My Aunt’s Grandma is Back

Chapter 220: Please god


However, although!

Should be thankful or thankful.

Wang Shuyue walked two steps quickly to line up with Gu Ziming, and said gratefully: "Thank you."

Gu Ziming licked his lips and smiled, and said indifferently, "I am a man."

Wang Shuyue rolled her eyes behind her back, took a step forward, jokingly said:

"You helped me before, but now you save me again. I think our relationship is a bit different now."

"Why is it different?" Gu Ziming walked forward on his own without looking at her.

Wang Shuyue thought for a while and said, "I think you are more pleasing to the eye than before, but I can also find that you are actually quite gentle."

The man bends his eyebrows slightly, and said with satisfaction: "I was like this, you were blind before."

"Tsk tusk tusk, look, you see, it's here again!" Wang Shuyue shook her head helplessly, and tentatively asked again:

"What do you think is our relationship now?"

He kept walking and looked back at her, "What do you think?"

He threw the question back.

Wang Shuyue smiled, "Friend."

He didn't seem to be surprised at this answer.

He also smiled, with a gentleness in his eyes that she had never seen before, and nodded gently, "Well, my friend."

Wang Shuyue was stunned for a moment, and felt in a daze that he removed her thorny shell, even if she suddenly stabbed her with a sword with evil thoughts, he would not dodge.

But soon, she knew it was an illusion.

"Come on, give your aunt's grandma a call."

As soon as he returned to the camp, he handed her the phone, with a smile on his mouth, but a faint persecution in his eyes.

Wang Shuyue let out a suffocating breath, but did not say to refuse.

Because the ten shots of artillery just a moment ago really shocked her, and now looking back on it, she couldn't help but feel chills.

The person on the other end of the phone seemed to know that she would call. It was obviously not Wang Shuyue's own number, but the call was successfully connected, and Wang Shufen personally picked it up.

But soon, the phone was hung up.

Lisa, who didn't know when he got in, immediately asked: "How is it? What did your aunt's grandmother say?"

Wang Shuyue reluctantly smiled, "It's the Yuanqi Continent that she has been to, yes, but she can't repair the crack."

"anything else?"

Wang Shuyue: "Also, my aunt told me to go home. She has already sent someone to pick it up."

"You want to go back?" Lisa was taken aback, but she quickly realized that the boss knew the situation here, fearing that the granddaughter would be in danger, and planned to take the person to a safe place.

But wait!

Whether Wang Shuyue goes back or not is not the point. The point is that the cracks really can't be repaired?

Lisa couldn't believe it. In her eyes, Wang Shufen was almost omnipotent.

"Wang Shuyue, are you sure you heard that right, is your aunt and grandma really bad?"

Wang Shuyue solemnly nodded, "I heard it right, I really can't make it up."

Lisa, who knows all about Wang Shufen, just feels unbelievable. She can tear the crack open, but can't make it up?

Can't or don't want to?

"Wang Shuyue, I told you the truth. This matter has nothing to do with your aunt's grandmother. No matter what, she has to come. In the war, she has the responsibility to mediate." Lisa said solemnly.

Wang Shuyue feels that Lisa makes sense, but she who has truly experienced the law of the jungle in the world, "the strong is respected, the weak should die", it is necessary for her to remind:

"An arrogant person will only regard such things as peace talks as your fear of him."

Lisa and Gu Ziming were stunned together, but Wang Shuyue, who looked so cheerful, could actually say such a thing.

Wang Shuyue reminded again: “For the people over there, Blue Star is a treasury full of temptations. We can exchange a lot of wealth for anything we want. This temptation, even if my aunt’s grandmother comes forward, do you think How long can it be suppressed?"

Lisa swallowed, reached out her hand and grabbed a water glass indiscriminately.

While drinking, the sound of soldiers shouting for reports came from outside the tent.

Gu Ziming said coldly: "Come in!"

The curtain was raised, and a soldier walked in, saluting first, and then said: "The commander called Wang Shuyue over."

Gu Ziming was slightly surprised, Ms. Wang Shufen is fast enough!

Wang Shuyue waved at the two and followed the soldiers away.

When he came to the commander's office that had just been set up, the previous violent military leader walked out, first glanced at Wang Shuyue up and down with weird eyes, and then waved her to beckon her to come with him.

The two came to the gate of the base, and Long Biao, wearing a black Tang suit, immediately greeted him from the woods.

"Uncle Long?" Wang Shuyue looked at the visitor in surprise, "How did you come?"

Just now on the phone with grandma aunt, she clearly heard her aunt telling Uncle Long, which means that he was still in the mansion in city g ten minutes ago!

Long Biao respectfully saluted first, and then said with a smile: "Just arrived."

It didn't mention how he got here at all.

"Troubled the leader, and personally sent our eldest lady out."

Long Biao nodded apologetically to the military leader, took out a box from his sleeve, and handed it over.

"This is something my boss gave to the commander. Please help the leader to bring it. The boss is in a hurry. I have to take the young lady back, so I won't bother the commander."

After speaking, he stuffed things into the person's hand, pulled Wang Shuyue over and walked into the forest.

The leader held the box and watched the two go away in surprise, unable to recover for a long time.

Because the box in his hand is open, there are twenty round Zhujidans lying neatly inside!

The one with the best effect with the purple Dan pattern!

Ah, this, this, this box is a bit hot!


"Uncle Long, what did grandma aunt give the commander?"

Long Biao was dragged away before he could see it. Wang Shuyue looked back and saw the shocked expression of the leader, and became more curious about the contents of the box.

Long Biao smiled and replied: "It's nothing, just 20 Jidan."

Wang Shuyue nodded subconsciously, "Oh..."

"What? Twenty?"

Wang Shuyue took a breath in response.

The building of Jidan, UU reading is a good thing even in the Continent of Vitality, not to mention the blue star whose aura has just recovered.

Seeing Wang Shuyue's painful face, Long Biao comforted: "It's worth it to be able to exchange for the eldest lady to go home."

Wang Shuyue: "It's not worth it or not, it's a question, this, this..."

This is the question she has to come back!

She asked for a temporary leave. One Jidan is enough!

Long Biao spotted the clue, stopped, and tentatively asked: "Miss is coming back?"

Wang Shuyue lowered her eyes, quickly changed the subject, and asked curiously, "Uncle Long, how did you come here?"

God Long Biao mysteriously took out a jade talisman, "Thousand-mile teleportation talisman, one has already been used, this one is going back."

After that, under Wang Shuyue's surprised gaze, she smashed the jade talisman, a white light flashed, and accompanied by a huge suction, the two figures instantly disappeared in the woods.

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