeatedly to cover my ears and then released them. As soon as I recovered my hearing, I heard someone yelling.

"Who fired the gun?! Who is it! Did you agree with me?! Who fired the gun!"

Looking up, the person speaking is the military leader, who is now standing on the collapsed model house swearing.

The entire temporary command post was shaken by the aftermath of the artillery, in a panic.

Fortunately, everyone was okay, but was a little confused by the sudden artillery.

The sharp collective whistle blew, Wang Shuyue reflexed, and immediately rushed out.

All the members of the special forces assemble, and the military squad, jogging towards the pine forest.

The two monks Mo Qingchen and Long Xiao arrived first, and the fighting wind standing next to the three corpses turned around and said contemptuously:

"Ten artillery, killed two Jindan late stages, and one Yuanying early stage. There were no casualties on our side."

The people who rushed to realized that just now, three high-ranking cultivators from different worlds came out of the cracks in the space, and they were discovered by Zhanfeng and others and knocked down in time.

This is a privilege given to Zhanfeng from the headquarters, and the military leaders who came over are not easy to say anything about him. After all, Zhanfeng's starting point is also to protect the homeland from being invaded.

What's more, the three different world cultivators who came this time had extremely high levels of cultivation, and the degree of danger was many times greater than that of the cultivators who had been arrested during the foundation construction period.

Mo Qingchen and Long Xiao stepped forward to check the corpse, especially the early Yuan Ying monk.

When the two of them checked, their expressions suddenly changed!

"Yuan Ying escape!" Mo Qingchen said coldly.

"I'll go after it!" Long Xiao turned around and left, and Mo Qingchen said hurriedly: "Together! Find them separately, and don't let it succeed in seizing the house!"

The situation was urgent, and the two of them had no time to say anything, and disappeared in the dense forest.

When the military leader saw this posture, his heart sank.

This situation is more serious than he thought, and a solution must be come up immediately, otherwise Blue Star will be in danger.

"You stay in the European team to help, and the rest of them will go back with me and rearrange the command center. Speed!"

After the leader hurriedly explained, he ran back to the command post in a hurry and convened an emergency meeting.

The already tense atmosphere was suppressed by this, and everyone did not dare to express it. You look at me, I look at you, and finally realize the seriousness of the problem.

Ouyang Mingyue, who was just looking forward to the war, was already stubborn.

The corpses of three high-ranking monks in different worlds, after ten shots of artillery crit, the surface is still intact.

The inspectors said that the cause of death was that the Dantian was shattered, and that this was the other side's carelessness, and underestimated our firepower, but did not expect that we were already prepared.

Otherwise, if you want to kill these three high-ranking monks, you can't just rely on ten rounds of artillery fire.

The bodies of the three monks were taken away, and the pine trees were bombarded by artillery fire. The spatial cracks that were originally hidden in the roots of the pine trees are now completely exposed. It is dark and irregular in shape, like a bottomless well.

Someone entered by mistake, Wang Shuyue and others set up temporary guardrails at the entrance using magic techniques.

"Wang Shuyue!"

Gu Ziming did not know when he appeared behind him, but he came again.

Wang Shuyue knew his intentions, but she did not refuse this time, greeted her teammates and followed him.

"Wipe." Gu Ziming took out a wet tissue and handed it over.

Wang Shuyue was stunned, and took it and wiped her hand covered with black and gray, but she felt that it was not very clean, so she simply used the dust removal technique to clean her hands.

Unexpectedly, he just got it right, and when he looked up, he met Gu Ziming's expressionless face.

"What's wrong?"

Wang Shuyue didn't quite understand what he meant~www.readwn.com~ Gu Ziming was helpless, but seeing that she was unconscious, she kindly pointed to her face.

Wang Shuyue turned out a water mirror incomprehensibly, and when she looked intently, her expression suddenly froze.

"Why didn't you say it earlier!" She gave him an annoyed and speechless glance, hurriedly snatched the remaining wet tissues in his hand and wiped it to her face indiscriminately.

After wiping, I still felt uneasy, and I added another dust removal technique, which made me feel at ease.

But thinking of everyone's shame, Wang Shuyue's embarrassment was much better.

It's just that Gu Ziming didn't say anything after seeing him joke for so long.

Gu Ziming hurriedly declared: "I'm just afraid that I'm even more embarrassed when I say you."

Wang Shuyue: "..." It's already embarrassing!

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